Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 1261: The transparent little sweet of the playful master (8)

"You discovered my secret and can only be my person."

Lu Baiqing said with a smile.

Tao Yanxi glanced at Lu Boqing in surprise, "I found your mole, what kind of secret?"

Lu Boqing laughed even more happily, the laughter gushing out of his chest almost drowned out Tao Yanxi.

"That's my secret."

Everyone has a secret, and the tear mole is his secret.

Tao Yan looked at Lu Boqing fixedly, she really couldn't imagine who would take the "tear mole" as a secret.

"Xiao Yanxi, you also have a secret, don't you?"

Lu Boqing leaned into Tao Yanxi's ear and said.

Tao Yanxi tilted her head, ignoring Lu Boqing.

The teacher has entered the classroom, and the class bell rang.

There is no need for her to talk to him anymore.

Seeing that Tao Yanxi didn't answer his words, Lu Boqing had a meaningful smile on his face.

Originally, he wanted people to check Tao Yanxi's identity and life energy, but now it seems that there is no need.

He suddenly wanted to explore Tao Yanxi bit by bit.

In front of him, there seemed to be a cake with a delicate and small appearance. From the appearance alone, this cake should be very sweet.

However, without cutting the cake, no one knows what kind of jam-filled jam will be inside.

Maybe it's a fresh and sour lemon, maybe it's a bitter but memorable chocolate, maybe it's a sweet and sour strawberry.

No matter which one it was, he wanted to cut the cake slowly and taste it carefully.

The sun poured down on the two of them, casting a golden light on them.

And the originally shallow tear mole seemed to be more conspicuous than before under the shroud of this golden light.

The teachers on the stage were so excited, spittle and spittle, that they could not wait to stuff all the content of the textbook into the students' heads.

The students at the bottom were very excited to play with their mobile phones. Occasionally, they looked up at the teacher and saw that he didn't notice him, so they continued to play with their mobile phones.

There were also students who listened carefully to the teacher's lecture, and those black eyes were full of desire for knowledge.

On and off the stage, it was extremely harmonious.

Although Tao Yanxi listened to the teacher's lecture, her mind was not on that.

She also wanted Lu Boqing's words. Judging from his words alone, that tear mole has a story.

Speaking of which, Lu Boqing's moles are lighter than normal moles.

If it weren't for the fact that she was too close to him just now, she might not have been able to find it.

When Tao Yanxi was thinking about the problem, he was taking notes on the book with a pen in his hand, and he used it to the extreme.

Lu Boqing really thought she was listening to the class and didn't disturb her.

He was lying on the table, looking at Tao Yanxi's side face, he only felt peace in his heart.

Unconsciously, he felt a little sleepy.

Within a few minutes, Lu Baiqing fell asleep on the table.

A class is 90 minutes, with a five-minute break in between.

But most teachers do not stop, but continue to babble.

The teacher in this class is no exception.

In the middle of the class, Tao Yanxi felt a dull pain in her stomach, and she wanted to go to the toilet.

But there was a teacher in the front who didn't mean to dismiss the get out of class, and Lu Baiqing was sleeping soundly on the right.

Tao Yanxi put down her pen and pressed her stomach, um... just hold on to it until the end of get out of class.

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