Fairy Technology

Chapter 974: Hot scene

On the moon, above the ruins of the original alien base, five charged particle cannons were deployed around, and the muzzle accurately aimed at the strange light curtain in the air.

Various types of highly sensitive sensors are distributed around, sensing all the small changes around, especially near the wormhole.

I can imagine that as long as any wind blows the grass, these five charged particle cannons will immediately show their power and destroy any intentions in the bud state.

It's a pity that these days, the Corgi Empire on the opposite side seems to be dying. Perhaps the other party has given up on attacking the earth, right? Who's right?

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers on Earth, naturally do not know these changes on the moon.

After waiting for more than ten days, more than 100,000 people on the planet ushered in the delivery of the first batch of flying cars.

This is not the first time a human has experienced a flying car, but it is the first time a consumer has a flying car.

以后 In the future, flying cars will enter millions of households, and eventually form the mainstream transportation on the planet.

By that day, airplanes, trains, and cars will become history. Perhaps some people will choose to collect some treasures. As to whether they will eventually become antiques, it will take hundreds of years to know.

On this day, all the world ’s major magic fairy science and technology offline storefronts are crowded.

此 Prior to this, Huanxian Technology has announced the delivery time of the first batch of flying cars.

Whether it is out of curiosity or envy, as long as there are free people, they are basically crowded.

Even the presence of an international superstar is not enough to cause such a sensation.

According to incomplete statistics, on this day, all the people gathered around the offline experience store of Huaxian Technology added up to more than 500 million!

怎样 What kind of concept is this? Of all the countries in the world, only two have a population of more than 500 million, namely Huaxia and Azerbaijan. A product of Magic Fairy Technology has attracted more people than most countries. This glory is not enjoyable by anyone.

Bishan City's offline experience shop, the entire street was blocked by a leak.

Everywhere is crowded with people-who makes Huaxia crowded?

Hundreds of flying cars in different colors hover in the air in front of the company's gates. They are neat and dignified like soldiers under review.

There are also five more powerful flying cars hovering in front.

Although people don't particularly understand the flying cars, they can also guess that the first five flying cars are definitely premium cars.

This conclusion is very simple, because with the naked eye, you can see that the five cars are more premium-after all, it is ten times the price difference. If it is the same, who will buy the premium version?

所有人 Everyone around-even if standing 100 meters away, you can clearly see the details of these flying cars.

Some people even brought the telescope with them, just to be able to watch the product of this Genesis in detail.

"Do you have the right to buy?"

"Have you booked a flying car?"

"Brother! Are you willing to transfer the car purchase right? I am willing to double it."

Among the puppet crowd, many people are exploring around. Some of them are dressed well, and at first glance they are rich. And while some people are ordinary in clothes, they seem very spirited, and their eyes are moving smartly. Most of them are scalpers.

However, these people's inquiries did not get any desired response, after all, too few people booked a flying car now.

Xunxianxian Technology just made an offline queue reservation a few days ago.

Later, because the people in the queue kept standing at the door and vowed to wait until the car left, the company directly cancelled the offline booking process and selected it online.

The selection method is very simple. Anyone who wants to buy a flying car needs to apply for an appointment before 10 am on the day and pay a 50% deposit on the purchase price. Then ... catch!

Alas, naturally, it is not a real arrest, but a lottery.

Whoever shakes it will buy it.

As for the purchase right, the deposit is fully refunded.

Although there is still no way to prevent the presence of the ox party, who has kept 100,000 or even millions of funds on hand? Besides, with so many people around the world, the odds of being selected are too low. Except for those who just need it or who have too much money to spend, basically no one will mess with it.

Now, if there are two billion people who want to buy and have the ability to buy a flying car in the world, it is not easy to say, but one billion is definitely there.

Nowadays, the standard version of Feitian sedan launched by Magic Fairy Technology is less than one million every day, and the chance of being selected is less than one in one thousand.

被 In this case, being drawn, it is even more happy than winning the first prize. Who would agree to transfer this qualification? Even at double the price, no one would agree.

Finally, the time was 10 o'clock in the morning, and Sun Li, the manager of this experience store, came out.

"Today is the day when the first batch of flying cars in our store arrives. Our store will hold a grand launching ceremony for the car owners who lead the car-life, should it be full of ritual sense? Here, I want to The 105 distinguished car owners expressed their grand congratulations and sincere thanks. "

I have to say that since Sun Li became the manager of the offline experience store of Huaxian Technology, he has grown a lot and matured a lot.

现在 "Now, we have the first owner Li Yu today! She chose a gorgeous phantom red ..."

With Sun Limin carrying each name, each buyer came to the front desk and took away his own flying car with excitement.

The process of leading the car is not special, especially the way these people leave.

Because ... they all left in their own cars and flew away from the air!

There are crowds of people underneath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ countless people just watched like this, the scene, that is, the billionaire, could not help but have a kind of vanity.

Finally, five premium versions of the flying cars were released, and their departure directly set off the climax of the scene.

If you say that the ordinary version of the car before, people can still see the acceleration process of the flying car, then this premium version of the flying car, the "click" directly disappeared ...

Deserves to be a premium car with speed comparable to that of an airplane, with unrivalled performance!

"I want to buy a car!"

"Dad, I want to buy a car!"

"When I look back, I smashed my old BMW car!"

All kinds of discussions are endless, some with envy and some with sour.

All the cars that drove away were flying in the mid-air about two hundred meters above the ground.

This altitude is determined by the Shancheng government based on its own urban characteristics. After all, the altitude of the Shancheng city fluctuates greatly. If the flight reference altitude is set too low, it will not be conducive to flight safety.

After a while, the space of 180-220 meters above all streets will be the flight interval of flying cars. At this height, in addition to the need to avoid very few super tall buildings, it is completely unobstructed ...

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