Fairy Technology

Chapter 923: It feels like death!

It's a shame not to be a good man before the Great Wall. It's a pity not to eat roast duck.

Roast duck, Shen Bing had eaten last night, and it is an authentic background Quanjude roast duck.

So today, he came to the Great Wall.

Even now the world is shrouded in the shadow of alien invasions, there are legends of aliens everywhere.

But Shen Bing was unable to stop the Chinese people from traveling. This is the locust army, and they still swept the Great Wall of Badaling as always.

Some people inside are really big-hearted, aliens and everything are clouds in his eyes. Or maybe there is wine nowadays drunk.

Some people are also pessimistic. Aliens are coming, so scary ...

Is it about to die? Is the earth dying? Then take advantage of the many places you haven't been to before you die, even if the shyness in your pocket is not enough to travel around the world, it is still possible to take a trip around China.

Today's Badaling is even more lively than the previous National Day.

It's just that the tourists who come here now are not completely filled with excited smiles.

The reason why Shen Bing chose the first stop here is not only because he knows that there are many people here, but also because of the terrain.

What are the characteristics of the Badaling Great Wall? Well, first of all, there are many people. Secondly, all people are distributed on the Great Wall in a straight line. As long as they walk from beginning to end, as long as everyone has a strong sense of affection and six desires, they will be absorbed by the magical instrument, and there will be no fish leaking the net.

People who come to the popular scenic spots normally must arrive at the tourist spots early. So in order not to miss these people, Shen Bing made a special trip to get up early.

But at this moment, he found that he still underestimated the difficulty of this task.

Well, there are indeed a lot of people here, which is a good thing. But the downside is that there are too many people here, and the idea of ​​wanting to move fast and collect the emotions of seven emotions and six desires is simply difficult to achieve.

With such a dense flow of people, if you want to dress in the crowd, that can only be a good wish.

Especially with two Yun Xue and Yuan Wei who really want to travel around, this is even more difficult.

However, Shen Bing didn't regret bringing their two daughters. After all, they didn't spend much time with them. If the two girls knew that they were traveling alone, and they left them far away, they really only got one. The first "cool" gave myself.

"Are you tired?" Shen Bing asked suddenly after walking for almost half an hour.

"Why be tired after walking around like this?" Yun Xue proudly said, "You don't look at the ability of this girl ..."

Yun Xue didn't say anything later, but Shen Bing understood, but this girl is a person who has taken Longhu Dan, and it would be strange if you feel tired.

Yuan Wei smiled sweetly and said, "Shen Bing, if you want to rest, let's find a place in front of us to sit for a while."

"I'm not tired, the key is that I'm afraid you're tired, but I will feel bad." Shen Bingqing said sincerely.

Yuan Wei had a touch of red on her cheek, but she didn't speak.

However, Yun Xue glanced at Shen Bing.

"I'll get you some food." Shen Bing said immediately.

After listening, Li Xiao said immediately, "Boss, let me do this."

Shen Bing stared, and said, "You are here to guard, but don't let people bully Yun Xue and Yuan Wei. I'll come and go."

Although Li Xiao was not a tapeworm in Shen Bing's stomach, after the other side said this, he also understood that Shen Bing was probably for another purpose, and he would no longer insist.

In support of what she said to Shen Bing, he mentioned others' silence for a few minutes.

Who can bully Yun Xue and Yuan Wei? At present, the world dares to say that it is more powerful than these two beautiful women. It is estimated that there are only the boss and himself.

Shen Bing didn't wait for them to say, then turned and left.

More than ten minutes later, Shen Bing came back with a large bag of snacks.

With a smile on his face, he was satisfied with the trip.

"Sure enough, I must take the initiative to attack!" Shen Bing secretly smug.

Just now, using the excuse of buying food, he found a toilet to hide, and then activated the stealth function of his special clothes. He flew up the wall of the Great Wall.

With his current strength, he is running at full speed and cannot catch up. Although it only took a few minutes, he ran all over the Badaling Great Wall tour area.

In just such a few minutes, Shen Bing collected almost 70% of joy, 50% of sorrow, 40% of fear, and the rest of his passion and emotions also increased by 10% -40%.

Some would say that forty-five thousand people on the entire Badaling Great Wall, it is not normal to collect only such a little passion.

In fact, these results are absolutely impressive.

Although everyone has emotions, if the emotions are not intense to a certain degree, these seven emotions and six desires cannot be absorbed by the magical instruments.

It is reasonable to collect so many joys on the Great Wall this time. After all, people who travel are bound to have more joy.

But sorrow and fear, which can be followed immediately by "happiness", can also explain many problems.

People are afraid of aliens, and many of them are scared. Even if many people hide this emotion in their hearts, it does not mean that this emotion is not strong. There are also many people who are full of sadness for the future of mankind.

Through this emotional response, we can actually prove from the side that there are outbreaks of marches in various countries. It is understandable that most people have asked their country to join China ’s joint defense system.

fear! The fear of alien invasion and pessimism about the future have driven people to make the most favorable choice for themselves.

"This alien is simply his own blessing." Shen Bing felt that he had been too cruel to the alien he had caught before. This should be reviewed by himself.

Once he had such a huge gain, Shen Bing's inner worries were largely put down.

Since it is said that it is out for tourism, then take a good tour. This time will probably be less and less in the future.


Not to mention Shen Bing, while enjoying the pleasure of traveling, while collecting passionate emotions, it is high-level leaders in many countries around the world, and at this moment they are almost scratching their scalp.

The situation on Huaxia made them unexpected ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Especially the old American vice president Mr. Cotton, at this moment is completely in an aggressive state.

How did this happen?

Shouldn't Huaxia carry the banner of resistance to aliens, fight against aliens in blood, and then sit on his own side to collect fishing profits?

How did Huaxia make the surroundings into an iron bucket in an instant?

You must know that Laomei has been constantly working on things around Huaxia in recent years, and has spent countless costs and energy to produce some results.

With the emergence of the Huaxia Joint Defense System, decades of hard work by the old Americans have all but disappeared.

It feels like ... it really makes people want to die!

Naturally, the old American is worried that this is just the beginning. As more and more charged particle guns are launched in China, the potential will be stronger and stronger, and the countries attached to this joint defense system will also more and more.

At the same time, as China ’s neighboring countries join this joint defense system, China will be able to charge charged particle cannons that do not belong over these countries, and then continue to radiate outward.

This is an unsolvable cycle, and Laomei can only watch her sphere of influence eat away step by step.

Just as Mr. Cotton was struggling with the collapse of the global landscape created by his country for decades, a group returned to the White House.

Mr. President is back!

It was like a bomb that stunned people all over the world.

Wasn't the US President abducted by an alien? Not only the president, but also the nearly 1,000 people in the White House, were all abducted by aliens.

But now Mr. President is back, not only him, but also all other abductees.

Did the aliens' conscience find that they were released unconditionally?

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