False Affection: My Mysterious Mr. Moo

Chapter 55: Thinking we have no one at Mu Family?

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Chapter 55 thought we had no one at Mu Family?

Before, Mu Wanqi and Xiao Chuhe had always mistakenly thought that she had something to do with "Mu Jiachen", but if she was seen by "Mu Jiachen" to pick her up, wouldn't it...

Mu Nuann felt a headache.

After getting out of the elevator, Mu Wanqi went out first. Mu Nuannu rubbed it behind and called "Mu Jiachen".

He answered the phone quickly, and before Mu Nuannu spoke, he asked out loud, "You don't want to invite me to dinner, just sneaked with your black card?"

Mu Nuannuan: "..." The dog can't spit out ivory!

and many more……

"Where are you now?" Mu Nuan Nuan seriously doubted that he had already come to Mu's, otherwise how could he say that she "sneak"!

Mu Tingxiao raised his eyes and looked at Mu's door: "Mu's door, hurry up without sneaking, no place to go late."

When he finished speaking concisely, he hung up the phone.

Mu Nuann called him again, he hung up directly.

She had no choice but to walk away for a while before hoping that Mu Wanqi and Shen Chuhan had already gone.

If Mu Wanqi saw "Mu Jiachen" to pick her up, she might have to spread her rumors everywhere.

Although Mu Tingxiao's attitude towards her has recently eased somewhat, his relationship with his cousin "Mu Jiachen" is better. If she and "Mu Jiachen" have a scandal, there is no doubt that Mu Tingxiao will not Stand on her side.

It is a pity that the sky is not as good as people wish. When she went out, Shen Chuhan and Mu Wanqi did not leave.

Shen Chuhan and the car stopped at the door, Mu Wanqi lowered the window, and sat in the car and called her: "Warm warm, we will take you on a ride."

Mu Nuan Nu can't be seen, Mu Wanqi wants to show off her and Shen Chuhan again.

Mu Nuan Nuanpi smiled and said with a smile: "No, you go first, we are not going along."

Shen Chuhan opened the door and got out of the car at this time, looking in the direction of Mu Nuannuan: "Warmless, don't you..."

When he saw Mu Nuannuan's appearance clearly, he had a sharp tone, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Mu Wanqi dissatisfiedly called out "Coldness" directly, and then he recovered and turned his back. Completion of the words: "You are welcome, I will send you back."

I said I had to take her for a ride, but now I will send her back?

Mu Nuan Nuan was about to speak, and heard the sound of "bang" closing the car door.

She looked at it soundly and saw that the slender figure of "Mu Jiachen" was coming towards her.

Shen Chuhan and Mu Wanqi only discovered that a black Bentley had not been parked next to them.

Most men love cars, and Bentley models are smooth and beautiful. Shen Chuhan couldn't help but glanced at it for a while. This time, he only released the Bentley Elegant 728, which had been sold and discontinued a few years ago. It was a customized model.

As for the selling price, starting from 10 million, the price of each car is different according to the requirements of the owner. From his professional perspective, the price of this car is at least 20 million upwards.

Most of the wealthy children in Huyang City, Shen Chuhan knew, but he didn't know the man who walked towards Mu Nuan Nuan.

Mu Tingxiao walked to Mu Nuan warmly, looked at her, then turned to look at Shen Chuhan, his tone was indifferent but very imposing: "This gentleman thinks that our Mu family is empty? So we need another man to send Grandma Mu's home?"

Shen Chuhan was shocked, was this man actually a Mu family member?

But didn't Mu Tingxiao say he was already a scumbag? Who is the handsome man in front of you?

Mu Wanqi on the side reminded him: "This is Mu Tingxiao's cousin, Mu Jiachen."

Shen Chuhan heard the words, but sneered: "How do you know him?"

Shen Chuhan depressed the disgust of Mu Wanqi in her heart and turned to smile and said, "Mr. Mu misunderstood. I am a warm friend, but I just wanted to take her along the way."

"Really?" Mu Tingxiao turned to look at Mu Nuannuan.

Mu Nuan Nuan naturally wants to help "Mu Jiachen": "Not so smooth."

Mu Tingxiao was very satisfied with her cooperation. The look on her face did not change much, but there was a smile on her eyes: "Since it is not going well, let's go first."

Until Mu Tingxiao and Mu Nuannuan got in the car, Shen Chuhan didn't take his gaze back.

Why did Mu Nuann suddenly become so beautiful?

Even if she really went for a facelift, not many days before he saw her last time, she could not recover so quickly.

This only shows that she looks pretty already.

Why can she...

Mu Wanqi originally just wanted to show off her and Shen Chuhan before Mu Nuan Nuan, but she forgot that Mu Nuan Nuan suddenly became beautiful today and would attract Shen Chuhan's attention.

Mu Wanqi was not angry, and sneered at Shen Chu's coldness: "Look what to see, then look at her is also the grandmother of Mu Family!"

Shen Chuhan was stimulated by her words and looked at her with disgust: "You shut up!"


The car was quiet.

Mu Nuan Nuan sent WeChat to Shen Liang with his mobile phone.

She told Shen Liang that Shen Chuhan and Mu Wanqi were together.

Shen Liang made a shocked expression: I can't think of the Shen people in the clan who had such a **** man wearing a grassland above his head!

She recently filmed a costume drama, with a little line of tone at the beginning.

Mu Nuannuan felt that it might be Mu Wanqi who was holding Shen Chuhan's handle, so Shen Chuhan was forced to make good with her.

After all, how can someone who loves face like Shen Chuhan so willingly wear a green hat to join her?

She told Shenliang what she thought in her heart. Before she could reply, she felt that the car had stopped.

Mu Nuan Nuan unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. As soon as he looked up, he saw Mu Wanqi and Shen Chuhan coming down from the next car.

"..." What's the saying? The enemy is narrow!

Shen Chuhan happened to see Mu Nuan Nuan, who seemed to be speaking, but was pulled away by Mu Wanqi.

Mu Nuan Nuan really can't figure out what the reason is, so that Chu Chuhan, who loves face so much, can still be confused with Mu Wanqi.

The somber voice of "Mu Jiachen" rang in his ears: "Everyone has gone away, so they can't bear to go in and watch."

When Mu Nuan Nuan looked back, "Mu Jiachen" had turned and walked towards Jinding.

Others have high legs and long strides, and Mu Nuannuan trot before catching up with him: "What are you talking about! Who can't bear who?"

"Shen Chuhan." Mu Tingxiao stopped and glanced at her lightly.

Mu Nuan was shivered by him.

"Do you know him?" Mu Nuannuan reacted and followed him, his mind flashing, grabbing his arm: "You checked me!"

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