Fairy Technology

Chapter 913: Don't understand

"The chief asked me to tell you something. His elders are going to take a trip to Rongcheng in the past few days, and by the way come to your company to see." Secretary Jiang said casually.

Shen Bing was surprised, and said, "The chief wants to come to our company? What?"

Secretary Jiang paused for a while, then said angrily: "What? Are you not welcome, Xiao Shen?"

You have to change to someone else. When you ask this, you may say that you are scared, but Shen Bing ca n’t, and he smiled bitterly: "How can I? I just think that the moment is very busy, the head is so busy, there is no need Come to our company for inspection. "

Secretary Jiang said: "The chief is going to Rongcheng. Going to your company is just the way. You should not have any psychological pressure."

Shen Bing quietly pursed her lips, huh? In other words, it is estimated that it is almost the same: mainly to the magic fairy technology company, to Rongcheng is just the way to go, anyway, come all the way.

This is not Shen Bing's self-expansion, but a theoretical basis.

At present, the domestic and international situation is tense, and at the same time, it is also facing the threat of aliens. As the head, it is natural that he should sit in Kyoto and control the overall situation. Under normal circumstances, he will never leave Beijing.

But now that the head of state actually wants to come to Rongcheng to take a look, it can only show that Rongcheng has something inseparable from the current situation.

What could it be? Shen Bing can say without hesitation that only Magic Fairy Technology.

Shen Bing even guessed that the most important factor that contributed to the idea of ​​the chief's trip to Rongcheng was the charged particle gun.

In one shot, the alien battleship thousands of miles away fell.

How powerful is this?

At the same time, what technology does Magic Immortal rely on to track alien warships? This is also worthy of attention.

In the current situation, the threat of that alien base on the moon is like the sword of Damocles hanging on the head of everyone around the world. It can fall at any time and destroy everything.

Although the global focus is now on Huaxia, it is believed that Huaxia is the core force to resist the invasion of the shape. However, the chief executive and others are very clear that all of this requires the technical support of the magic fairy technology.

Well, all of this is actually Shen Bing's own thinking, but it is estimated that it is inseparable.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

The chief executive came here on the one hand in order to show the high-level attention to the magic fairy technology, on the other hand, there is something to discuss with Shen Bing.

The original director could also invite Shen Bing to Kyoto, but considering the preciousness of Shen Bing's brain, it is better to go by himself in order not to delay his research and development time.

This is also the chain reaction caused by the shock of the magic fairy technology to the world in this year. It is the chief executive. He also believes that Shen Bing should be engaged in scientific research day and night. Even if this super scientific research giant who sleeps and forgets is delayed, even if it is delayed A second is a sin.

Shen Bing had no objection to the inspection by the head. But who made Shen Bing really unable to make time in the near future?

There is no doubt that once the chief executive decides to come to Huaxian Technology, he will take at least one day to accompany him, and at the same time, he will have to devote energy to make preparations in advance, and the delay of four or five days is considered small.

This is still the result of all simplifications. In other words, other companies have received notices from the heads of inspections. I am afraid they have to make preparations a few months in advance.

If it was normal, Shen Bing had been delayed for four or five days, but now ... he really couldn't spare the time.

It's not that he really wants to carry out scientific research day and night, but that he is going to travel or something.

Tourism is not the purpose, but the essence is to collect the emotions of love and desire.

Shen Bing already thought about it long ago. The only way to collect more passionate emotions is to dig into the pile of people as much as possible. The more people, the better, and the fluidity must be strong enough.

To have such characteristics, is there anything more reliable than tourism?

What time is it now? On October 2nd, the Eleventh Golden Week has just begun, and the major scenic spots in the country are full of people. How can such time be delayed in other matters?

"Secretary Jiang, I've been really busy these days. Should I change my time?" Shen Bing said gently.

Secretary Jiang smiled indifferently, and said, "You can understand if you are busy. The head is also considering that you are busy, so you made a special trip to Rongcheng ... Well, you ca n’t delay much time anyway, and you do n’t need much. What are you going to prepare for? It's enough to meet with the heads and talk for an hour or two. "

Shen Bing smiled bitterly, how did he make himself take it?

Although according to Secretary Jiang's statement, he did not delay much time, but the chiefs were worried that they would be busy to make a special trip to Rongcheng, and they were embarrassed to travel around the world?

Shen Bing hesitated, and said, "Secretary Jiang, actually ... I'm actually going to take a trip and relax during the National Day holiday. If you don't like this, you can set a time and I will come directly to Kyoto and wait for the chief to meet."

Although Shen Bing can't see it, even if he thinks with his buttocks, he can guess that Secretary Jiang's expression is absolutely wonderful at this moment.

"Your boy ... is this what you said?" The voice on the phone changed, and this was the voice of the chief.

Shen Bing Muggle instantly ...

It's a mess. Did you do something wrong?

He turned his head very fast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He thought about the sentence he had just heard, he didn't seem to be angry, but he just had some meaning of crying and laughing.

He immediately smiled and said, "You are also the head."

The head is really not angry. Anyone who has such a super genius as Shen Bing, who is vital to China, will have enough measures, not to mention the head.

"Your kid is really going to travel during National Day?" The chief asked, never mentioning that he was planning to go to Huanxian Technology. "This National Day is full of people. Your kid can really pick time."

Shen Bing was very helpless, he could not say that he was just trying to get more people, right? It is absolutely impossible to say what collects the emotion of seven emotions and six desires.

"Actually, I didn't intend to go, but I haven't accompanied Yunxue to go out for a walk before, and they are all in a small mood. This time, the schedule is also scheduled in advance ...

As Shen Bing said, at the same time he said to the two in the heart that I'm sorry, you have to help me with this pot.

The director Cixiang laughed: "Yunxue? Is that your little girlfriend? That girl is good."

Shen Bing was not surprised that the chief knew about Yun Xue. It is estimated that not only Yun Xue, but also Yuan Wei and his elderly people.

The reason for not mentioning it is to avoid embarrassment.

Shen Bing smiled.

The director said, "Since your kid is going to travel, I will wait for you in Kyoto. By the way, where are your kid going to go? Not going abroad?"

Shen Bingdao: "This is not the case, there are not many domestic people abroad."

The head was silent, and seemed to be digesting the words of Shen Bing.

Is this ... talking about the same thing? How do you feel it's not on a frequency?

I don't understand!

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