Zheng Yi, the only son of Zheng Xuan, was eleven years old, sitting next to his father and looking curiously at the scenery on both sides of the road. It was on a bright winter day, the sun shone on the wilderness, and occasionally the scattered fields of harvested farmland could be seen from the gaps between the fallen leaves.

The closer you are to the ocean, the milder the climate, even the north wind is not too cold. Zheng Yi became more lively when he was not restrained.

"Father, we have already passed Dongmu." He frowned, "I thought Dongmu was the easternmost end of Qingzhou, and there were barren mountains in front of us. Where are we going? where?"

Zheng Xuan is well-informed in the end: "Across these hills, is the sea. In the former Han Dynasty, there was a county in the extreme east of Qingzhou, which is the boundary. But later because of Wang Mang's rebellion, the population Decreased damage, coupled with the natural disaster of sea water intrusion, people moved inwards, and gradually became desolate. At the beginning of this dynasty, Wuye County was abolished until—”

When he said this, he glanced at Ah Sheng who was leaning against the rail of the car, and seeing that she didn't care, he continued to tell his son: "I listened to Mu Ping's businessman saying It was not until the Cao clan led the displaced people in Gubuye County to reclaim, fish and hunt, and to appease the natives in the mountains, this road that never sleeps prospered again.”

One of Zheng Xuan's disciples asked: "I heard that in ancient times, someone saw the sun at night in the east of Qingzhou, so he was destined to never night, but is it true?"

This question was answered by Ah Sheng first: "'Night day' is a very rare phenomenon, much rarer than a solar eclipse meteor. My family has been operating at No Night for almost ten years. , has not yet been recorded.”

Zheng Xuan asked her with a smile: "Can 'night day' be calculated?"


She denied it too quickly, making Zheng Xuan stunned for a moment.

"The so-called calculation is to use the known to infer the unknown. There is no record of 'night and day', and the time, weather, size, and shape are all based on human imagination, so there is no way to speculate. Let's observe first, observe a few A hundred years, maybe it can be counted. If a few hundred years are not enough, then a few thousand years, one day can be counted. But at present, it can’t be.”

Zheng Xuan was stunned and somewhat relieved, and taught his disciples: "What you know is what you know, and what you don't know is what you don't know. You see, this is the attitude of studying."

Thirty Chinese teachers: "No." In fact, most of them don't understand astronomy.

Different from the disaster victims who walked eastward, Ah Sheng and his group were a convoy, so they took the road that the Cao family transported goods. Without tunnels and bridges, the roads in hilly areas cannot be straight. The bullock cart zigzagged between the mountains, and in the blink of an eye, the road it came from was nowhere to be seen, except for the occasional sound of wild beasts from the depths of the forest.

Zheng Yi was a little flustered, grabbed the hem of his father's clothes, and did not open his brows. This child was raised quite coddled, with a small appearance of being abducted, but fortunately, he hadn't said anything about going back.

After walking for about half an hour, there are mountain people's arrow towers, stone or wooden structures, and the architectural style of the former Lai Yi. A three-meter-high wooden fence stood at a narrow and dangerous crossing, blocking the road. On the watchtower next to the fence, a small official shouted in unskilled Mandarin:

"Weihai in front is under the jurisdiction of the Great Han Changyang Marquis, Donglai Cao's manor. If it is a Shangguan from the county, please show your identity; Hakka people, please show your flag and letter; Hakka caravans Refugees, please register for painting."

Asheng asked people to hang up two flags: on one side there was a Chinese character Cao in seal script, and on the other side a white rabbit stood under a lily of the valley flower.

As soon as the flag was hung up, someone on the watchtower shouted excitedly: "It's the master here!" Several teenagers stuck their heads out, looking eager and curious. They took a few glances before thinking that they were going to perform official duties: "Quick, go to register. Da, you ride to the manor to inform Mr. Kong."

The small door next to it opened, and the excited middle-aged clerk ran to the ox cart with the registration book: "Which is the master? I have never heard of his name."

He spoke with a strong Donglai accent, and it seemed that he was recruiting locally. But his ability to work as an entry registrar shows that his background is clean enough and his brainwashing is thorough enough. Ah Sheng felt that she should trust Dong Lai's steward here. Even if there is any problem, Qin Liu's screening will be waiting in the next days.

A Sheng thought about it and showed his jade pendant to let the clerk compare it with the drawing, and then he was the first to sign and seal the registration book.

When the little official took the registration book, his hands were shaking, and the smile on his face could not stop.

The second registered is Hua Min. He belongs to a doorman, and has a uniform custom-made sapphire card and sapphire seal, with the serial number, place of origin and ownership complete. Just copy it. Lv Bu also received the same treatment. He also registered in Qiao County and Yanzhou Women's Medical Hall, and completed it with a few strokes.

Even the servants of the Cao family have their own granite plaques and numbers: nursing homes start with "ge", doctors start with "yao", and craftsmen start with "jin". This is the split word method, which refers to a radical in the responsibility. Its tight structure surprised Zheng Xuan. There are also Qin Liu, Du Mi, Luo Chi and others, which start with the word "world", while Yan Wen is the only seedling, which starts with the word "winter". Zheng Xuan couldn't guess the words from which these two radicals were taken apart.

"The second son's strictness in running the family, quite the style of the army, and the rhyme of the Qin Dynasty." Within a quarter of an hour, more than 60 servants were all registered, even Wang Rui Such little apprentices did not procrastinate in the slightest.

Next, 46 Sili refugees and 30 foreign tourists, including Zheng Xuan, entered the house in turn to register the fingerprints and facial features of their relatives in their place of origin. It is a simple file, in duplicate. One is kept on file and the other is taken away as a certificate.

Zheng Xuan stared at his avatar on the temporary ID card and almost jumped up in surprise.

"This is a face sketch," Ah Sheng explained to Zheng Xuan at the exit of the registration room, "It just started last year. There has been a shortage of manpower before, but the first batch of painters who can sketch has already been nurtured."

Some of Zheng Xuan's disciples were from a wealthy family, and they followed the teacher to look at Ah Sheng meaningfully: "The background of the Cao family is really unfathomable. I'm afraid that people with ulterior motives want to enter the Cao family. It's hard to move on the site." The control from top to bottom is as delicate as hair.

Asheng stood there calmly.

This is just the first level to enter Weihai. The quarantine on Shen Island and the security check on Nandao are still ahead.

Weihai Immigration Department did a good job. Ah Sheng was a little happier, and after returning to the road, he pointed at the mountains and forests on both sides with the bamboo pole of the driver: "Now the leaves have fallen, but these are actually fruit trees. Originally there were wild citrus, and later jujubes, peaches, Persimmons, chestnuts, plums, and pine trees that were moved from Liangzhou, but they are called apples locally."

For plants, Huamin, who collects herbs in person all year round, has more research, so I follow it. Sure enough, the further east you go, the more obvious the artificial traces of the mountains and forests. In addition to more and more fruit trees, there are gravel-paved paths on both sides of the road, winding and disappearing into the mountains and forests. That's the way loggers and fruit farmers go.

"Who is in charge of Bie Zhuang that never sleeps?" Hua Min said, "Erlang should reward him. Peaches, plums, and lilies are all high-yielding, and the thousand acres of orchards alone can support them. Thousands of people."

Zheng Xuan was reminded by Hua Minyi, and suddenly realized a problem: "Yuanhua is right. Although the county has been abandoned, as the people of the big man, it is more appropriate for us to call the night. The name 'Weihai' is a bit loud."

"Zheng Gong is too concerned. I dare not take the name of the county that never sleeps. The so-called 'Weihai' is the name of a nearby island. It was originally called Liugong Island, and later a shipyard was built. The name was changed to 'Weihai' after looking for the warlocks in Huangxian County to test the hexagrams. It was just a superstition of the boatmen and fishermen in order to pray for the safety of the boat. But because the Marquis of Changyang also thought the name was good, it gradually spread. "

Zheng Xuan was relieved and listened to Hua Min talking about the medicinal value of various fruit trees.

When you get out of the mountain area, you can start to see fruit trees with numbered plates, and there are a few free-range roosters under the trees looking for insects to eat.

Going out of the fruit forest again, the vision is suddenly clear.

Facing the sunset, the farmland spreads out, until it connects with the coast in the distance. Different from the deserted places in other places, the farmland here is planted with winter beans for fertile fields, and the greenery is lush. The sea breeze is blowing, and it is mixed with the smell of cooking smoke from every family making dinner. The openness and warmth are mixed, making people almost want to cry.

"Just by smelling the aroma of meat and looking at the smoke from cooking, you can know that the Cao family is the master of benevolence. Not to mention the trip to the Dao, it is also the atmosphere of a well-off life."

"Empress Zheng raised his head high, this is just struggling to get food and clothing, where will he be well-off?"

As soon as Ah Sheng finished speaking, he saw a galloping horse coming in front of him. Before he got to the front, he heard Kong Mo's overly emotional voice: "Lord~Master~" Wait until he finds out that there is another When outsiders were present, it was too late to think about being a doorman.

A Sheng held back his smile: "Mr. Kong, stay safe."

Kong Mo wiped away her tears: "It's all good, all good. It would be better if the lord could approve the marriage application of the great doctor as soon as possible."

A Sheng: "Fangfeng never wrote a report, sir, you made a report."

Kong Mo guiltily looked away: "Isn't my report the same as Ah Feng's report?"

"There has never been a report signed by a single person."

Kong Mo's fingers tossed his belt and muttered in a low voice, "Ten years, our family's eldest son is three years old."

A Sheng sighed silently in his heart, this is the hurdle that Fang Feng still can't overcome. She can't press the bull's head to drink water, can she? After all, even the child's father couldn't press the head down.

A Sheng can only pull the topic away. "Tian Ma Guan Academy, how is it doing? I used to say that my husband is not enough. This time I invited Duke Zheng Kangcheng. Duke Zheng has thousands of disciples and is famous in Kanto. If he can earn two points, he will benefit for a lifetime."

Kong Mo raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "This is natural. Now Zheng Xuan is the only one who can stand out with his own knowledge. Disrespectful and disrespectful."

Zheng Xuan hurriedly returned the gift: "I have won the prize."

Asheng pulled Huayan to the front again: "This is Hua Shenyi, I think you have already received the news. Are the clean rooms of the medical hall ready?"

"That's natural. In addition to the clean room, the pharmacy and the dormitory are also the best."

"Abu is coming to Weihai for the first time, he should report to Zhao Qi according to the regulations. By the way, let him learn to float."

"No problem no problem."

Lu Xiaobu's eyes widened: "Wait. What? Floating?" Why should I learn to swim as a cavalry?

Before Lu Xiaobu could express his protest, the team that came to greet him had already rushed after Kong Mo. On the opposite side of the ox cart sat a fair-skinned and weak boy with three points of features similar to Ah Sheng.

"Second brother! The second brother is here! I haven't seen the second brother for many years. I look forward to the White Rabbit Banner day and night.

The author has something to say:

Note 1: The Ministry of Espionage is "World", and the Mapping Survey, Geology, and Navigator are "Winter".

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