After teleporting the dream demon away, Beichenheng began to walk back.

When he returned to his uncle’s house, Beichen Heng saw that he was sorting out and repairing fishing gear in the yard.

Beichen Heng stayed outside the fence of the yard and shouted to this enthusiastic tree.

“Uncle, that ghost-type elf has been taken in by me, I should also rush to the port, let’s see you again when we have the opportunity in the future.”

The uncle wiped a handful of sweat, looked up and waved at Beichenheng.

“Go, how can the trainer stay in one place for a long time, you must come on, Xiao Heng, I will watch this year’s quartz conference.”

“Haha, okay, in order not to disappoint you uncle, I will definitely strive to win the Quartz Conference championship.”

Beichenheng said with a smile, waved goodbye to his uncle, and set off for the port.

“What a good boy, you will feel embarrassed to eat a meal, you should be able to take care of the mischief of the dream demon, haha.”

Saying that, he touched the sweat on his forehead and began to get busy again.

Beichen Heng didn’t expect that this strange-tempered dream demon was not a foreign troublemaker, but a little elf that this enthusiastic uncle was very familiar with.


After arriving at the port of Jeanye Island, Beichenheng rested for a day in the elf center and finally boarded the ferry to Heiyun City.

Beichen Heng leaned on the side of the ferry ship, looking at the tyrannosaurus in the sea that was advancing with the ferry, and looked at the large needle bee and bibi bird fighting fiercely above the tyrannosaurus.

There are also Myo Froggrass and Shavarang, who train in combat on the deck of the ferry, and from time to time use fraud to sneak up on Shawlang’s Yongjira.

This is a trainer’s trip!

Although Beichenheng made a little movement on the ferry, there were really too few people going to the foul-smelling Heiyun City.

If it weren’t for the alliance not allowing the cancellation of the route, Ryohashima might have canceled this one long ago, and there would only be one ferry route a week.

A day later, before the ferry landed, a stench hit the ground.

Beichenheng, who was caught off guard, was retched twice by this stench, and the big needle bee and Bibi bird were even more smoked so much that they forgot to flap their wings and almost fell into the sea.

“Let’s all come back.”

Beichen Heng quickly collected all the elves except the tyrannosaurus, and then jumped on the tyrannosaurus and directly bypassed Heiyun City at sea.

After the Tyrannosaurus rushed out of a distance at great speed, Beichen Heng and the Tyrannosaurus began to gulp down this air, fresh air… That’s nice!

The north of Heiyun City is a continuous mountain forest, and fighting elves are very rich, and fighting elves in Johto, Fengyuan, and even the Shinnoh region have appeared.

There is also a town that hosts the P1 fighting tournament once a year, and he left the first fighting elf hot monkey here.

Shawalang also likes it very much, the battles here are all collisions of muscles, monkey monster hot monkey, wrist power, Abirang shavarang, one battle after another makes Shavarang feel bloody.

If only the opponent’s strength was a little higher and the skill a little more profound, and those previous battles could make you more excited, but you couldn’t scratch the itch.

After penetrating the mountains and forests between Yuhong City and Heiyun City, Shavarang thought with a little regret.

Beichenheng of course noticed that Shavarang’s intention was still unfinished, but there was still some time left in the P1 competition, and even if the intensity did not meet the requirements, the density should be enough.

Independently on the beauty street outside Yuhong City, Beichenheng walked into a beauty shop, and the massage of six elves cost Beichenheng more than 5,000 yuan.

Among them, the Tyrannosaurus and Shavarang cost the most, with two spending nearly half.

Although this money was spent a little heartache, but seeing the happy expressions on the elves’ massages, Beichenheng felt that this money was worth it.

However, the lack of money is real!

To this end, Beichenheng specially went online to read again what commissions, bonuses and ways to allow trainers to make money in the league.

Finally, a small line of text was found at the bottom of the page, but the alliance does not encourage ordinary trainers to use it, because it may become poorer and poorer the more you use it.

This method is to set up a private ring like the beast makes Xiaoming, but to set up a private ring in the city, you need to find Junsha to verify your identity, and the official identity of an alliance trainer with no bad deeds.

With a way to make money, Beichen Heng went straight to the Yuhong City Police Station after checking out the account in the elf beauty, although Junsha in Deep Gray City had some misunderstandings about himself last time!


“Did you really decide to set up a private ring in the square in front of the department store?”

After Beichenheng took the guide and explained the purpose, Junsha of Yuhong City confirmed it to Beichenheng again.

“Yes, I made up my mind.”

Beichen Heng nodded firmly, and took out five stones from his backpack, “These are three high-grade moon stones, a high-grade fire stone, and a carapace fossil, and the reward for success in the ring challenge is them.” ”

Finally, Beichen Heng took out the unknown elf egg again, looked at it and stuffed it back, and the elf egg in the incubator still had no trace of hatching, such as occasionally shaking or something!

“Then I have nothing more to say.”

Jun Sha saw that Beichen Heng’s tone was very firm, and she no longer persuaded, and she was a newcomer who thought she was very strong, but she still had to say what she should say.

“If we need to provide the ring and contact venue, we will draw 20 points for the challenger’s registration fee and audience ticket, if not, we only need to hand it to Silver, the owner of the department store, and the 10 points registration fee will be used as the venue fee.”

Of course, Beichenheng chose to charge tickets, I am just for the money, how can I dislike the charge!

“I need a ring and a spectator, and how many days can a private ring be set up?”

“You can set up for a week at most, and after this time, you won’t be able to set up a private ring in the city in the Kando region for a year.”

“However, you have to think clearly, seven days of continuous combat will be a difficult test for you or the elves.”

After Jun Sha recorded Beichenheng’s trainer information and the prize in the ring, she stood up and handed the information to the police officer behind her and said.

“Set up the ring as quickly as possible, the whole city of Yuhong City will broadcast a notice, and hang a top advertising banner on the official website of Yuhong City for a day.”

Speaking of this, Jun Sha breathed a sigh of relief and said with a solemn expression.

“This is the first time that the Guandu and Chengdu Regional Alliance has set up a private thunder platform in the past two years, and the lowest price of the prize is also a high-grade fire stone worth millions, we must do better, let’s do it.”

“Yes.” After solemnly agreeing, the police officer hugged the information tightly to his chest and left quickly.

Jun Sha turned back to Beichen Heng, who was still waiting, and said.

“You come with me, we are going to the elf center and department store, and we still need Joey’s help and Silver’s equipment to set up the ring.”

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