Fairy Technology

Chapter 946: Shiver!

Shenxian Building, Shen Bing stood on the stage, surrounded by long guns and short cannons and ... full of emotions.

Sympathetic, puzzled, and angry.

Although Shen Bing did not enter the gate of the immortal world to see the situation, she also knew that her magic weapon that collected the emotions of seven emotions and six desires was definitely fruitful.

The instruments he now owns have been transformed by Sun Simiao. Previously, it could only absorb the emotion of seven emotions and six desires at a distance of ten meters, but now the distance has extended to one hundred meters.

"This reporter friend from the Washington Post, it seems that you have some kind of paranoid misunderstanding about our company." Shen Bing verbatim, "First of all, I said that the" flying sky "of my company will basically not collide, yes From a scientific perspective, and after rigorous demonstrations, including the use of artificial intelligence for large-scale scene simulation experiments. Second, I only said that 'Feitian' basically does not collide, neither did it say that it will never collide Not to mention that our cars do n’t have an energy-absorbing structure. I ’m curious whether your ability to take things out of context comes from the heritage of your newspaper? Or is it your own personal qualities. "

The reporter was not timid at all, saying, "I will never take a sentence out of context! My insistence today is purely for the safety of the lives of hundreds of millions of consumers. If Mr. Shen feels that this has affected your company's reputation, you can pass a lawsuit Channel resolution. There is no need to question the personality of our reporter community here. "

Shen Bing, huh, this guy will come!

I only talked about the Washington Post, and the other party rose to the height of the reporter community.

But ... does it matter? I have never had a good reputation in the eyes of media people, right?

"It's not necessary to sue or anything. In the world of alien invasion, my energy will only be used to develop more and more practical high-tech products, including weapons, not to fight against you."

Shen Bing's bland sentence made people understand a fact.

What the **** reporter just said? Illusion Technology is irresponsible for consumers' lives?

Nima, now the global security is protected by charged particle guns developed by Huanxian Technology, including this sense of justice reporter.

Does Huanxian disregard the safety of consumers' lives? For the time being, is this person under the protection of weapons developed by Huanxian Technology qualified to question?

Most importantly, you are still an American!

Didn't see this is the home of China? Most of the entire hall is Chinese reporters ...

Who gave you courage? Teacher Liang?

However, Shen Bing did not give these people a chance to play, and he did not want to turn it into a vegetable market.

"As for whether My Magic Technology is a company responsible for the lives of consumers, I think it's easy to prove." Shen Bing said, "Speaking of the energy absorbing structure just now, let's first explain our 'Feitian' energy absorbing structure design. The size of our car is 7122mm * 2300mm * 2100mm, which is one circle larger than the size of today's mainstream cars. This is not only required for the aerodynamic structure of the flying car design, but also allows the vehicle to have more sufficient dimensions before and after. Buffer when encountering a collision. Since our products have no possibility of collision at a relative speed of less than 2,000 kilometers, our energy absorbing structure is designed at a relative speed of 2000-3000 kilometers per hour. As for speeds exceeding 3,000 kilometers per hour, Well, if this speed is really reached, you will have to take your fate. "

Everyone can hear, Shen Bing's last sentence was a joke.

In fact, let alone a speed of 3,000 kilometers per hour, it is 2,000 kilometers, which is basically impossible to achieve.

Suddenly, everyone had an idea in mind, and the scientist Shen Shen hurried to a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour. What was the speed of this "flying" car he designed? It's impossible to break a thousand? Is that still a car? Faster than most civil airliners, OK?

This should be unlikely.

"Mr. Shen, I would like to ask, what is the maximum speed of your company's" Feitian "car?"

Everyone is listening with their ears up, which is undoubtedly an important parameter.

Its numerical value determines how many industries this product will affect-although they still think that Shen Bing's flickering ingredients are mostly, it does not prevent them from silent for a few minutes for those affected industries, and this is what they report next Focus. Whether Shen Bing flickers is not important to them, as long as there is material to explode.

Shen Bing: "About our car's speed, it can be divided into several grades. The maximum speed of the ordinary version can reach 400 kilometers per hour, the advanced version can reach 800 kilometers per hour, and the luxury version can reach 1200 kilometers per hour."

Everyone who heard Shen Bing's statement opened his mouth in surprise.

There is no way not to be surprised.

Even the lowest-level ordinary car has a speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

What is this concept?

There are two levels of meaning in this, one is that this is the ordinary version, which is what the public can consume. Secondly, at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, once the country allows this car to run at this speed, there will be nothing high-speed rail in the world.

Perhaps at that time, the high-speed rail will be reduced to freight.

Uh ... if Huanxian Technology produces a large-capacity flying wagon, the high-speed rail will be disqualified from carrying cargo.

Imagine that the flying car is faster than the high-speed rail, and the distance of a thousand kilometers, which is also dozens of dollars in electricity costs, how to choose at a glance-the key is that electricity costs are now cheap! This is also due to the geothermal power stations around the world.

Even the aviation industry will also be affected, especially the short and medium-range civil aviation industry.

This is just a normal version of the flying car. If it is a premium version, the speed is already at the same level as ordinary civil airliners. In addition to its superb battery life, it can basically travel the country on a single charge. no problem.

As for the deluxe version, it is actually not much faster than the advanced version, but after all, it is close to the speed of sound, which is quite attractive to most people.

And at the moment, there are countless people crazy on the Internet.

"Shudder! Car companies, aircraft manufacturing companies, train manufacturing companies! With this" flying "car, do you still have a meaning? Go home and wash and sleep."

"I have seen countless people unemployed. How many employees are there in all industries, such as automobile transportation, train transportation, and airports? Will these industries still exist in the future?"

"Upstairs has a unique vision. I think that even if these industries still exist, they will be greatly marginalized, and a huge increase in unemployment is inevitable."

"The most important thing is that the production line of Huanxian Technology is extremely intelligent and there are very few workers. The employment gap caused by it cannot be replenished. In the long run, hehe ..."

"Don't you think the building is crooked? We should discuss the 'flying' sedan now!"

"Flying sky! Who fights!"

Various articles ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ comments are everywhere in the Internet, and even many TV stations have invited experts to analyze and explain on the spot.

Some TV stations and media have also voted to count people who are willing to buy a 'Flying Sky' sedan, and some have guessed the official price of the 'Flying Sky' sedan.

If it is said that the speed of Feitian sedan determines the industries it affects, then its selling price will determine the extent of these industries.

Although this is still only Shen Bing's word, countless people have begun to tremble with fear. They are praying in their hearts that the production cost of this flying car is extremely high, so the price is naturally not low.

If their guess is wrong, it is estimated that many people will come to the rooftop ...

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