Fairy Technology

Chapter 950: Report

"Secretary Jiang, help me convey my gratitude to the president. I promise to take out the system plan tonight." Shen Bing said, "In addition, the real estate project that I announced at the conference must be expressed by the country? It ’s all expanded to the moon, and the supporting administrative department must keep up with it? "

Secretary Jiang first froze, and immediately understood what Shen Bing meant.

"Okay! I will report to the chief immediately." After that, Secretary Jiang was going to hang up. At this time, he also

Shen Bing hurriedly said: "Secretary Jiang, don't worry, I haven't finished this. If the country intends to establish an administrative department on the moon, it is also serving the people and services. In order to thank the government for its support, I am willing to donate Ten flying ships for staff movement. "

Secretary Jiang did not refuse, this "flying sky" spacecraft, really not everyone has the will to refuse.

"Your boy, do you really want to spend money? This one has not been sold yet, so ten were sent out first." Secretary Jiang quipped.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "It's not in your own hands. It's not worth much money if you make it yourself? Besides, we can't be a white-eyed wolf if the country supports us so much."

Secretary Jiang didn't say anything, and went to arrange it.

Shen Bing hung up the phone, completely relieved.

For the launch of the flying car this time, it is logical that Shen Bing should ventilate with the national level in advance, after all, this matter is of great importance.

But Shen Bing did not do so because of his consideration. On the one hand, he decided to launch the flying car product, which was decided only two days before the National Day, and the time was relatively hasty. On the other hand, if you really report to the government level, I am afraid this matter has to wait.

If Feitian cars need a lot of energy to promote in China, how can they sell this product to the world?

So when Shen Bing gritted his teeth, he immediately cut and played.

Fortunately, in the end, everyone was very happy. Because of this big move of Huaxian Technology, Huaxia directly became the first country in the world with the ability to set up settlements on the moon, which is of great significance.

Perhaps ordinary people outside the world will doubt what Shen Bing said, but the senior officials of the country do not have such doubts. Now that Shen Bing has said that he has that ability, he will certainly be able to do it, at most it is only a matter of time.

Huaxia's senior management so strongly supports Shen Bing, and it is not without consideration.

Shen Bing no longer needs to worry about supporting systems. The only thing he needs to consider is the issue of product capacity.

To be honest, even if the area of ​​the Golden Island is increasing day by day, new production lines are put into use every day, but it is totally unrealistic to produce billions of flying cars in a very short time.

Not to mention that it is one billion, that is one hundred million, that would not be possible.

After all, cars are different from mobile phones. The production process is complicated and the demand for raw materials is much higher than mobile phones.

At present, the production lines used by Huanxian Technology to produce flying cars are all deployed on Golden Island, and the current production capacity is only 20,000.

Although this number is already a remarkable number in the automotive manufacturing industry, no car manufacturing company in the past has dropped such a large amount of capacity before the product is officially sold.

Some people may ask why Shen Bing dare to say that people all over the world can experience the convenience brought by new products? In fact, he had a draft in his mind.

bsp; The bait has been sprinkled, waiting for someone to hook it.


At the same time, countless senior executives in the world are in trouble.

This action of Magic Fairy Technology came too suddenly, hitting everyone by surprise.

GM, Ford, Volkswagen and other leading-level automobile empires, although it has long been speculated that Huanxian Technology may enter the automotive industry, and even directly use new energy vehicles as entry points to directly reach the leader in this field.

This is the result, and GM and other companies also feel reluctant to accept it.

You can only have some of the best batteries, and everyone can still play together. The difference is only how much money you make.

But now the magic fairy technology has made the flying car fly directly, do not play with you underground climbing, this is a headache.

This is the act of lifting the table and hitting the ground!

As these shopping mall giants, one by one is like a ghost, how can you not see the power of them?

Once it is confirmed that the flying car of Huanxian Technology really has its advertised performance, even if the performance shrinks by 5o%, then there will be no ordinary car.

Can fly in the sky, who wants to climb on the ground? ——Yes, with the flying degree of the flying car, most of the cars nowadays can only be regarded as climbing.

As to whether governments will come up with corresponding supporting policies, these entrepreneurs will not doubt at all.

Judging from the current situation, Huanxian Technology is definitely a reasonable enterprise. The guy Shen Bing admires is "do not go rude", "you respect me, I respect you" .

With the current strength of Huanxian Technology, who dares to use it for no reason? Unless you can really prove that there is a serious problem with this product, you can only follow the rules.

As long as the sales of Feitian cars gradually increase, the cars will no longer be sold, and the number of cars will gradually decrease, and the investment in road transportation will be greatly reduced in various countries.

What will happen in the end? Even if someone wants to buy an old-fashioned car that runs on the ground, they will have to dispel the idea because there is no way to go.

This move of Shen Bing directly blocked the retreat of all auto companies.

Either no longer involved in the transportation industry, or follow the footsteps of the magic fairy technology to drink some soup.

According to the previous style of magic fairy mobile phones by magic fairy technology, magic fairy technology is not a company that likes to kill all of them. Haven't you seen that mobile phone companies such as Warwick and Weiwo have made a lot of money behind the magic fairy technology?

There is no way out for confrontation. It is the last word to follow the footsteps of the strong.

Now Magic Fairy Technology has taken the first step in flying cars ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Once its operation concept is recognized by the public, then this is setting the standard globally.

Any company that wants to join the industry must follow the standards of Magic Fairy Technology.

This is a thief.

It's just ... With the current status of Huanxian Technology, do you still need to care about whether you are good or not? Although the other party is holding a company's flag, is the company doing it?

Now that everyone else is playing on the moon, and they have also made powerful weapons that can kill alien warships, this is definitely a company out of low-level fun.

At this moment, senior executives, including companies such as GM and Ford, are thinking about how to make Magic Fairy play with themselves ...

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