After staying for one night, Beichen Heng walked out of the luxury hotel dejectedly, and his wallet was slimmed down!

The carpet was scratched by Bibi Bird’s paws for two holes, one hole was fifty thousand yuan, and half of the two hundred thousand yuan who sold tree fruits and worked as thugs in the elf academy had already left him.

After the carpet was torn, Beichen Heng immediately announced the punishment of Bibi Bird, and he could only get the third drop of water of life as a warning next week.

Now the level of the five elves of Beichen Heng.

Magic Frog Grass Level 43, Echidna Bee Level 31, Bibi Bird Level 32, Yongjira Level 20, Egg Level 18, Shavarang Level 55.

The eight-day Water of Life was divided equally between the Great Needle Bee, Bibi Bird, Kathy and Shavarang, and I don’t know if the Water of Life had a more significant effect on the grass elves.

After taking two drops of Bibi Bird and Big Needle Bee, they only grew a little, their level increased by 2 levels, and Shavarang did not change at all.

Perhaps, there will be a qualitative change when Shavarang takes the third drop, and we will see the situation tomorrow.

Beichen Heng comforted himself so much in his heart, and then went to the elf center, asked Joey to check the elf, and teleported the egg back to the Oki Research Institute.

The super ability Nazi of the Golden Yellow Dojo Hall will not challenge for the time being, go to the fighting hall that was squeezed out of the Eighth Avenue Hall by Nazi to take a look.

Beichen Heng thought for a while, took out the map of the city of Jinhuang City, and found the fighting hall located on the northern edge of Jinhuang City.

In front of the martial arts hall, Beichenheng saw through the iron sliding door that the original area was not a small training ground, no one was training here at this time, it should be that the undetermined apprentices had already run away.

There is no one guarding the door of the Taoist hall, Beichenheng opened the door and walked directly in, the physique of the people in Zhenxin Town is all barbar, iron pull door? Little meaning!

Some natural forces continue to nourish the body, and Beichenheng has no problem even if he says that he is a super true new town person!

Walking indoors, Beichenheng shouted, “Is anyone there?” ”

“Who are you? The Fighting Dojo is no longer a Dojo in Golden City, and even if you get a fighting badge, it is useless. ”

A middle-aged man with a strong figure wearing a fighting suit and a red belt on his forehead came out and said, his words seemed a little depressed.

“I’m Beichenheng from Zhenxin Town, I just want to fight a battle with the Wude Pavilion that belongs to the fighting elves, and I will go to the Super Power Dojo to get the badge.”

Beichen Heng said with a smile, and then took out Shavarang’s Spirit Ball and aimed it at Wu De.

“Yes, since it is an invitation from a martial artist, you can’t refuse, and as a reward, you can choose a pokemon among the fighting elves raised in the dojo.”

Hearing the battle of fighting elves, Wu De finally picked up his spirits and took Beichen Heng to the open space behind the hall, where a strong young man was training a group of fighting elves.

A group of wrist power, haoli, fearless boys, mosquito coil frogs, mixed with a few shavarang, abirang, war dancer, monster power, fast swimming frog and herakros.

There are even one or two doukasa mushrooms and Lixia Mushi in the Fengyuan area.

The muscles on Beichen Heng’s face couldn’t help but tremble, there was no longer a subsidy from the official Taoist Hall of Golden City, and it was estimated that it was a little difficult to recruit apprentices in recent years.

No wonder he wants to send me elves, it turns out that I can’t afford it!

“Nobuhiko, come and judge me and this teenager, it’s a fighting match.”

After Wu De greeted the young man, he stood opposite Beichenheng.

“Okay, Martial Pavilion Master.”

Nobuhiko stood up and ran over, and after glancing at Beichenheng curiously, “Please send fighters from both sides, and the fighting match can only use contact moves, which can strengthen your own attack and defense.” ”

This is the rule of the fighting competition, and it just so happens that there is a P1 fighting competition between Yuhong City and Light Red City after a while, just get used to it.

“Go Shavarang.” Beichenheng certainly sent Shavarang.

“Shavarang, ha, can’t lose ah Abirang.” After Wude shouted, he also threw out the Pokeball.

“Shawar” “Abby”

Standing left and right, Shavarang and Abirang are two evolutionary fists and legs fighting in the same race.

At the first glance of each other’s eyes, the fighting spirit of both sides had already reached the peak before the battle began.

Abirang, Potential Elite, Level 50, Characteristic Iron Fist.

“Abirang uses a million-ton punch.” Wu De’s right hand suddenly struck a void blow and shouted.

“Abby” Abirang didn’t make any unnecessary movements, and suddenly started to rush towards Shavarang at great speed, and his right fist was retracted to his waist.

“Shavarang went up and kicked a million tons.” Of course, Beichen Heng could not weaken his momentum, and directly let Shavarang greet him.

“Shava” Shavarang stood in place and waited until Abirang was past halftime, then kicked out sharply, and threatened Abirang first with the help of his retractable legs.

Bang, under the intersection of fists and feet, Abirang, who had momentum, was knocked back, but Shavarang only took a step back.

“Very strong Shavarang, Abirang we use the speed of sound.”

Seeing that Abiro’s frontal assault was frustrated, Wu De immediately changed tactics and tried to win with speed.

“Shavarang resisted, hand-to-hand combat.”

Abirang’s figure shot out with a short electric bullet and punched Shavarang in the abdomen, but he didn’t expect Shavarang to dodge, and directly tensed his abdominal muscles and resisted hard.

Then, without waiting for Abirang to retreat or attack, hand-to-hand combat broke out strongly, his knees, elbows full of weapons, and hit Abirang at great speed.

“Don’t admit defeat Abirang, we also use hand-to-hand combat.” Wu De didn’t expect the young Beichen Heng to be so tough in his fighting style.

I’d rather be attacked by my opponent than create an opportunity to attack, but this kind of punch-to-flesh fight is a favorite of martial artists.

“Abby” and “Shawar” As Abirang also used hand-to-hand combat, the battle became more intense, and the sound of fists and feet colliding continued to be heard.



“Abby” “Shava”

The two elves did not roar, and every time they were hit, they hit their opponents very hard, and they could be used as weapons everywhere in their bodies, as long as they could hit their opponents.

The three people on the sidelines, Beichenheng, Wude, and Nobuhiko, looked nervously at the two elves in the fierce battle, and now they didn’t need to command.

The competition is the elf’s will to fight and the most basic physical fitness.

As time passed, Abirang began to slowly fall into the downside, and although he roared to regain the disadvantage, he was never successful.

This is Shavarang’s advantage in the elite level for a long time, and in terms of foundation, he is really extremely solid.

Finally, Abirang’s physical strength stumbled, and Beichen Heng also seized this opportunity and shouted loudly.

“Shavarang, give him the final flying knee kick.”

“Abirang, use to see through.”

Wu De’s reaction could not be described as unhappy, but unfortunately, the distance between the two was really close at hand, and Shavarang’s flying knee kick directly hit Abirang to the ground.

“Abirang loses the ability to fight, and the challenger wins.”

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