Fairy’s Box

Chapter 841: Golden Warrior VS Sea General (6)

Under the Optimus Pillar that supports the Southern Ocean, there are messy flames everywhere, and even the pillars have left burning marks. One of the purple-black phosphorous fire clumps plowed across the stone platform, leaving a scorched earth zone dozens of feet wide and hundreds of feet long.

Goethe, who was covered by the phosphorous fire, had an angry look on his face, and there were still embers of corpse gas on his fists.

In fact, this is the case. The frontal combat capability of the admiral who guards the Optimus of the Southern Ocean is a scum, and it is not weak. Although he was arrogant and arrogant when he appeared on the stage, he was beaten all over the floor by Goethe as soon as they met.

The advantage of the first confrontation, the big Goethe himself can't believe it, making him a little doubt whether the opponent is a real sea general.

Next, the other party seemed to understand the gap between them, and gave up the frontal combat, but displayed a magical illusion attack, proving that he was a legitimate naval general with practical actions.

The sea general who guards the pillars of the Southern Ocean, the sea monster Kasa, is a thin, pale-skinned, wretched young man with weak frontal combat ability, but is proficient in illusion-level attacks.

His illusion can not only imitate any object, but also hide his own figure and breath, as if disappearing out of thin air, the attack is also silent, the elusive fighting method makes people unable to resist.

In the face of Admiral Hai's ever-changing illusions, Goethe, who just thought he was in a safe position to win, suffered a lot. If he hadn't known the other party's details earlier and was prepared, he felt that he might have fallen hard.

With a low roar, the light and shadow in the space changed again, the wave light suddenly became dim, and the shadow of the behemoth dropped from the sky, submerging the entire platform like a tide.

Under the huge size gap between each other, even if he knew it was fake, Goethe couldn't help but feel an irresistible sense of insignificance from the deepest part of his heart, feeling a little weak in his hands and feet.

He raised his head and looked at the behemoth hovering over the Optimus Pillar—the tail was submerged in the light, with no end in sight, and its head held high in the air for hundreds of yards.

The huge snake head stared at him coldly, the vertical pupil glowed with cold light, the snake letter stirred up the wind and clouds, and the light on the scales flickered, like a waterfall wrapped around the body.

At this moment, Goethe even admired his opponent's illusion. If he didn't know it was fake from the beginning, even if someone told himself that this was the legendary world snake, he would probably believe it.


The giant snake opened its mouth and spit out a letter, and the airflow twisted like a storm, as if a black hole opened from the headspace and bit Goethe on the stone platform.

But the man turned a blind eye to the scene in the sky. Instead, he punched out to the right, only to hear a loud "bang". In a trance, a figure was smashed and flew upside down, and disappeared into the air again in the blink of an eye.

After finally touching the opponent's position, Goethe had no reason to let it go. His muscles and bones bounced, and he immediately rushed to the opponent's hidden position. When he raised his hand, the sky was filled with phosphorous fire.

Whoosh whoosh-!

The phosphorous fire danced in the air, the screams overlapped, and rushed away like a rain of arrows, and a strong cold breath immediately filled the air. The gloomy and dark corpse gas gushed out wildly, rolling over the ground in every way, filling the entire stone platform, and every inch of space seemed to be haunting and terrifying.

After a while, a figure appeared in the space where the corpse gas was swept up. After staggering forward a few steps, he quickly stabilized his body and threw a red light without turning his head.

The red light carried a violent whirring sound, like the noise of a raging fire stirred up by a gust of wind. The originally gloomy space suddenly turned crimson, and a large dazzling red light became more and more dazzling and stronger. In an instant, the dazzling red light was like a sea of ​​blazing flames, submerging the space scoured by the accumulated corpse gas, and the entire stone platform was completely reflected in a fiery red.

fake! all fake!

There's no way that guy can restrain my corpse aura...

Since you can escape in this way, you can only be caught out with indiscriminate attacks, take the trick!

Several blue veins stretched out on Goethe's face, and the whole body spewed out phosphorous fire, the knuckles of his fingers clenched, and he roared abruptly, his hands slammed into the sky.

The accumulated corpse qi covering the whole body suddenly expanded and rushed into the sky, forming a black hole with deep yin qi. The constantly rotating phosphorous fire inside was extremely thick, almost turning into a liquid black gas vortex, bringing a wave of yin wind that was like a tsunami, but it was cold to the bone, rolling down towards the stone platform.

This blow is already his ultimate trick to press the bottom of the box. Although it is still a semi-finished product, its power cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Admiral Hai was also completely out of skill. His unique illusion technique itself was a strange move, and it was better to be unprepared for it. And the opponent himself came prepared, and the magic trick lost its greatest power, and the opponent's physical strength was not a big deal. He came down and plowed the stone platform again and again, without even breathing a breath.

It really can't be beaten, and it can't be consumed.

Facing the tsunami-like phosphorous fire, Kasa could only give up hiding, fully ignite his fighting spirit to protect his body, and at the same time retreat quickly.


A loud noise like a landslide and ground fissure rose on the ground, the stone platform was completely wiped out by the accumulation of corpse gas, and the thunderous roar rushed to Qinghaizhu with a shock wave, and the surface of the shocking pillar burst into light waves.

General Hai was immediately shattered to protect his body, and he fell out like a meteor. If he didn't have that indestructible scale coat, he would be dead at this moment.

However, after eating Goethe's ultimate move, of course he couldn't be intact, not only did he have a splitting headache, but even his vision was blurred, and even his internal organs were shaken with faint pain.

But these injuries are small things.

The more terrifying injury is that after being burned by the black and purple phosphorous fire, Casa felt the soul in the body shook at the same time, as if it had been loosened by a sledgehammer, and there was a feeling of being detached from the body.

At that moment, General Hai even vaguely heard the surging waves of the Styx, and the irresistible icy suction swept across his body, as if the breath of death was close at hand.

The feeling of being so close to death is truly chilling.

He can even infer that if the quality of the opponent's phosphorous fire is doubled, he may be able to separate his soul and flesh as soon as he makes a move. Once this ultimate move is completed, it is simply a nemesis to His Majesty the Sea Emperor.

Susu - Susu -!

The huge air wave stirred up the dust and smoke that covered the sky, and Goethe's figure passed through the flying stone dust like lightning, and appeared in front of Admiral Hai.

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