Fairy Technology

Chapter 903: Unqualified sales

"Congratulations! Transformation failed!"

Well, this tip is exactly the same, as always, let Shen Bing spit.

The focus is on the next sentence.

"Congratulations! Due to the failure of multiple transformations, the accumulated lucky value of the reconstructed items reaches the full value. The success rate of the next transformation is 100%. The lucky value is cleared after success. Note: The lucky value is cleared after 24 hours.

While Shen Bing was slightly relieved, he also felt an extremely painful egg.

Familiar recipe, familiar taste!

As a mobile game enthusiast—Zeng Jin ’s mobile game enthusiast, he is so familiar with this routine that he wants to make people grit their teeth and make more money.

Smashing equipment, smashing mounts, smashing wings, that's how it came out.

Not for gold? Still want to play games? That is impossible.

Well, Shen Bing admits that he saw this system prompt a little bit floating.

For countless gamers, the lucky value system, which is so annoying, is a surprise to Shen Bing.

Fortunately, this thing exists, at least you don't have to smash yourself endlessly.

How many times have you transformed yourself? 13 times? Or 15 times?

Shen Bing opened his backpack and took a look. There were 20 magical charms missing, and the result was already obvious. His own idea of ​​self-hypnosis was unacceptable!

This opportunity is equivalent to 20 billion Chinese yuan! No one believes this.

Shen Bing used an all-spirit amulet, and dragged a teleporter into it.


"Congratulations, the transformation was successful."

"Hmm ... congratulations on this? 100% success rate, okay?"

After spitting, Shen Bing's gaze moved to the teleporter occupying a backpack.

The attribute introduction is still that attribute introduction, but there is an additional note at the end, which can be traded.

Shen Bing was a bit embarrassed at first, but what kind of ghost is it? I have previously traded Jiuxiao Runes with other fairyland creatures myself, and I haven't seen that these items cannot be traded?

Suddenly, when Shen Bing's heart moved, he seemed to understand something.

That was a transaction between myself and the Nine Spirits.

In fact, strictly speaking, the transaction was not a transaction, but a kind of mortgage. Finally, the Jiuxiao Rune was returned to himself.

What is a transaction? The item being traded should have usage attributes.

Now that the system determines that this teleporter is tradable, it means that it also has the use attribute in other gods.

This is also consistent with the introduction of the Magic.

With a successful experience, Shen Bing looked at the remaining 79 Magic Cards.

According to the rule just now, this can provide myself with four opportunities to successfully transform the mall items. This magical charm is also placed, and it is not of much value to itself, but the transformed props are rare treasures for other gods.

The value of the teleporter is not so easy to say, but the Jiuxiao Rune is definitely an invaluable treasure.

With a charm in hand, dare to pull the Jade Emperor off the horse ...

Er, this wish is a bit too ambitious, but it also illustrates the value of Jiuxiao Rune.

I changed a Jiuxiao Rune for a Jiuzhuan Jindan, and I don't know if Taishang Laojun would agree.

Presumably ... the old man would refuse.

Who makes this old man too aggressive? Heaven, demon, demon, and what he can't fight? If he can't even fight him, the Jiuxiao Rune will not have much effect.

However, although this Jiuxiao Rune is not very attractive to Taishang Laojun, it is a treasure to other immortals.

Even if it is Sun Dasheng, he has to commit crimes against Jiuxiao Shenlei.

This thing completely ignores whether your body is overbearing, or even how many geniuses and divine treasures you eat, as long as you do n’t reach the state of the saint, it is a thunderbolt and totally unreasonable.

Although a piece of Jiuxiao Rune can't get Jiuzhuan Jindan from Tai Shang Laojun, the chances of getting this thing from other gods are quite high.

Even if Jindan can't be bought for nine rounds, this is a treasure made only by 20,000 cents jade. After all, you have to sell the cost price.

As for the transformation of elixir, such as Lingqiao Dan and Dragon Tiger Dan, with all spirits, Shen Bing did not consider it at all. For the gods, it is estimated that the two elixir are also chicken ribs.

Now Shen Bing is not in a hurry to transform the Jiuxiao Rune, but handed the transformed teleportation to the Hydra.

"Xiao Jiu, give it a try, can you use this treasure?" Shen Bing said.

Hydra looked at the host suspiciously and took it obediently.

The moment he was holding the teleporter, a surprised expression appeared on a handsome face.

"Master, this treasure is amazing." Xiao Ji exclaimed.

"Oh? What a magic method?" Shen Bing was curious about how other gods in this mall treasure are used.

Hydra immediately said: "The moment I hold this treasure, my consciousness automatically emerges at any place in the three realms I have been to. A voice in the bottom tells me that as long as I move, I can arrive in an instant. Anywhere inside. "

After speaking, Hydra suddenly looked at Shen Bing in shock and asked, "Master, is this treasure that you rely on to travel freely to and from the Three Realms?"

Shen Bing did not intend to conceal anything, and directly gave a positive answer.

Hydra is excited.

Shen Bingdao: "This teleporter will be given to you, and at the same time a task will be given to you."

"What task?"

Shen Bingdao: "Help me find the water of inanimate life. If you encounter a large number of siege of the demon world, you can use this teleporter to leave."

Hydra agreed immediately.

He is a monster that is afraid of death, otherwise he would not be subdued by Shen Bing at first. But with this teleporter, he doesn't think that these small dregs of the Devil can threaten his life.

Moreover, if you help your master find the water without life, and you do not use the teleporter, you want to come to this treasure is your own.

These treasures are life-saving at critical times.

At the moment, the Hydra was holding the teleporter, and it appeared happily in its original form, rising into the air, and began to search for the so-called inanimate water in Wanmo Mountain.

The idle Shen Bing first returned to the Phantom Island, then opened the backpack, and began to "smash equipment"-Sure enough, Jin is really addictive.

Shen Bing hesitated, and bought four magical charms.

Although the failure of 20 transformations can fill the lucky value of the transformed objects, this transformation will not consume the magic spells.

Therefore, strictly speaking, to successfully transform a prop, a total of 21 magic symbols are required.

As a result, it was no surprise that 83 Magic Cards brought four tradable Jiuxiao Runes to it.

That's right, Shen Bing did use all the magic charms to transform the Jiuxiao Runes.

"The odds ... this special pit!" Shen Bing spit it out fiercely.

His vomiting is not without reason.

Imagine that 104 magic cards have been transformed 104 times. The five successes are all because the lucky value reaches the full value, and the rest are all failures ... failures ... failures ...

The process was simply unbearable.

Shen Bing has no hope of saying "have a chance" in the introduction to the attributes of magical charms.

Holding heavy treasure, Shen Bing did not intend to put the cub in his backpack.

He thought about it, clicked on a teleporter, and arrived at Guanjiangkou the next second.

There was no one around and I didn't know where Erlang Shen hid.

But Shen Bing had a way, and immediately opened his throat and shouted.

Sure enough, Erlang Shen appeared in front of him instantly.

Erlang Shen has not seen Shen Bing for some time. When the two sides separated last time, it was a bit unpleasant.

Who asked Shen Bing to blackmail two treasures from the God of Erlang alive? It also includes a precious Ascension Dan.

"I don't know what my Master is looking for?" Erlang Shen's expression on the official business.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "I haven't seen Zhenjun for some time, so I thought about you."

Erlang Zhenjun endured the urge to fight this round for three hundred rounds and said, "Hey, you can find the wrong person. In this case, you should go to Taibai Venus. He is a word."

Shen Bingdao: "The cricket is too slippery, Benxian still deals with honest people like Zhenjun."

For the first time, Erlang thinks honest people are a derogatory term. This **** is bullying honest people!

"Roll ..." He felt his three-pointed, two-edged sword already hungry and thirsty, but unfortunately he was really guilty of Jiuxiao Shenlei.

As soon as he said this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, a sore face appeared on his face.

Because he clearly saw that Shen Bing already had a Jiuxiao Rune in his hands.

The faint sense of threat emanating from it could never hide his perception.

Is this obvious? Still threatening?

"I don't know what this means?" Erlang asked honestly, but his face was a bit ugly.

Shen Bing said with a smile: "Don't misunderstand Zhenjun. This is a happy event for Zhenjun. This nine-character rune originally belonged to Benxian's unique weapon. It can be improved after Benxian's full-time improvement. Immortals can easily use these nine runes. "

Erlang Shen did not respond for a moment, but just watched Shen Bing pretendly.

Not to mention him, it is any god. After listening to this sentence, Shen Bing would not expect to sell Jiuxiao Rune.

After all, who would like to have such a big killer in the hands of others?

Shen Bing looked at Erlangshen's expression and felt that he was still a long way from being a qualified salesman.

"Dare to ask Zhenjun, are you interested in these Jiuxiao Runes?" Shen Bing was an upright man and asked directly if he had something.

Erlang Shen paused for a long while and asked, "Are you going to sell this Jiuxiao Rune?"

Shen Bingdao: "Others want to buy the Nine Xiao Rune of Benxian. Benxian naturally does not sell it. But Zhenjun, you are not an outsider. The Feishengdan and that magical power you gave to you were very helpful to this fairy. Benxian returns a little bit. "

It's okay not to mention Dan Feisheng. When mentioning this, Erlang Shen's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

But thinking of the power of the Jiuxiao Rune, Erlang Shen couldn't refuse.

"I wonder if the Master is going to make this thing worthwhile?"

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