In the North House.

Lin Feng and Qin Mengxue and Qin Mengyao sat here.

When the two girls listened to Lin Feng's words, their fair faces were full of horror.

After coming to Jingshi for a long time, they were by Lin Feng's side, and they also heard a lot of things, knowing what King Ning had done, but when they heard that King Ning was rebelling, they were still shocked.

King Ning has been plotting for a long time, how can he rebel without any preparation.

The man didn't say anything, but they could still imagine what kind of danger they had experienced last night.

The heart that had been put down was shocked again.

Lin Feng smiled, didn't explain too much, stood up, took off the coat on his body, and after the end of the day, he didn't stop for a while, and returned to the mansion before he completely relaxed.

"It was late at night, so I went to sleep first.

Seeing Lin Feng's unabashed, casual appearance, Qin Mengxue's face flushed, and she got up and was about to leave the house.

However, before he could take a step, he was grabbed by Lin Feng, and with a second force of his arm, he directly pulled the exaggerated and delicate body into his arms.

When he came back, although he was holding Qin Mengyao, he also noticed the change in Qin Mengxue's expression.

After the last remarks, it seems that this woman has completely let go.

Now, between the two, there is only a layer of window paper that has not been pierced.

As a man, Lin Feng didn't mind taking the initiative at all.

"You... You let go of me.

Thinking that her sister was still beside her, Qin Mengxue was so ashamed that she almost couldn't raise her head, gritted her teeth, and said while struggling.

However, the more she struggled, the tighter Lin Feng hugged her.

"I won't let go, not only this time, but also not in this life. "

Such an iceberg beauty, a fool is willing to let go, what Lin Feng has to do is to break her reserve in front of him and completely take it into her pocket.

Qin Mengxue's struggle became weaker and weaker.

In the end, he simply buried his head in Lin Feng's arms to hide his shyness.

Qin Mengyao sat on the side, looking at Lin Feng and his sister, although she was a little shy, there was still a smile in her big eyes.

One of her hearts has been tied to Lin Feng, if her sister can follow Lin Feng, wouldn't the two sisters have no need to separate again.

I have to say that women's thoughts are sometimes so strange.

But there's no denying that it's true.

Especially in such an era, it is not bizarre.

Thinking of this, she was ready to leave quietly and fulfill her sister and Lin Feng.

With such a great opportunity, how could Lin Feng let this little woman leave, and pulled Qin Mengyao over with his other hand.

Then, with an evil smile on his face, he whispered.

Hearing this, the roots of his ears were almost red, but he didn't struggle anymore.

Lin Feng laughed and hugged the soft couch behind him.

This night is indescribably beautiful.

The moon also seemed a little shy, and quietly hid in the clouds, only the flickering candlelight, witnessing everything.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that the dust settled in the house.


Lin Feng got up from the bed refreshed, and he didn't know when he got up, looking at him, there was some resentment and a trace of coquettishness in his eyes.

Lin Feng smiled cheekily, and then got up under the service.

After having breakfast in Fuzhong, I took Qin Zhong to the East Factory.

The firearms workshop of the East Factory, under the leadership of Xing Ling, has begun to get busy, with the order left by Lin Feng yesterday, the new workshop has also begun to be built, and the manpower is very sufficient, and it is estimated that it will be completed in about half a month.

When the time comes, under the leadership of Xing Ling, a firearms genius, you can start mass production of firearms.

Lin Feng was looking forward to that moment.

Coming out of the workshop, Qinglong walked in from the outside.

"Factory father. Qinglong saluted respectfully.

"What's going on over there in the hussar camp?" Lin Feng sat on the Taishi chair, took a sip of tea, and asked.

"According to the instructions of the factory officer, the generals at all levels have already arranged for them to go up, and it is estimated that in a few days, the hussar battalion will be able to return to normal. Qinglong replied.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Qinglong's personal ability is beyond doubt, which is why he is relieved to hand over the hussar battalion to Qinglong.

"The hussar battalion needs to be put in order quickly, and it may come in handy in the near future. Lin Feng looked at Qinglong and said.

If it was placed in normal times, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, and he could let Qinglong act slowly.

Now the Jurchen Ministry is eyeing Liaodong, and the war is about to break out, although there are also garrisons in Liaodong, but Lin Feng still can't let go in his heart, and he has a word of advice.

There is no way, Liaodong is too involved, if he is not prepared, he is really not sure.

Just when Lin Feng was preparing to fight against the Jurchens, a major event also happened in distant Yunzhou.

Yunzhou, in the residence of King Xuan.

In the main hall of Nuoda, King Xuan Xiao Hai sat on the main seat, and on both sides of the head were a group of civil and military generals under the command of King Xuan Xiao Hai.

A solemn atmosphere enveloped the entire hall.

Just now, they received a message from Jingshi.

King Ning Xiaohe rebelled, although he invaded the palace, but was quickly exterminated by Lin Feng, the commander of Dongchang, and Su Xingchang, the chief soldier of the five military battalions, and even King Ning himself was killed on the spot.

"I didn't expect that King Ning had been thinking about it for many years, and he ended up like this. Someone said incredulously.

"Lord Wang, this Lin Feng has not been in office for a long time, but in Jingshi, he is already well-known, that is, the cabinet, and he is also planning to make friends with him, if he continues to rectify, we are afraid that we will have no chance. One of King Xuan's advisors frowned and said.

"Lord, what should we do?" someone else asked.

King Xuan Xiao Hai sat there, still silent.

To be honest, when he heard the news, he was a little surprised.

Although he is not in Jingshi, he has been paying attention to the situation in Jingshi, watching King Ning grow up step by step, not only does he not have any worries, but he is a little happy in his heart.

King Ning's intention to usurp the throne is obvious.

And once King Ning rebelled, he could return to Beijing under the pretext of King Qin.

Once that time comes, isn't it reasonable for something unknown to happen in the palace?

The snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman profits.

The original plan was very good, but no one expected that King Ning launched a rebellion, which was resolved silently.

It's a bit uncomfortable to have your plans disrupted.

"King Ning rebelled, the Beijing division did not cause much turmoil, and I heard that the hussar battalion also fell into the hands of that Lin Feng, and the five military camps were also completely controlled by Su Xingchang. Yao Anping, who is the chief military advisor, said with a frown.

The question raised by Yao Anping hit the nail on the head, and at the same time, it was also very sharp.

"Lord Wang, I have a plan here, maybe it works. After Yao Anping finished speaking, he added again.

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