Fairy Technology

Chapter 934: Not ill

Everything at the alien base remains the same, and the black wormhole gate in the middle of the base still stands there silently.

Shen Bing stared at the wormhole.

It is a hundred meters in diameter.

I don't know if it is an illusion. This thing seems to be bigger than the last time I saw it.

No trace of alien activity has been found around the wormhole.

"Master, I have been monitoring around the wormhole, and they have not yet sent people into the wormhole. We still have a chance," Ball said.

Shen Bing frowned, and asked, "The charged particle cannon cannot attack the alien base. We can only use those five A2 fighters."

"Yes! Those five fighters!" Ball said.

Shen Bing asked: "With the electric stun gun above, you can lay down the alien base? Did you forget the attack methods of those aliens? Although they may not destroy the Aidman alloy shell of the A2 fighter, but Under high-intensity impact, the interior of the fighter will also be damaged or malfunctioned, just like the original Ghost No. 1 ... Ghost No. 1 ... "

The small ball looked at Shen Bing with a burning gaze, and Shen Bing also changed his inexplicable look.

That's right! Ghost One! This stuff is still inside the alien base.

Although Ghost One is currently in captivity, and its combat effectiveness is insufficient for alien bases.

Don't forget one thing. Its power system is a small nuclear fission reactor.

This nuclear reactor can provide power in peacetime, but it can also detonate if it is outrageous.

To say that other ordinary nuclear reactors may not reach weapon-level concentrations, but the concentration of such a miniature nuclear fission reactor made by Magic Immortal Technology has definitely reached weapon-level.

At the time, Shen Bing decided to send A2 fighters and Ghost One to the moon, and he was ready to go back, so it was inevitable to keep some backhand.

One of them is to give Ghost One the ability to self-detonate.

Since the ghost No. 1 was captured, because the other party was just imprisoning him, perhaps he wanted to conduct in-depth research, plus Shen Bing also needed to use the threat of aliens to complete the deployment of Huaxia's joint defense system, so he did not move.

These days, he almost forgot that there was another Ghost One inside the alien base.

Now the situation is abrupt, maybe this guy can be used.

Shen Bing never dared to underestimate the strength of aliens, so even with five A2 sci-fi fighters, Shen Bing did not hold much hope. But Ghost 1 is not the same, not only because of the power of the nuclear explosion, but more importantly, it is inside the alien base.

If these aliens can also be strong enough to defend against nuclear explosions, then Shen Bing really has nothing to say.

"Ball ball, you immediately give the ghost No. 1 blow command!" Shen Bing whispered.

"Brother, are you okay." The partition of the toilet was ringing, and a voice of concern came. "Why ... I'll call Anding Hospital?"

Shen Bing almost exploded.

Although he hasn't been in Kyoto for a long time, he also knows that Anding Hospital is a psychiatric hospital.

"Go! You have mental illness." Shen Bing could not help but curse.

In fact, he is always good in temperament, but now he is upset now, and this girl has come up to have fun, isn't this a mischief?

"Sure enough, it's not a serious illness. This should be a split personality, can you still play a double reed dialogue, Niubi!" The people outside were actually not angry.

Yes, how can you breathe with a mental illness?

When Shen Bing heard that the other party seemed to be making a phone call, she felt quite cried.

If it were taken to the hospital by a group of people in white coats, the innocence of their life would be ruined.

At the moment, when Shen Bing wiped his watch, the holographic image disappeared instantly. Shen Bing jumped out of the toilet compartment at the fastest speed, as if a wind rushed out.

When he left, he did not forget to look back at the "good-hearted person" who was still making a phone call, looking forward to how he would explain to the doctor in a while, it is estimated that he would doubt life.

"It seems that in the future, we need to develop a set of equipment that can exchange ideas. Otherwise, it is very troublesome to say a lot of things in the public." Shen Bing appeared outside the toilet and made a secret decision.

Although I have deliberately lowered my voice just now, others can still hear it.

Originally, Shen Bing felt that even if someone heard it, he thought he was nonsense at most, but he did not expect to meet such an enthusiastic person.

At present, Shen Bing took out a set of Bluetooth headsets and continued to communicate with the ball.

"Master, once we blow up the alien base, the Corgi Empire opposite the Wormhole will probably know that there is a problem here. Although we cannot judge what the other party will do now, we must be fully prepared."

"What are you going to do?" Shen Bing asked.

The fairway: "According to our deduction, the wormhole's ability to pass is limited. No matter how powerful the Corgi Empire is, it will not be possible to send a large number of troops in a short time. If we deploy a strong defense around the wormhole Power should be able to stop the pace of the Corgi Empire. "

Shen Bing could not help but nodded, this method is good! Blocking the portal, I used to do this before playing games.

"That being said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ our spaceship must be advanced."

"If you work overtime on the Golden Island, you should be able to complete preparations in three to five days."

"Okay, you tell Defoe and let them move quickly."

"Understand." The fairway, "Master, Ghost One has completed the preparations. All the armor has been removed and can be detonated at any time .... No, the alien found Ghost One anomaly and detonated!"

Shen Bing's stride could not help but stand still for two seconds, he looked up at the sky.

Did it explode?

This is definitely the first nuclear explosion on the moon, but unfortunately I didn't see the live broadcast. I blame the over-enthusiastic guy just now.

The next second, he couldn't help but regret it. Those who were taken away by the aliens could not be rescued, and in a way, they died in their own hands.


"What is the effect of the explosion?" Shen Bing put aside these cluttered thoughts and asked.

The ball fairway; "I can only see a small mushroom cloud through the moon on the moon, it has enveloped the entire base and cannot see what is inside."

Shen Bingdao: "Always watch."

"Okay, master."

Although Shen Bing still remembers things on the moon, he also knows that he is beyond reach now, and the only thing he can do is wait.

Then Shen Bing entered the gate of fairyland again and discussed the matter of Xun Peng with Xiao Jiu.

He had a question in his mind. In the immortal world, everyone thought that the demon emperor was a saint, and that he had encountered the demon emperor clone with the **** Erlang in the demon world. That guy was too strong.

How come to the mouth of Hydra, the demon emperor has the same existence as the emperor of the jade emperor?

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