Fairy Technology

Chapter 978: Awkward pricing

The news from the public immediately caught the attention of the world.

A lot of people are aggressive about the content they announce? what's the situation? Are these car companies also launching flying cars?

They don't believe that Volkswagen has also captured anti-gravity technology in such a short period of time. The only possibility is that Volkswagen introduced this technology from Huanxian Technology or obtained the purchasing authority for anti-gravity devices.

But this is also not possible? For a long time, Xianxian Technology has been covering its own company's technology very tightly. Even if the dream glass launched at the beginning is not licensed to any foreign company for production, how can it take out the anti-gravity technology? ?

无 When countless people were confused, other auto manufacturers also announced their plans to launch a flying car and a car modification plan, which are similar in content to the Volkswagen Group.

Even the major domestic car companies have made the same promise.

人们 People are even more confused now, what is the situation? Is Huaxian Technology ready to eat a big pot of rice? Will such a great market let people down?

I shouldn't? You know, cars are bigger than the mobile phone market. Shen Bing doesn't make sense.

People are curious while wondering.

They wonder what the performance of flying cars from these companies is? And the original ordinary car can really fly in the sky after being transformed?

人 The doubts of these people did not last long, because at the same time as this announcement, these companies have started to get in touch with some car owners, and then ... are there still suspense?

These owners seemed to be favored by the heavens. They drove their cars to the 4S shop and consulted about the related transformation.

询问 After some inquiry, these people finally have a detailed understanding of the company's transformation plan.

It can be said that the entire transformation plan can be roughly divided into two categories.

The first category is naturally new energy vehicles. This is relatively simple. The cost of retrofitting is around 80,000 yuan. As for the fuel oil vehicle, the cost of retrofitting is much higher, 120,000 yuan!

This price seems expensive, but for these car manufacturers, they really know it.

Because this is exactly the cost price, it belongs to the kind of losing money and making money.

Of course, they have reasons for having to do this.

On the one hand, they want to get the anti-gravity device from Magic Fairy Technology, and they have to do it.

On the other hand, Magic Fairy Technology has set the price of the standard version of the "Feitian" car so low. Can they still make it a high price?

He beat his teeth and swallowed blood, talking about them.

Of course, the benefits of doing this are still obvious, at least it has earned a good reputation.

The transformation process is also very smooth, the car is directly transported to the nearest factory, and then disassembled ...

The whole process came down, it only took a day or two.

After the first car came out of the factory, the owner couldn't wait to go to the ground to test the car.

The results of the test drive were undoubtedly recorded by video and then posted online.

事情 This matter has attracted a lot of attention. Once this video came out, naturally it was reprinted by countless people.

The car renovation plan is undoubtedly successful, because the car that originally ran on the ground did fly up, and it was flying very stably.

It's just ... Compared with the "Feitian" car produced by Huanxian Technology, no matter which car factory transforms the flying car, it can't be compared with it.

Even if these modified cars also use the automatic driving system and anti-gravity device provided by Huaxian Technology, they are worse than the "Feitian" car in terms of speed and endurance.

This gap makes every car owner very uncomfortable.

It took tens of thousands or even tens of thousands, and the result was even worse than the standard version of the flying car. This is exactly a tiankeng!

Of course, some people have some kind of brand plot, but this situation is acceptable. For example, I spent several million to buy a Bentley, and now only spends more than 100,000, making this Bentley into a flying Bentley, it is still very cost-effective.

However, for most people, if you really spend 100,000 to renovate your old car, you might as well buy the standard version of Feitian Sedan.

Or ... directly buy flying cars produced by these car manufacturers.

At present, these companies have not come up with their own flying car products, but the brochure is already available.

Well, how do you say? The cheaper is 170,000, and the expensive is 700,000, but the higher is gone.

When people look at the parameters of these new cars, they have a lot of mixed feelings. It is estimated that when these car manufacturers set the price, they were also very bitter.

These new cars, even with the highest performance, are not comparable to the standard version of the flying sky.

They introduced the driving system and anti-gravity device from Huanxian Technology Company. With these two items, they really have the basic requirements for the production of flying cars.

However, with their own technical reserves of engines, it is not difficult to build engines that can be driven in the air, and it is not impossible to make these cars not slower than the standard version of the flying cars.

But things are troublesome in the structure of the car. Once the speed is fast, how do the cars flying in the air brake? In the event of a collision, that would be the end of the machine.

After all, the technological level of these companies can at the very least allow passengers in the car to keep their lives under a collision at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and at a faster speed, they can only be left to fate.

Although the probability of collision of these aircrafts in the case of autonomous driving is extremely low, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but who dares to guarantee that there will be absolutely no collision? This is the "Flying Sky" sedan, which also takes the collision into consideration.

In this case, how can you let these automakers dare to speed up too fast?

Does this mean that the products of these automakers have no market at all? of course not.

的 The flying cars produced or transformed by these auto manufacturers are not without their advantages. At least the interior trim is more refined and comfortable than the standard version of the flying car.

The standard version of the Feitian sedan is only priced at 200,000 yuan. Shen Bing's goal is only to achieve that everyone can drive a flying car. Naturally, it is impossible to work too much on the details.

After all, for most people, the main purpose of vehicles is to commute to and from work, and most of them are driven in the city. The speed difference of more than 100 kilometers per hour and 400 kilometers per hour is not much different. The difference is to get up a few minutes early in the morning.

These automakers are also aware of this, so they staggered their competition with Magic Fairy in pricing.

厂商 On those flying cars with a price of 700,000 to 800,000, these manufacturers have stacked a lot of luxury decorations in them to enhance their added value.

To do this, at least for a short time, there are still people willing to pay the bill.

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