Fairy’s Box

Chapter 848: Undead Scourge (Part 2)


On the line of heaven and earth, nine straight jet-black beams of light were dropped from the air, breaking through the heavy acid rain clouds and mist, penetrating the dim sky, and opening the otherworld channel to the dead space inside the Great Barrier.

The sky above the Great Barrier began to reflect the mirror image of quicksand, and the huge shadow of the fleet cut through the ripples in the sky, and the space seemed to be folded up—the breath of the undead came surging.

"The channel is open."

Yale's scarlet eyes were blazing with high temperature, and his eyes passed through the outer wall of the beam of light. After seeing the clear outlines of the nine high-level undead, he immediately interrupted the output of opening the Eye of Fear.

Under normal conditions, he can't bear the burden of the Eye of Fear, and he can be sucked into a half-dead just by folding the space. But if you directly invade in a deified state, you will be attacked by the sea general and the will of the deep sea once you appear.

In the end, the black-haired knight, combined with the information provided by the sea dragon, decided to use this airborne combat method to first distract the attention of the sea general, and then gather his strength to eat the resistance of the entire enchantment in one go.

Now, the Eye of Terror is fully open, and the entire White Sands world has responded to his call, and the huge ghost fleet is about to drive straight in.

The countdown to the battle has begun.


There was a huge and dull roar in the distance, and the four giant seahorses turned into elongated afterimages, setting off a roar of water splashing through them, opening their monstrous mouths, and biting fiercely at the beam of light that fell from the sky.

Julian is well aware of his weaknesses, and now is the critical moment for his complete resurrection. If he loses the supplement of Optimus Prime, coupled with this evenly matched opponent in front of him, the outcome will naturally be self-evident.

Therefore, this strange time-space tunnel must be destroyed.


A seahorse suddenly exploded in the air, and the broken debris shot into the sky like bullets, and the black-haired knight faintly appeared in the center of the explosion. Just a flash of red light, it disappeared out of thin air, leaving only straight traces of light remaining in the space.


Yale rushed towards the other seahorse, suddenly felt a stinging pain in the side, and punched with a backhand, blasting out a vortex-like twisted void vibration, stabbing his side like a spinning ice edge.


The alien seahorse that rushed towards the black-haired knight was hit in the head by this blow, and the whole body suddenly splashed with water.

The black-haired knight was about to rush over to solve it together, when a palpitating feeling suddenly flooded his body, and he immediately stopped the castration.


A light cannon that penetrated the sky passed by his side, swept across the sky and cloud curtain, and blasted towards the distant horizon, shaking the great enchantment. The sky was also cut into a long and narrow wound by this blue spiral, and the deep black cavity disappeared in a flash, and was then repaired by the enclosed space.

Another alien seahorse roared and swooped in, rolling from the bottom to the top, like a giant shark leaping into the water, with its huge mouth open and biting directly at the opponent's lower body.


Yale tilted his body sharply and aimed one hand at the monster below. The red light shrank and gathered in the center of his palm at a rapid speed. In an instant, a beam of light wrapped in a black and brown **** blasted towards the seahorse.


Accompanied by the incomparably crisp sound of bones shattering, the giant monster was like a glass smashed by a giant hammer.

Swish swish swish—!

Almost at the same time, countless bright blue beams of light lit up the sky at one time.

The dazzling light cannons cut through the sky like countless sharp swords, dragged out trails, and shot densely at the Eye of Terror. Circles of ripples oscillated from the blood-red shrouded area, and the light spots splashed like water splashes, cracked, or rotate.

Boom boom boom boom!

The figure of the black-haired knight suddenly flashed around the Eye of Terror, and aimed at the bombarding light cannon to shoot a storm of fist shadows. The interwoven light marks were as dense as fishing nets. like a roar.


The sea **** roared and opened his arms, the surging and violent light could cover the whole body with a fierce arc of crackling, and the divine pattern on his chest was blazing.

In just an instant, the super-magic spell took shape again, and with his power weaving and flowing, a stream of light appeared in the air, the blue light filled the air, and then a halo extended forward in layers.


Intricate and ancient incantations shone within the ring, reversing each other in a mysterious rhythm, followed by countless breathtaking high-speed chants. The terrifying divine power shrinks together until a singularity is formed, and in an instant, a bright and dazzling light bursts out from that point.


Like a huge meteor tearing apart the atmosphere, a huge solid blue light cannon pierced through the layers of halo, with a monstrous flame that rubbed the air, and shot at the Eye of Fear.

In the blink of an eye, the turbulence of the void is as shocking as the roar of a hurricane.

Yale's figure also twisted in front of the roaring beam of light.

He could feel that all the energy in front of the light cannon was fading and collapsing, where the radiation came, the temperature rose sharply, the light was deflected, and the force - enough to shatter everything.

The Eye of Terror cannot withstand the bombardment of supermagic, nor can it survive such an attack itself.

For today's plan, only the waves!


The red light in the black-haired knight's eyes was almost liquefied, and two flames shot out from his nostrils. He aimed at the light cannon and raised his hands to maximize the output of the virtual pronucleus. The metal pit lines all over the body instantly glowed red, as if hot liquid steel was flowing, and the hot air tumbled like boiling water.


The high-temperature airflow rushed to the sky along Yalei's body, blowing his short black hair up and rolling. The strong muscles highlighted the clear veins, and the huge energy gathered in the center of his palms into a bright ball of light, towards A golden snake-like arc radiated all around.


A piercing wave of air exploded in the sky.

The two huge beams of light collided head-on. In an instant, the strong light drowned the world, and the entire huge world seemed to be constantly splitting lightning of different colors. The dense void in the center of the explosion shattered and expanded outwards like snowflakes, and circles of different-colored light streams swayed toward the upper and lower sides, setting off huge waves that were overwhelming.

The next moment, a violent shock wave swept across the ground, causing the entire Great Barrier to tremble.

At this time, all the undersea survivors living under the deep sea barrier felt that the earth under their feet was not a big earth, but the whole world! They all swayed uncomfortably, making them almost unable to stand firm, and in everyone's ears, the deafening roar that was about to tear the air swept through like a shock wave.

The end of the world...has come! ?

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