Fairy Winner

Chapter 4274: Go 1 time

Zhou Shu rushed for a few days and went to seven worlds and immortal cities that were shrouded in death.

The death was all caused by internal chaos, there was nothing he worried about.

However, it is worth noting that five of these realms are all demonic realm masters or city masters, and all of them are caused by the cultivator sect in the realm, and the entire realm or the fairy city is destroyed. The other two realms are In order to compete for the blessed land and cave sky left after the relocation of a certain sect, a melee was triggered, and the origin core was blew up inexplicably.

Obviously something went wrong in the fairy world.

These things weren’t big at first, and the immortal world happened every day, but most of the time, the trouble was wiped out as soon as it appeared, but this time it happened in a large number of concentrated, and these worlds or immortal cities, more or less and The governing sect has some connections, either it is the subsidiary sect, or the subsidiary of the subsidiary sect, or comes from the family of the practitioners in charge of the sect, but they are not protected by the governing sect, and they did not even send anyone to come and see Look.

Although the Sijitian side is the edge of the fairy world, it is still weird to appear such a thing.

Xian Ting is starting to lose control?

With doubts, Zhou Shu landed in a small fairy city on his own map.

The one on the map of his own world meant that Xianshu City's tentacles had reached here, and of course it was a small trick.

It didn't take much effort to get a preliminary piece of information from the pawnshop, which was not detailed, but guaranteed to be true.

The pawnshop’s intelligence network has never relaxed its collection of intelligence. Although it has been hit many times, it is becoming more and more tenacious and more and more people. Let’s put it this way, the situation in Xian Ting may not be clear, but the people in all circles of the fairy world The pawnshop may understand the situation more clearly than Xian Ting.

The information is very short. In the last Xianting conference, five Xianting elders came out to accuse Xuanlingzong with a rather tough attitude.

Sure enough, it is more than just silence.

This kind of thing is not surprising. It has happened several times before. After all, no one wants to look at the dominance of the Suspension Sect. If they find an opportunity, they will fight back, trying to get rid of the control of the Suspension Sect, so that the sect has a bigger one. Right, and even the same as the Hangling Sect, have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making of the Shadow Elders. Now it may be another counterattack from them. Every time there is a counterattack before, the Hanging Lingzong can be suppressed. This time...

If the Suspense Sect is still supported by the elders of the Kingdom of God, then of course it cannot go on, but what if the Suspense Sect loses support?

The Suspended Bell Sect has not done anything good in recent years. Apart from the great enemy that brought in Xianshu City, he has also lost a lot of people's hearts because of his support for the Sacred Fire Gate and Ten Thousand Soul Sect. A considerable number of practitioners no longer enter the Suspended Bell Sect. As the goal of cultivation, the Suspension Sect in the fairy world no longer had the prestige of that day. They also lost two fairy court elders and two sect masters one after another, and their superior position in strength was also impacted.

It is said that the subsidiary sect of the Suspense Sect is only 70% of what it was 700 years ago.

Although 70% is still a huge number, two-fifths of the total number of all immortal sects, but for Xuanling Sect, if you can’t hold half of the immortal sects in your own hands, it’s a huge failure. , Now they have failed and are no longer half of the fairy world.

No wonder the other sects have thoughts, the Fairy Court Conference should be the result of a secret discussion among several major sects.

It’s very interesting. The five elders of Xianting attacked together. The newly added elder of Xianting, Kunlun Taishi said, must have occupied one, while the one from Linglongtian did not go, that is, the remaining six positions, only two of them did not stand up. Shushan, Baidi City, and Genting City may all be opposed.

The situation after that is not clear, but Zhou Shu can imagine to see some, it is not difficult to guess.

The five elders of Xianting and Linglongtian, who had never been there, represented at least four sects in charge. Kunlun was also included. According to the covenant of Xianting, they must also be included. If it goes down, the Suspension Sect will be very difficult. Even the Elder Shadow will not embarrass these sects face to face. The most likely result is that the Suspension Sect announces that the conference has ceased. There is no conclusion, and everyone dislikes.

After that, the Suspense Sect will be angrily at the resistance of these sects, and deliberately no longer manage the fairy world.

In the immortal world where no one is controlling, it is not surprising that what happens at the edge of the immortal world is just the beginning, and there must be a bigger storm behind.

The Suspension Sect is actually happy to see it here. He just wants other sects to see clearly. Without the Suspension Sect, the immortal world is completely chaotic. When the other sects can’t stand it anymore, his own subordinate sect is a realm of his own. If it collapses, it will naturally be softened and continue to let the Xuanling Sect come out to preside.

This is not Zhou Shu's personal imagination, the Xuanling Sect had done this before.

The immortal world is occasionally chaotic, which can better reflect the value of their super-large sect. The immortal world would not do without us, but last time they only took 30 years to get the surrender of other sects, and this time it has passed fifty. Years, and the other sects showed no signs of softening.

According to the investigation of the pawnshop, none of the major sects have been to the Luofu Realm again.

I don't know if I went secretly, anyway, if I didn't go in the open, it would mean nothing.

Other sects may want to wait to see if they can find a better opportunity to let the Suspension Sect lose power. But from another perspective, the Suspension Sect itself actually wants to wait, although it is someone else’s trouble. But the blessing lies in misfortune, and the blessing lies in misfortune. This is also an opportunity for the Suspension Sect.

If the Xuanling Sect still has thoughts about Xianshu City and Zhou Shu, they must hope that there is an immortal realm that only they can control. With this opportunity, they can knock on other sects in charge. Clean up the unstable elements within the fairy world, and when the other sects turn back, the hanging bell sect will be able to return to its heyday, and no one in the entire fairy world can compete.

No matter how hard it is, it is not impossible to make the Fairy Fairy a decoration.

The entanglement of the parties is unclear, but for Zhou Shu, it is just waiting.

There is always an end to the battle between the two sides. UU reading www.ukanshu.com, but there is no harm in it for a long time, it will make Xianshucheng and Xuanhuangjie more comfortable.

When Zhou Shu believed that the immortal world was the enemy, the battles in charge of the sect and the internal friction of the immortal world were more good than bad for him.

But now he has something to do.

The chaos in the immortal world may have the greatest impact on the foreign races, such as the monster race. Although they have lived in the immortal world, they are not as good as the practitioners. They have not been recognized by many sects. Once an accident occurs, they are the easiest to be Others used it to perform the operation. The fact is that Zhou Shu went to eight realms, and six of them were the realms of the monster clan. If this continues, the status of the monster clan in the immortal realm will be in jeopardy.

If you don't drag the Yaozu to Outland and Xianshu City now, that would be a missed opportunity.

Especially the Mu people, he must go there, there are friends from the Xuanhuang world, and they will be an important help for the return in the future.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20170802 for your strong support and attention, thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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