Fairy Technology

Chapter 908: We are not man

The exercise city is called Kendall. This country experienced a war more than ten years ago and left countless ruined empty cities. Kendall was one of them.

At this moment, the air of killing was permeated in the air of Kendall City.

There are soldiers with live ammunition everywhere, especially in the periphery, various fortifications have been built, only waiting for the enemy to commit.

Anti-aircraft missiles have been deployed in all corners of the city.

It can be said that the entire city is completely a turtle shell. Wrong, it is a hedgehog!

Slovakia is the supreme commander of the old Russia during this exercise, and is also the leader of "terrorists."

He patrolled around the fortifications everywhere, full of confidence.

"Hua Xia ... even if it is stronger than the old one, don't even try to break through our defense." Slovakia was very proud.

In fact, according to Slov's idea, since this is an irregular exercise, they do not have to be passively beaten and directly send troops to attack the enemy's station.

But the above vetoed his meaning and gave clear instructions: the strongest defense, to test the strength of Huaxia to the maximum.

Obviously, the defense at ease can bring a greater degree of threat to Huaxia.

Now, Slov has arrived in the underground command room to prevent beheading operations against missiles with magical stealth capabilities.

As long as beheadings can be avoided, the other side's missiles are not well-founded, because according to their control, the enemy has no other long-range attack equipment except a new nuclear-powered large aircraft. Maybe that big plane would carry missiles, but definitely not too many.

Just as Slovak was thinking about how to slap Huaxia, a radar soldier standing next to him suddenly got up and said, "Report! Paratroopers appear in the air, no transport plane was found!"

Slovak frowned, but did not find paratroopers on the transport plane. Is this ... does the other party use stealth technology on a large aircraft and then use the large aircraft to transport airborne troops? Then attack with airborne troops?

Slovakia felt like he was being fed with a sip of hot air. What a pity!

To use Slovak's idea, if you have such technology, you must use a bomber, and you will hover around the enemy's head, throwing bombs until the opponent surrenders.

But do n’t drop bombs now, what the **** is a paratrooper?

"Give orders to all parts, and I'll find these paratroopers in the shortest possible time and destroy them! No ... captives! I look forward to the old friend of Huaxia looking at his soldiers being taken back."

With the orders issued, countless soldiers cast their green eyes on the sky.

The blossoming of umbrellas in the air made these people even more excited.

The number of paratroopers was only two hundred, and the monks were more flesh and less meat, so everyone had to allocate them according to groups.

The instructions were quickly issued, and each soldier had his own goal. They searched for a suitable position and waited for the prey to come.

They are very proud at the moment.

I am like a crocodile in the pond, staring at the paratroopers slowly falling in the air, the other side must be desperate ...

Near ... near ...

A soldier glanced at a telescope and observed paratroopers hundreds of meters away from the ground.

"This guy ... doesn't seem to be right ..." The picture in the telescope puzzled the soldier.

As the opponent descended and lowered, he finally saw the target.

"Nima ... is this wearing metal armor?"

His murmur caught the attention of his companions, who grabbed the binoculars and immediately cursed: "Asshole! That's a robot!"

"Quick! Report!"

"The paratroopers launched by Huaxia are robots!"

However, this seems to be a bit late. The paratroopers landed significantly faster than normal paratroopers, and they dropped down a few hundred meters away.

One by one, the robots were down-to-earth, making heavy noises, showing their extraordinary weight.


There was a burst of gunshots-certainly not live ammunition, but the momentum was quite sufficient.

The robot's movements are extremely flexible, the whole body turns into a streamer, rolls of smoke and dust, and numerous bullets hit the area behind them.

However, in the face of such gunfire, even if the robot has powerful kinetic energy, it cannot be completely avoided.

The next seconds the falling robots showed red marks one after another, indicating that they were shot.

Almost at the same time, the robot launched an attack, and a weird gun in his hand kept firing rapidly, leaving marks on the surrounding "terrorists" and eliminating them one by one.

The "terrorists" who "shot" naturally stopped their hands, and they should go and receive a lunch.

However, they found that the robots that had been bombarded several times were still attacking ...

Isn't that justified?

This is an exercise! Shouldn't I automatically exit the sequence after being shot?



Soldiers who have not retired from the battle sequence are still attacking wildly, while those who have been eliminated are in trouble.

The situation was immediately reflected in the exercise command room.

A tall Russian officer looked at the Huaxia officer next to him and said, "General Liu, you are not so authentic! The rules of the exercise ..."

Before the other party finished speaking, General Liu said with a smile: "General Iwan, you talk about it, why not be authentic."

General Ivan said: "According to the rules of the exercise, the bullets will be withdrawn from the exercise sequence. Your people have hit at least ten bullets, but they are still fighting. Do you think this is appropriate?"

General Liu grinned and said, "We are not in the war!"

"Uh ..." General Ivan was speechless.

Another officer next to him said, "General Liu, even if it is a robot, the bullet will be damaged."

General Liu said, "You don't have to worry about this. Our robot is very strong. As long as it doesn't hit dozens of bullets in a row or hit twice or more at the same point with anti-device weapons, it won't break. This is the conclusion drawn from our experiments. Of course, if you have doubts, you can verify it after the exercise. "

General Ivan and others glanced at each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Robots that can withstand ordinary gun attacks are very rare. General Liu even said that such robots from Huaxia can withstand attacks from anti-equipment weapons, which is simply sensational!

If it is really what General Liu said, then their attack was indeed not enough to reduce the number of robot soldiers ...

Although they still have suspicions about this, considering that General Liu had said this in person, it should have a lot of credibility. In this case, it will be verified after the exercise is over there.

General Ivan did not feel desperate for the exercise at this moment, even if the robot's defense is amazing, but this thing has a fatal weakness, which is its endurance.

Even if Huaxia's Huanxian technology company has made great achievements in batteries, it may not be possible to support a robot for high-intensity combat.

Just drag on, maybe these robots will fall by themselves.

Those "terrorists" were a little confused at the time when the instructions of "there were no violations in the exercise, and all parties were required to conduct the exercise as planned" were returned to the exercise site.

However, after all, they are elite. Now that they continue to exercise, they should be treated as unconventional combat units.

Those generals can see the flaws of the robot, and they can see it too.

drag! This is the consensus of all.

As a result, the soldiers who had just been engaged in fierce fighting immediately became birds and beasts! Then find a place to hide.

When they want to come, robots, even intelligent robots, can they compare their tactical literacy with these elite arms?

But soon, they found themselves really stupid and naive!

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