Fall In Love with the Technology Tree

Chapter 116: Xiangping City (below)

"Puchi", the black spear pierced the human body without hesitation, and the ribs and heart were smashed by the sharp teeth of the spear.

Lu Bu took a step back with his left foot, and when his strong body twisted, the Wuhuan soldiers strung on the spear were swept into an arc, knocking over at least four men in a circle. One of them was even knocked straight off the city wall. A scream of "Ah" was drowned in the surrounding fighting.

"Who gave you the courage to attack Xiangping? Do you really think I am a big man?" Crossing the neck, slitting the stomach, piercing the chest... Move to death, with a kind of arrogant arrogance.

Lu Bu's naked upper body has been stained with the blood of others, plus his own sweat, glistening in the sun. He picked up the last enemy who dared to step forward, and then licked his lips.

"Also, yes, who!"

The frontal fight in the cold weapon era is invincible. Therefore, the Wuhuan people who came to invade were timid, and the Xianbei people were also timid. Retreat is the beginning of a rout.

Lü Bu stood on the city wall of Xiangping, enjoying the awe-inspiring gaze of the nobles in Liaodong. "Prefect Lu is really a hero." "Thanks to Prefect Lu this time, Xiangping was able to be saved." "Tomorrow my house will hold a banquet in Wubao, I don't know about Prefect Lu..." The spring breeze blew on his naked chest, more than the wine of the lady of the peach. Also intoxicating.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

The battlefield hadn't been cleaned up yet, and the Cao family came to take refuge in the city.

"Fengxian, why are you in Xiangping?"

The big hero who was still posing for the last second instantly lost his momentum and ran to Ah Sheng's horse, his eyes fluttering. "Lord...Lord Lord, I'm off today...I'll bring a few brothers to go around..."

A Sheng looked at him, and saw the suspicious red cloth above the belt from his bare upper body. She narrowed her eyes: "Dalian has no daughter-in-law, so we have wronged our Prefect Lu."

"I am not, I am not!"

A Sheng sighed: "Before you lie next time, don't put Renhuaniang's towel on your body."

Lu Bu was stunned for a while, and after searching himself for a long time, he found the towel with the help of his personal soldiers, pulled it out and threw it on the ground, and stepped on it a few times.

At this time, Ah Sheng had already found a private house for Cao Song near the city wall. She asked half of the soldiers to guard the old and the weak, and the other half and the wounded doctors to help clean the battlefield. In fact, she shouldn't care about Lu Bu's visit to Nulu. As the lord, the more important thing at the moment is whether this Wuhuan riot will provide her with an opportunity to expand her sphere of influence.

"Erlang..." Lu Bu moved over regularly, handing water and towels to Ah Sheng, "I just drank some wine, and before... the Wuhuan people came in."

A Sheng was smoked by the smell of sweat and blood on his body, he took a step back calmly: "Go back and copy the symptoms of the third stage of syphilis fifty times."

Lu Bu's face turned green.

"Although I won't punish you for this, but you are notorious enough to marry a good wife, Lu Huajiu."

Lu Bu pouted: "I have children anyway."

Yes, Lu Bu's son and daughter are raised in Dalian, but the mother of the children has been given away by Lu Bu. Disbanding the concubines before each expedition, just like drinking flower wine, is also a widely circulated anecdote by Taishou Lu.

In response, Ape said: "Men are not good things." She lowered her eyes, followed among the women's doctors, and went to the streets of the city. The western part of the city suffered the most damage, with many houses smashed, property scattered on the streets, and injured and dead civilians lying in the rubble.

Lu Xiaobu was inexplicably labeled a "bad thing", and his temper also came up. "Who is that woman?"

"Ape. You played with her when she was a child, forgot?"

"Ah..." Lu Bu felt a little dazed for a moment, "It's been so many years..."

In the past sixteen years, things have changed.

Cao Pei wore a dead face, put on a large white coat, and received emergency dressing training with the women in the city. Although she did not do the best, but not bad, at least she can get the gratitude of the wounded.

"Thank you madam."

"If you live, you will repay."

With the busy work, Cao Pei's heart slowly calmed down. She was still ignorant when she was a child, but the more she grew up, the more she envied her second brother, or eldest sister. Big sister doesn't have to worry that this man is not good that man is not good, because there is no man who can hurt her.

Cao Sheng is the best herself, she doesn't need to rely on men, men can't hurt her. But she is not good at Cao Pei. She has mediocre aptitude and is neither smart nor capable. She has never studied anything except being a good wife and mother, and she has no way to live on her own.

She thought this was the case until she came to Liaodong.

Cao Pei cleaned the wound of the last injured person, took off his overalls, and wiped his face by the well. At this time, the sun was already in the west, and the orange-red light sprinkled on the streets, the smoke rose from the dilapidated houses, and the smell of corn and meat wafted in the evening breeze.


After the catastrophe, the rest of the world is a lively and warm word. This kind of life is full of vitality compared to decaying in the lifeless splendor.

Cao Pei walked through the dilapidated streets and alleys with a stern face to the west of the Cao family's camp. Then, she saw a pair of feet.

Bare feet covered in mud, thick toe joints, thick and broken toenails.

Someone lies behind a broken wall?

Cao Pei stepped forward, held the crack in the wooden wall with his hand, and stuck his head out. Before she could see clearly, someone strangled her neck. Huge force dragged her behind the wall, then pressed her to the ground. Blowing on the face is the smell of smoky sheep.


Cao Pei began to struggle before she could react. She didn't want to die, she wanted to live in Liaodong. But the opponent's arm was as hard as iron, and the rough fingers pinched the young woman's slender neck, as if to cut off her spine.

Cao Pei's eyes turned black. "It's disgusting." She thought when she was about to lose consciousness. "This man's palms are sweating, and the hot and humid touch is disgusting."

The next second, the tension on the neck loosened.

The figure of the man blocking the sun fell. "Cough cough cough." Cao Pei coughed violently and kicked the man away with one kick. Unexpectedly, the Wuhuan man who was invincible just now had a very light body and only a small ball when he kicked into the corner.

"Ape, are you alright?"

Cao Pei looked up and saw a face that had appeared in her dreams many times. It was as if a carefree childhood was roaming around out of sight.

"Ape, you are fat." Lu Bu, who had begun to grow a beard, said with a smile.

Cao Pei looked indifferent.

"When you were a child, being fat was innocent and cute. At your age, no matter how fat you are, you will become a sow."

Cao Pei looked indifferent.

"Look, you can't afford to gain weight. I heard that your husband is not good to you, it must be because you are not good-looking."

Cao Pei couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped him on it.

This is a warm and hopeful spring, but taxis in Jiaozhou, far in the south, don't think so.

Jiaozhou has always been out of sight of the central court. In the eyes of Luoyang's group, Jiaozhou is more rural and barbaric than Youzhou. Youzhou, west of Liaoning, is the hometown of Yan State, one of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period. Before Qin Shihuang, it was an inseparable part of the Central Dynasty.

As for Jiaozhou, at that time it was still Nannanman, which was further south than Nanman. After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Qin divided Zhao Tuo into Lingnan and called it Nanyue Kingdom. This division was the king of the Five Dynasties. It will be a hundred years later when Jiaozhou is merged into the Dahan territory.

Therefore, Jiaozhou ranks the last among the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, and the appointed officials are also the latest. Cao Cao of Qingzhou has been in office for a year and is ready to start his army, and Xie, the prefect of Jiaozhi, is still on his way.

On the same road with Shi Xie, there are Nanhai Prefecture, Cangwu Prefecture, Hepu Prefecture, Jiuzhen Prefecture and so on. There is no Yellow Turban in Jiaozhou, so there is no state shepherd for the time being.

May is not a good time to hit the road in the southern hills. The continuous rain has made the narrow mountain road muddy and muddy, and the thick layer of rot leaves is not known, which is a test of human endurance. The mountains on both sides towered high, like monsters threatening the valley.

Shi Xie is a local and has more experience than his unlucky colleagues: "Everyone, you can't stay here. If you encounter a rock collapse, you will be in danger of dying. Zhu Jun, it was during this section of the road that he encountered a mudslide, and 300 people were buried alive, and none of the bodies have been found yet."

What a sin.

However, when several prefects were able to take office in Jiaozhou, they naturally held the careful thoughts of the emperor of the sky. At this time, I can only bite the bullet.

The hooves of the horses tread on the old litter. Every verdant leaf by the road was dripping with water, ferns were densely covered under the trees, and there was a suspicious rustling sound from time to time in the bushes.

A snake? Is it poisonous? Or beast? The more you think about it, the more frustrating it becomes.

The truth is more brutal. Accompanied by a strange flute sound, countless logs and arrow branches fell from the mountains on both sides. Torches lit up and down the road, burning vigorously in the drizzle because of the ample fuel.

Three hundred? Four hundred people? No, more, at least a thousand mountain forest troops surrounded them.

The jungle warriors drew out the steel knives around their waists like beasts of prey. The treasured sword produced in the South Island, Shi Xie once received one from Tian Dalang as a gift. The steel knife cut iron like mud, but because it was not beautiful, he gave it to his retainers.

And now, Shi Xie saw a thousand steel knives, each of which was no less than the one he received at the beginning, cutting a human body like chopping melons and vegetables. When Shi Xie came back to his senses, he was the only living person left in the company. Surrounded by mutilated limbs and a sickening smell of rust.

"Long time no see, Lord Shijiafu. Speaking of which, you are my elder." The leading young man put the blood-stained steel knife back into its sheath and said in Luoyang Yayin. He has a heroic face that Shi Xie feels familiar with.

"You...I remember your name is Tai..."

Shi Xie also slowly recovered at this time and understood the current situation. He showed a self-deprecating smile: "The elders of Jiaozhou... When will the Cao family from outside represent the elders of Jiaozhou?"

Taishi Ci did not speak, he stood in the rain like a dutiful general, motionless. However, a slightly magnetic male voice sounded from the back of the team: "Jiaozhou has a population of 2 million, and my Cao family owns 30%, so why can't I represent Jiaozhou?"

The team split and the second young man came up. He didn't have a beard, and he didn't have his hair tied. He wore the so-called child's hairstyle. He was dressed in white, and his face was pretty and shy.

Tai Shi Ci bowed: "Shi Gong, please let me introduce you. This is the fifth son of Cao, Cao Yu, who lives in Panyu."

Shi Xie raised his eyes: "Are you the legendary Cao Jiazi? It's surprising."

Cao Yu shook his head gently, but did not give any further explanation but only asked people to send pen and paper: "Please also submit the form, Baoyu is the prefect of Hepu."

Shi Xie smiled wryly with his pen: "What else? Let's talk about it together."

"Aci is the prefect of the South China Sea. I'm sorry to bother you. This time, let's start with these two. After all the prefects of Jiaozhou have been arranged at one time, Dong thief should think that you have separated Jiaozhou."

Is that mine? Obviously it's you who are divided. Is the prefect of the imperial court useful? Not being intercepted on the way. Does it make a difference whether or not to have a prefect? Jiaozhou has not taken the surname Cao since then. Although Shi Xie had countless thoughts in his mind, he didn't dare to say a single word. He wrote the playlist according to the template of the Cao family, and pressed his own seal.

Cao Yu tucked the playlist into his sleeve and cleared his voice: "This is the first time Yu has seen Shigong, but the second brother is grateful for the friendship of the Shijia when he first came, so Cang Wu County is still your Cangwu County. As for other places, please don't do anything that embarrassing me." After he finished saying this, he bypassed Shi Xie and ordered the soldiers to clean up the corpses and fake the scene.

Shi Xie sat on the ground, his heart froze. He thought of Zhu Jun, who also died here. Everyone thought it was a mudslide, but the truth, I'm afraid...

"Cangwu County, take it too."


"The old man has a grandson who is four years old and smart. I heard that there is a Cao School in the South Island, and I want him to enroll."

Cao Yu turned his head and smiled: "A four-year-old child, away from home, isn't it good?"

"The orphans of the Cao family are sent to the South Island in a boat, the youngest is about four years old. Others can, why can't he?"

Give up the current luck and change the future. Even if he is not a household name in later generations, Shi Xie can be regarded as a hero. It was the deployment of the Cao family in Jiaozhou that did not give him the opportunity to grow and develop.

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