Fairy Technology

Chapter 964: Keep consumers happy

After Master Qiao entered, the scene fell into a short silence.

"I ... hungry," said a weak voice.

This is Casey's voice.

When they entered the wormhole before, they brought only a little jerky, and they were naturally hungry at the moment.

"Get them clothes and get some food," Shen Bing ordered.

Thorne responded and immediately let him go.

At the other end of the wormhole, Master Qiao steadily landed on the ground and started his performance.

Whether it is manufacturing speed or accuracy, Master Qiao has thrown away several streets of the puppet craftsman.

At the moment he landed, He turned into a giant dungeon, which was a thousand feet tall ...

Then there was a blast of wind, as if there were invisible giant hands smashing towards the ground, flying in troubled times, but being blown up by the wind, rolling up huge and unmatched earth dragons, and falling into Dading.

This is only visible to the naked eye. In the microscopic world invisible to the naked eye, countless dark matter is also sucked into Dading.

At this moment, the **** puppet artisan is already a super factory. Its processing and manufacturing capabilities exceed most factories on the earth, and it is even worse in terms of accuracy.

After more than ten minutes passed, something like a fast-moving photovoltaic panel flew out of Dading.

I used the wind as my hand, and they ascended to the sky as if building blocks together.

Another half an hour later, a large number of solar panels have appeared in the sky. Like fish scales, they are distributed at a height of thousands of meters. It is the door of the wormhole, which is also covered by these solar panels. .

They are suspended in this way, it is extremely magical.

After everything in the sky was done, Dading didn't stop there.

Another bunch of metallic luster parts flew out of the tripod. They were assembled together and quickly formed a row of equipment.

Then Da Ding swayed slightly, the behemoth suddenly disappeared, leaving only one figure in place.

This is not who the clever master can be.

"It's done!" Master Qiao muttered.

As his voice dropped, a slightly invisible light blue halo projected from one of the five-meter-high devices and quickly spread around.

过程 The process was extremely rapid, and soon a range of ten kilometers was covered by this light curtain.

But at this moment the expansion of the light curtain is nearing completion.

列 On the display screen of that device, rows of text keep popping up.

"Protective light curtain is being created ..."

"Air Quality Analysis ..."

"In the production of oxygen ..."

"Air structure adjustment ..."

"Qualified air quality!"

"In the radiographic inspection ..."

"Protective light curtain adjustment ..."

"Passed UV detection, γ-ray is below standard value ..."

Jain's protective light curtain is a basic technology developed by Huaxian Technology based on dark material shield technology for the construction of alien bases.

This light curtain not only has the protection ability of dark matter shield, but also has a variety of functions such as isolation of internal and external air and rays.

The device that generates the protective light curtain is called Genesis.

According to the consistent urinary nature of the magic fairy technology, it is designated as Genesis 1 type.

With the current technological strength of Huanxian Technology, it can only come up with this stand-alone version of Genesis 1 with a maximum coverage of 10 kilometers.

Don't think that making a Genesis 1 is very simple, it's just because the maker is a master.

Instead, it is based on the existing equipment of the earth. Even if it is based on the manufacturing capacity of the Golden Island, it will not be possible to build one without a month.

Master Qiao now has this equipment. It may seem easy, but in fact it costs almost all Xianyu that Shen Bing has allocated to him.

There is no way to create a wide variety of raw materials for the creation of the world, many of which are rare elements.

尽管 In order to complete the task, Master Qiao directly used his own material synthesis technology to manipulate materials directly from the micro level, which gave birth to this Genesis 1 type.

Master Qiao looked again at the light curtain above his head, and he pulled the rope hanging from the wormhole.

After a short while, the rope began to rise upwards. Master Qiao grasped the rope with one hand and slowly ascended into the air.

Uh ...

"Master, the alien base has been completed." Master Qiao stood calmly in front of Shen Bing.

Whether it was Thorne or Loffey, they looked at this shabby old man in shock.

Although I already knew that this old man was non-human, he did not expect it to be so non-human.

"Excuse me, Master Qiao, how big is the base you built? Can it accommodate a thousand people?" Luo Fei asked.

He is not questioning Master Qiao, but simply wants to know the answer. If it can really accommodate thousands of people, it will be awesome.

Master Qiao said: "Thousands of people? Even ten thousand people can accommodate it. But I have not built a house yet, but I have built a protective light curtain to protect a radius of ten kilometers, and I also have some basic production and living equipment .I have tested the composition of the surface elements over there, which is not much different from the earth. Wait for the condensing device over there to run for a while, to moisten the land, and then to produce. "

Shen Bing understands Master Qiao's intention. As long as people can live, housing can be built by themselves.

For this result, Shen Bing is already very satisfied.

It is ten kilometers in radius, but that is an area of ​​nearly one hundred square kilometers. Although ... this land does not seem to be of much use at present, Shen Bing is very much looking forward to it.

主人 "Master, currently we do not need to use oxygen supply equipment to get out of this wormhole."

"This is good news! Lofi, look back and you organize some people to go there and build a space exploration system over there. And satellite systems, we need to grasp the overall situation of that planet as soon as possible."

"Okay, boss!" Loffey said unambiguously.

As for the safety over there, Loffey did not consider it at all.

Because he knows very well the effect of protecting the light curtain.

Since Master Qiao propped up a protective light curtain over there, as long as the energy was not exhausted, they were safe.

After Shen Bing arranged, he took Li Xiao ahead and left. When he left, he did not forget to allocate 100,000 cents to the master Qiao.

He knows very well that I am afraid that Master Qiao will be the busiest one this time.

After all, other materials on the earth cannot get through, and the puppet craftsmen can't pass through the wormhole. Although Lofi and others will also go to the alien planet, do you expect these people to manually make certain precision equipment?

Not to mention that the current base covers an area of ​​less than 100 square kilometers. Within this range, it is estimated that many elements are not available. If you want to complete the equipment manufacturing as soon as possible, you must rely on the skill of the master.

Although there are more than 100,000 Xianyu, this is not much more than the importance of the development of alien planets.

Shen Bing attaches so much importance to the purpose of this alien planet, naturally it is not just for farming.

That's a party world! A planet!

怎么 Where did the wealth on earth come from? Is its essence not the resources of the earth itself? Although people often say that wealth was created by human beings, this is really too subjective. If you keep you in a place where birds don't shit, what kind of wealth can you create?

And, if possible, that planet could also be a bridgehead for humans in contact with alien forces.

Compared with directly contacting aliens with the earth as the starting point, and using that planet as a springboard, it is obviously more advantageous. Not to mention the other, just the security aspect makes it impossible to refuse.

Uh ...

After Shen Bing returned to Kansang, he and Li Xiao returned to Huaxia on the birdie.

This is the third time that Shen Bing has gone abroad in a bright and honest way. Compared with the previous two, this time the treatment is significantly different. This also shows from the side that Shen Bing ’s identity has changed and the world pattern has changed.

The earth is still that earth, but the situation is different.

Although Shen Bing's visit to Kansang town was not too concerned by the countries in the world, the country of Sinir made a large report.

In particular, the cooperation intent agreement signed with Shen Bing was put on the table by the country of Xiner.

A lot of people are curious about this. Shen Bing actually intends to invest in Sinyir? Is this the sun hitting the west?

What caused Shen Bing to make such a decision? Is it because Shen Ning is so poor that Shen Bing cannot bear it?

Ok! This is the most likely.

Shen Bing on the earth is equivalent to a full-size large, and it is normal to occasionally bring a small.

When Shen Bing returned to Huaxia by plane, dozens of people gathered in the quaint conference room of Huanxian Building, and there was a discussion about the world's traffic structure.

"General Manager Wang, your company ’s flying car has been resisted by countless consumers around the world. I believe your company already knows this. In fact, in this matter, your company is too eager to make a profit and it is inevitable to suffer setbacks "Ford's chairman Bill said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wang Sheng responded without hesitation:" Mr. Bill, I haven't really seen the frustration you mentioned, but it is all the offline experience of our company. I know the store is full every day. "

Bill said: "The two are not in conflict. Your company has nearly 8,000 offline experience stores around the world. There is no shortage of curious people in the world. If their economic strength allows it, they don't mind buying. The first flying car was a taste of it. But for the majority of car owners, they are really very dissatisfied with your company's approach. Soon you will find that your product sales will be weak. "

"Hehe ..." Wang Sheng chuckled and said, "If the purpose of you coming here today is just to present this point to me, I don't think we really need to waste precious time."

Lao Wang's subtext is very clear, and then pull on, Lao Tzu will not play with you.

A bit of embarrassment flashed on Bill's face, and soon disappeared. Then he said, "Of course not. Although you Chinese have a saying that your colleagues are the enemy, but I think cooperation is the main theme of the world today. In this matter, We have a common interest base. "

Wang Wangsheng laughed heartily, but asked earnestly: "I don't know what the basis of our cooperation is?"

"Make consumers happy!" Bill said.

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