Fairy Technology

Chapter 939: Evolution, longevity

The street full of food gathered together, the scene was spectacular.

If there are many people with pessimism and despair in shopping, scenic tourism, etc., then this group of food is only happy.

As the saying goes, two goods are more joyful, but in fact they are more joyful.

This whole street brings together Xiaohua from all over the country. Even if it is some famous food abroad, you can find traces here.

The goal of the three Shen Bing is to eat, or to try it! According to Shen Bing, where there are more people lining up, they eat wherever they eat and only eat a little.

Yun Xue and Yuan Wei believed it.

Shen Bingle bloomed, this is the king!

The scent of the nose can't curb the appetite for the appetite, so that Shen Bing's mouth and nose are going up.

In fact, people who often eat snacks outside know that many things smell fragrant, but they are disappointed after eating. Fortunately, Shen Bing's purpose is only to collect the emotions of seven emotions and six desires. As for whether he will repent after eating, this will not affect Shen Bing.

"This sizzling squid is good, come here!"

"Wow, this tofu is so appetizing!"

"I think this Hong Kong beef ball is also very good."

"Eat ... eat ..."

Shen Bing felt that this street was filled with the secretion breath produced by the salivary glands, large and small.


At noon, Secretary Jiang called Shen Bing.

The chief met him at four in the office.

"Shen Bing, are you going to see the chief again?" Yun Xue touched his stomach that had already been eaten, and whispered.

Shen Bingdao: "There is something to discuss with his elderly people."

Yun Xue: "Then Yuan Wei and I will wait for you at the hotel."

"Just do it, if you want to go somewhere else."

"okay then."

Shen Bing stunned the artifact in the backpack. The first emotion of the seven emotions and six desires had already accumulated, and the mouth and nose desire of the second artifact also increased by 40%. The growth is also quite gratifying, but the improvement of emotions such as sadness, life, and death is minimal.

Although this snack street is good, the area is only so large after all, and it is almost the same time.

There are still two or three hours to go to see the director. Shen Bing didn't want to wait stupidly, so he and Yun Xue picked a nearby scenic spot to hang out.

After the end, Shen Bing gave the car to Yunxue and took a taxi to the destination.

He walked to the door of the chief's office and saw Zhou Lao coming out of it. Shen Bing smiled and asked him, but didn't say much.

"Xiao Shen, it's rare that your boy came to me and said, what's the matter." The chief laughed heartily.

Shen Bing sat down opposite the head and said, "Head, how old are you?"

"Very good!" The director was surprised, and then said with infinite joy, "The peach you gave last time is probably the fairy peach of the fairyland. I have checked it with my doctor several times after I have eaten, and my body is almost better than young people Better. "

Shen Bing pouted a smile, the head is really powerful, you can see that it is Xiantao.

"Head, that peach is really extraordinary, but the output is ultimately limited and not suitable for all people." Shen Bing said, "If you think about it, if we have the ability to improve the physical fitness of the people, and even extend the life of everyone, it will What a grand occasion? "

The chief was shocked and said, "That's naturally excellent, but ..."

"Well, let's not talk about this issue." Shen Bingdao, "Chief Executive, what do you think of the current situation of social productivity?"

The expression on the head's face was strange. She gave Shen Bing a glance, and said, "Can you stop talking like that? I'm old and I can't keep up."

Shen Bingxi smiled and said, "Accident! Accident! You don't care about these details, let's talk about business."

The head shook his head helplessly. He was also curious about what medicine Shen Bingguan bought.

"Now ... With the advancement of science and technology, social productivity has naturally greatly increased. People can now have such a prosperous life, which is also inseparable from the improvement of productivity." The chief answered briefly.

Shen Bingdao: "What if we promote the use of robots in the whole society?"

"This ..." The chief hesitated, saying, "I believe your company has this strength. If robots are widely used, it will naturally liberate countless people from the heavy production and living activities, but this will lead to great Nowadays, the main way of distributing wealth in human society is still labor. If labor depends on robots in the future, this will inevitably lead to large-scale unemployment. The problem is serious! "

Shen Bingqi calmly said: "I have also thought about the question you are worried about, but if I have a way to resettle this idle population?"

"Even if you can settle down, if the problem of wealth distribution is solved? Is it equalitarian?" Said the director.

"Head, this is another question, okay." Shen Bing smiled bitterly, "Well, if I can re-establish a set of wealth distribution methods in society, is it possible for large-scale promotion of robots?"

"This ... is theoretically possible."

The head hesitated, he was a little bit confused about what Shen Bing's purpose was.

But the most important thing is that he doesn't believe that Shen Bing can solve the two problems he said.

The head continued: "The two problems I said can not be solved in a few words, nor can they be solved by high-tech innovation. It is a social problem and has nothing to do with natural science."

Shen Bingdao: "I know this, but I have full confidence in solving these problems."

"Talk about your thoughts."


"Have you read more of your kid's novel?" The chief complained a lot.

Shen Bing is very aggressive, and the chief has also seen online novels?

"The game I am talking about is not the kind of smart game on the market today, but a virtual reality game." Shen Bing said.

The head was not surprised by what Shen Bing said, saying: "Isn't virtual reality games also games? I know that some of the online novels that your young people watch describe some of the virtual reality games in a magical way, and even call them the first Second world. But you haven't thought that it will not be easy for people all over the world to accept the virtual world. It will take at least decades or even hundreds of years of subtle influence. "

Shen Bing was very calm and said, "Head, you are right, but this is because the attraction of this virtual world is not enough. If the attraction of this virtual world is strong enough, what you worry about will not exist."

The head of the executive instantly understood the meaning in Shen Bing's words and asked, "How do you want to increase the appeal of the virtual world?"

Shen Bing touched his nose and said, "Evolution, longevity!"

Even if the head has gone through countless storms, it is not calm at this moment.

"Can the virtual world do this?"

He almost didn't say if your mind was kicked by the donkey.

Shen Bingdao: "The normal virtual world naturally does not have these functions, but we can achieve this function in a roundabout way."

"How to achieve it?" It is absolutely impossible to say that the chief is not curious at this moment.

Shen Bing laughed: "It's very simple. Now I have mastered the formulas of genetically enhanced medicaments and life extension medicaments, plus physical fitness, pack these things well, and turn them into game props for players to compete in the game world Snatch. I think people from all over the world will drill inside if they break their heads? With this, the wealth of the game world is definitely more valuable than the wealth of the real world. In this way, the problem of wealth distribution is resolved, and idle labor is also It ’s been resettled.

The director was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly took a deep look at Shen Bing, saying, "Your boy, I'm afraid it's been a long time since I planned this thing?"

Shen Bingdao: "It's not too long, it's only half a year. In fact, I just wanted to get a virtual reality game, but I didn't think about it. But after various problems appeared, I had to inject more into this game. Meaning. "

The director said: "I will not talk about the others first. What benefit can you gain by investing so much?"

Shen Bing seemed to have expected the director to ask this question, and smiled, "In fact, I have also considered the question you said, the benefits are too great for me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course, I I never thought of operating real-world finance through the financial system of the game world. What I call a benefit, of course, allows me to sell robots on a large scale. On the other hand, with the launch of this virtual reality game, this Game equipment can only be produced by our company, and can also be sold and sold naturally. Of course, these are just immediate benefits. What is really important is that in this way, we can train enough \ 'astronauts' for the interstellar era. Turn on, you can't do without these people. "

The director suddenly laughed and said, "It looks like your kid is step by step! The new products your company will launch in a few days, including this game, right?"

Shen Bing immediately said, "This is not included."

"Not included?" The chief was taken aback. "Do you have any other new products besides this epoch-making game?"

Shen Bingdao: "Of course there are new products, but compared with this game, it is indeed worse."

"Well, I won't ask you what product, or talk about the game." The chief said, "I'm curious, how do you achieve the replacement between game items and real items? Is it in your line? In the next experience shop, a virtual goods exchange area is opened? "

The head is hot! All of these nouns come easily.

Shen Bing shook his head and said, "It is too LOW to exchange directly. I plan to set an extraction function in the game to extract some of the items in the game into reality. The extracted items contain evolution, Features like extended life. "

"Extracting virtual items into reality? Is this too exaggerated? How did you achieve it?" The chief was shocked.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "This is a secret!"

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