Fairy Winner

Chapter 4265: let me out

Zhou Shu waited for a few breaths.

Tai Shu Xi is really gone.

Even if it is still on the edge of the heavens, it is very far away, and it is impossible to affect the Xuanhuang Realm.

He saw clearly.

Now his perception range and accuracy are similar to those in the heavens. It should be made by Jianmu. Zhou Shu's perception has been significantly strengthened. The heaven and the earth have the same force, even reaching the level that I am the heaven and the earth. Maybe this is also the case. The reason why emotions are easily mobilized is that the emotions of Jianmu and Xuanhuangjie are always infecting Zhou Shu.

This is empathy.

Still have to be calm about the fairy world, Zhou Shu thought so, and at the same time tried to convey his emotions to the Xuanhuang world.

Did not get any feedback, it seems that the core of the Xuanhuang Realm's origin is completely devoted to the immortal realm.

Maybe other places have also strengthened?

Zhou Shu tried it when he was thinking about it, and it was true.

At least the power he feels now is much clearer than before. Although he still doesn't understand the essence, he can touch it clearly, and when he wrestles with it, he is much more comfortable than before. Obviously, the Xuanhuang world has been for many years. The experience of fighting against the power of Evil in the edge of the heavens, more or less, was obtained by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu looked at Xuanhuangjie, seemingly thoughtful.

You don’t even know if you don’t care about it. Is this a good deed without leaving a name?

When I think about it, it's quite interesting.

With the help of Jianmu, he can resonate harmoniously with the Xuanhuang Realm, and there is a trend of integration. There is no such feeling in Xianshu City. Even if it is Zhou Shu's own Xiancheng, it is not that Jianmu is not helping. It is Xianshu City, that is, the origin of Yunjuan Realm and Zhou Shu are not homologous. Zhou Shu can mobilize the power of Xianshu City at will to create a unique space, but he wants to empathize with Xianshu City and integrate it. Impossible, because of essential isolation, it is impossible to truly integrate.

Xianshu City would definitely not be able to achieve such a harmonious trust and connection as Xuanhuangjie and Zhou Shu.

Xuanhuangjie and Jianmu are doing this now, are they reminding themselves that Zhou Shu and Jianmu should return to the Xuanhuangjie? This is your real home.

"This is what I thought."

This sentence was not exported, but passed directly to the Xuanhuang Realm and Xianshu City. As expected, he received feedback from the Xuanhuang Realm in no time.

Simple but passionate and grateful words.

Zhou Shu nodded seriously and said nothing.

Emotions can be expressed, but some of the inner thoughts cannot be known to others, and Jianmu Xuanhuangjie is also included.

He would definitely let Jianmu all return to the Profound Yellow Realm, and put the focus of humanity back on the Profound Yellow Realm, but he himself would not.

However, this is something that needs to be considered later, and there are other things right now.

He took out the little stone, the magic monkey.

Looking at the stone pebbles in the square, Zhou Shu laughed, "Now you are really a small stone, oh, it’s a big stone. I don’t know if you can get used to it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll take you to the Demon World. Find something for the demons..."

Soon, his eyes froze. Because of the appearance of the stone pebbles in his hand, the surroundings immediately changed. The gray fog around him was gathering little by little to the stone pebbles, as if the bee colony had been defended. The attacking queen bee scrambled, couldn't wait, desperately.

Zhou Shu dissipated the gray mist that had gathered, and did not let them touch the stone pebbles, but the gray mist still continued.

After thinking about it for a moment, he used Shu Zhili to build a thick barrier, enclosing the stone eggs.

The gray mist hit Shu Zhili one after another, silently, but the damage was not small.

Even Shu Zhili, who has surpassed the law, could not stop the more and more enduring powers that swarmed in. Feeling that the Shu Zhili on the barrier was getting less and less, Zhou Shu shook his head and could only remove the pebble. Take it back.

Only then did the gray fog calm down, as if the group of vultures that had eaten the last piece of meat on the corpse quickly dispersed.

The power of the last emperor left, and they lost their goal without sensing the stone eggs. It seemed normal, but Zhou Shu showed a little dignity.

He didn’t put the small stones into the furnace—this is simply unrealistic. The magic monkey is an existence that Zhou Shu doesn’t understand, and Zhou Shu can’t put the unknown power that cannot be controlled into the furnace—and his Tao The body is basically Shu's power, which is only stronger compared with the barriers laid before. There is no difference at all for these final powers. It is still a barrier, and you can still try to break through, but the final powers But left.

It seems that the problem is not the power of the end, but the magic monkey.

It is not that the power of the end of Evil regards the magic monkey as the target, but the power of the end of Evil is the target of the magic monkey.

In Zhou Shu's place, the magic monkey couldn't absorb Zhou Shu's power of Shu, and shrank into the stone egg to evolve itself. After leaving Zhou Shu's body, the magic monkey regarded these lasting powers as the same resources as the magic energy, so it began. Absorb them and try to increase the rate of evolution.

It's like a person hiding in a retreat in a cave mansion, and suddenly there is a Ninth-Rank immortal vein on the side, which must be drawn in any way.

Zhou Shu knew very early that the magic monkey could not use Shu’s power and the power of many laws to grow. Except for some sources that Zhou Shu didn’t know, the magic monkey relied more on the black smoke that he killed his opponents. Devil’s energy came to grow gradually, but Zhou Shu didn’t expect that the magic monkey could still use the power of end-earth as a growth resource... Or maybe he was wrong, he just regarded these end-earth power as demon energy, or it was him. The black smoke behind the dead opponent? The possibility of the latter should be greater, Zhou Shu has always felt that the black smoke of the magic monkey is related to the power of chaos.

As soon as he came to the edge of the heavens, the magic monkey posed a big problem for himself.

If the magic monkey can absorb the power of the end of Evil here, and Zhou Shu let it go, no one knows what he will evolve into. If it evolves into a collection of the power of the end of Evil, let alone the evolution of the magic monkey. If he is not obedient, he can only stay on the side of the heavens in his life, and maybe he has to get rid of it. If the magic monkey just has an illusion, he can't actually absorb the power of the end, then the stone eggs will probably be abolished. Now, the unsolvable trouble that has plagued the Demon Realm for hundreds of thousands of years has disappeared.

Zhou Shu didn't want to choose any one.

Or use the magic monkey's stone eggs as bait, UU reading www. uukanshu.com used this to observe the power of the end. This is his purpose, but there is something wrong with it. What if the magic monkey can really use the power of the end? Just let him not let him learn, but this is a feud, and the future relationship is hard to say.

Zhou Shu definitely hoped that the Demon Monkey would stand on his side, and he would be the main force in destroying the Demon Race in the future.

Looking at the gray mist around and the magic monkey in his body, he sighed slightly, "If only you can talk..."

"let me out!"

Before he finished speaking, a voice had penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, stiff but clear, unfamiliar but familiar.

Zhou Shu was stunned. Whether this guy just woke up or was awake all the time, it was really unexpected. He only knew that the devil monkeys who killed and killed would be tricked by others now.

(PS: Thank you book friends 21080621 for your strong support and attention, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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