Last night, Lin Feng was not idle.

On the side of the East Factory, Qin Zhong turned out a lot of tainted evidence of the Jiang family's father and son over the years, and handed it all over to Lin Feng.

These incriminating evidences were still collected by King Ning when Zheng Yan was on an errand, to put it bluntly, in order to control the officials under his command.

Suspicious people often don't believe in the so-called loyalty, and only a real handle can make them feel at ease.

As for Lin Feng, he made a special trip to Wei Xian's mansion.

said that it was a mansion, but in fact it was a simple courtyard, looking at the Beijing Division, compared with those dignitaries, it was a world of difference.

When Lin Feng saw it, he couldn't help but sigh.

In this stormy era, the officials filled their pockets one by one and filled their pockets, Wei Xian was really unique, no wonder the dignified young master, and did not enter the inner circle.

After Wei Xian heard what Lin Feng meant, he immediately agreed to this matter.

In addition to the cabinet faction and the Ning Wang faction, there are also many upright and loyal officials, these people, Wei Xian had introduced Lin Feng before and told Wei Xian, Wei Xian naturally knew what to do.

Of course, these alone are not enough to bring down Jiang Zhiyi, but Lin Feng is not worried, he only needs an opportunity, the opportunity to reach into the East Camp.

In the court.

After the courtiers saluted, the early dynasty began.

Jiang Zhiyi took out the folds he had prepared earlier, and prepared to impeach the Dongcheng Terracotta Division first.

It's just that before he could speak, someone stood up before him, and the key thing is that there is more than one person who stands up, there are five people, and these people are all doing the same thing, impeaching him Jiang Zhiyi.

At this scene, Jiang Zhiyi was not calm.

The courtiers of King Ning's faction also didn't react, and they couldn't figure out what the situation was.

Jiang Zhiyi went to court today, and they heard that their son was beaten half to death, and the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division was derelict in their duties, but instead of arresting the murderer, they let the murderer go unpunished, and it was reasonable to impeach the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division.

However, what the hell did these courtiers come out to impeach Jiang Zhiyi?

Five officials were impeached at the same time, and if there was no one behind the impeachment, it would be absolutely impossible.

Moreover, the five people who stood up were not their faction, not the cabinet faction, but all the original neutrals in the court, which made people even more confused.

King Ning stood there, also pondering the key to it, the hussar battalion was no longer able to save, and the Dongda battalion controlled by Jiang Zhiyi was also his main force in the army, and there must be no more mistakes.

This Jiang Zhiyi must have offended someone.

However, how is this possible?

Could it be said that the problem lies in the fact that his

son was beaten yesterday?

He just heard Jiang Zhiyi say that after his son was beaten in the Zuixian Tower, and after the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division was about to be arrested, he quickly fled in disgrace, and there must be something wrong with this.

Suddenly, he saw Wei Xian standing up, and suddenly thought of something.

Turning his head, he looked towards Lin Feng above, only to see Lin Feng standing there with a faint sneer on his face.

Well, he got it.

It seems that the person who had a conflict with Jiang Zhiyi's son yesterday should not be someone else, or Lin Feng, a dog thief.

After all, it was easy to kill the two guards behind Jiang Zhiyi's son, and let the people of the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division escape in disgrace, and there were only a handful of people in this Beijing division who could do this.

Lin Feng, the dog thief, is definitely one of them.

After thinking about all this, King Ning gritted his teeth angrily, not only because of Lin Feng's madness, but also because of Jiang Zhiyi, a stupid son.

It's not good to mess with anyone, you have to mess with this dog thief.

Isn't this deliberately hitting the muzzle of the gun?

Xia Siyao sat on top and saw a group of people impeaching Jiang Zhiyi, knowing that this was Lin Feng's handiwork.

Although she didn't know Lin Feng's intentions, she just had no brains to support it, and then put on the majesty of the queen mother, and asked in a deep voice: "Jiang Aiqing, do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Zhiyi was still a little confused, he should be the plaintiff, why did he suddenly become a defendant.

"Queen Mother, minister..."

Jiang Zhiyi was speechless for a while, and he didn't know how to speak.

These people not only impeached him, but also said that they were justified and there was no way to refute it.

King Ning secretly scolded a fool.

No matter whether the matter is true or not, how can you admit it, even if it is a quibble, you have to quibble a few words, as long as you hold on, things have not taken a turn for the better.

There was no way, King Ning could only stand up in person.

"Queen Mother, Commander Jiang has always been loyal, and the impeachment of your lords still needs to be carefully investigated, and you must not listen to one-sided words!"


King Ning is also out of control, the hussar battalion is out of control, if the eastern camp makes some mistakes and wants to turn over, the chances will only be more slim.

He wanted to lie dormant for a few days and find another way, but the plan was too late to change, so he could only insist on going his own way.

The East Camp must be saved.

Seeing King Ning come out, Lin Feng walked down from above and arched his hand: "Queen Mother, what the prince said is reasonable, this matter still needs to be investigated in detail." Hearing

Lin Feng's words, King Ning was stunned for a moment.

This dog thief is clearly not at ease, how can he speak for them.

The other officials in the court who didn't know why were also confused, these two people had always been mortal enemies, Lin Feng actually stood up and spoke to King Ning, which was incredible.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Lin Feng spoke again: "However, since Commander Jiang is loyal, and he can't suffer this kind of injustice, the minister implores to order the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, and the Criminal Department to jointly investigate this matter and return Commander Jiang's innocence."

"At the same time, Dongdaying should also be investigated, so that it can prove the loyalty of Master Jiang. King Ning's

face suddenly turned gloomy as water.

Where is Lin Feng speaking for Jiang Zhiyi, it is clearly a matter of using the topic to play, and pulling from Jiang Zhiyi to the East Camp is simply a means of punishing the heart.

At this time, it is no longer enough to prove Jiang Zhiyi's innocence, and it is also necessary that Dongdaying is also loyal to the imperial court to show Jiang Zhiyi's loyalty.

But in the face of this kind of conspiracy, he still has nothing to say.

It can't be said that Dongdaying is loyal to King Ning, and he doesn't pay attention to the court at all, which is completely torn his face.

After thinking clearly, King Ning clenched his fists, and his face became more and more gloomy.

What a dog thief, murderous and heart-wrenching.

Jiang Zhiyi's whole face turned pale, today he came to impeach the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division, and wanted to seek justice for his son, why did he trap himself.

What Lin Aiqing said is extremely true, the court cannot let go of any corrupt official, nor can it wronged a loyal minister, it should be investigated.

"Jiang Aiqing, I have wronged you these days, and this palace will personally supervise you and return your innocence."

Xia Siyao said tacitly.

His Royal Highness was silent.

No one would have thought that Jiang Zhiyi would come in anger and end up like this.

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