The next day, in the morning.

Chen Changsheng, who woke up from his sleep, moved his body, put on his clothes, lightly opened the door, and walked out.

“Brother Sheng, you are up, do you want to drink some water?”

In the living room, Ma Yongsheng stood up when he heard a sound.

“No need.”

Waving his hand, Chen Changsheng said slowly: “It’s uncomfortable to lie down on the waist bar for a long time, get up and move, you don’t have to worry about me, I’ll go out and go around.” ”

Say that, walk through the living room and come outside.

Seeing the dense green grass and some trees, walking around the house, Chen Changsheng already knew it in his heart.

It was an old house, and from what he had just observed, it should be a relatively remote countryside, and then he looked outside, walked for about two or three minutes, and came to a cliff, when his vision widened.

In the distance, a winding road at the foot of the mountain is like a long dragon, and at the end of the eye, there are misty high-rise buildings, which seems to be the prosperous Kowloon area.

For Xiangjiang, Chen Changsheng is no stranger.

Whether it is now or in his previous life, he has been to Xiangjiang.

However, it is all in a hurry.

In this life, he wants to understand it well and integrate into it, after all, Xiangjiang is one of the best cities in the Dragon Country and even in Asia.

“Brother Sheng~~”

Suddenly, there was a shout from behind.

“What’s wrong with Tianpeng?”

Chen Changsheng looked at Yang Tianpeng who ran over and asked.

Yang Tianpeng is also a fellow villager who followed Chen Changsheng to make a fortune, burly and powerful, very strong, very brave in fighting, but does not like to use brains, and has no strategy.

“Brother Sheng, Brother Jun is here.”

Yang Tianpeng said with a rough breath.

A trace of essence flashed in Chen Changsheng’s eyes, and then he smiled lightly: “Go, go back.” ”

The two returned the same way.

As soon as he entered the house, Chen Changsheng saw a short-haired man in a khaki suit and very fashionable dress.

“Ah Sheng, you’re back, come over and share the money.”

The man beckoned to him.

Chen Changsheng smiled slightly and walked over.

Tear pull.

The short-haired man opened the bag and took out a stack of bundled Hong Kong dollars from it.

“This is three and a half million, you divide it, five hundred thousand each.”

Hear half a million each.

A few people who had never seen so much money in their lives suddenly became excited and shouted to get rich.

Only Chen Changsheng glanced at it calmly and calmly, not happy or sad, very calm, and did not even reach out to take his own point.

Five hundred thousand, dozens of times more money than this, he has all had.

“Ah Sheng, why don’t you take it, why do you have something in mind?”

Looking at Chen Changsheng, who did not speak and looked calm, Luo Jun looked at him with interest.


Chen Changsheng shook his head, reached out to pick up his share of money, patted it in his hand, and smiled lightly: “Thank you Brother Jun.” ”

Luo Jun patted him on the shoulder, looking very friendly: “Thank what, this is all you fought hard for, you deserve it.” ”

Said, turned around, and faced the few people who were still excited: “Okay, the money has already been obtained, the wind outside this section is tight, the sliver is being checked, this place is not safe, I have arranged a boat, and I will send everyone back to the mainland to rest in the evening.”

Next time, if there is another life, I will contact you again. ”

“In addition, I still have business, so I won’t stay long, and I’ll come and pick you up in the evening.”

After saying a few polite words and staying for a while, Luo Jun drove away.

Without Chen Changsheng, the rest of the people were obviously more open.

However, if there are more of these people, it is inevitable that there will be disputes.

No, Chen Changsheng, who was staying outside thinking about how to stay, was quickly attracted by the quarrel in the house, frowned, and walked in.

“Cao Qi, you fuck, you have the ability to say it again, believe it or not, Laozi killed you.”

“Come on, who is afraid of whom, just you still want to kill me? I’ll kill you almost. ”


“Beat my brother, Lao Tzu will kill you.”

Bang bang bang ~~

Suddenly, there was chaos in the house.

The figures are staggered, fists and feet are intertwined, and the fight is very intense.

“Stop it all.”

Suddenly, a roar sounded like a bell and drum, and several people who were fighting stopped, and immediately divided into two groups of people.

Looking at Liu Jiwen, Ma Yongsheng, and Yang Tianpeng, who were angry and dissatisfied on their faces, and looked at Cao Qi, who had a cold face, Chen Changsheng frowned, and turned to look at Liu Jiwen: “Awen, you say.” ”

“Brother Sheng, he called us garbage and said we shouldn’t take money…”

Chen Changsheng’s face turned cold, his gaze turned to Cao Qi and the three, and his tone became cold, “How?” Three disagree with the distribution of money? ”

“Chen Changsheng, what are you, if it weren’t for our three brothers, just rely on the four of you and eat.”

Cao Qi mocked coldly.

The other two also looked at him with disdain.

Before Chen Changsheng could get angry, Yang Tianpeng rushed over and punched Cao Qi.

Cao Qi was caught off guard, and instantly felt that his face was hot.

“Damn, dare to hit Lao Tzu!”

“Kill him for me.”

The scene became chaotic again.

This time, Chen Changsheng did not step forward to block it, and he was shot in the abdomen, and now he is still in pain.

If you go up and fight, don’t you ask for guilt.

Besides, there is an easier way, why do it rudely.

Gloomy face returned to the room, took out a pistol, opened the magazine and took a look, seeing that there were bullets.

Without saying a word, the bullet is loaded.

Walked out.

“Bang bang bang~~”

Two gunshots rang out in a row.

Like earth-shattering thunder, the room instantly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, a figure fell to the ground.

It was Cao Qi, who was still arrogant just now, who saw him spitting blood in his mouth, being shot in the abdomen and back, and the blood instantly stained his clothes.

As for his two accomplices, already freaked out.

Liu Jiwen and others reacted and restrained the two.

After Chen Changsheng saw that he controlled the situation, he glanced at Cao Qi, who spat blood in his mouth, lay on the ground, looked at him with a look of fear, walked over, looked at him coldly, and raised his hand holding the gun slightly.


Gunshots rang out.

One life died completely.

Seeing that Chen Changsheng killed Cao Qi without hesitation.

Several people present all gasped, while Cao Qi’s accomplices knelt down in fear and begged for mercy.

It’s not that they don’t have guns, they just put them in the room.

To get a gun at this time is undoubtedly looking for death.

It is estimated that the person was killed before he ran a few steps.

Chen Changsheng glanced at the two kneeling and begging for mercy, coldly, without a trace of emotion, and handed the gun to Ma Yongsheng next to him, “A Sheng, it’s over to you.” ”

Ma Yongsheng looked at the gun in his hand, where did not understand what Chen Changsheng meant, after hesitating for a moment, thinking of just now, he suddenly gritted his teeth in his heart, facing the two who begged for mercy, bang is a few shots.

The two screamed and screamed.

“Okay, I know you have a lot of things to ask in your hearts, deal with the three of them first, and go outside to find a place to bury.”

Looking at the three people who looked at him, Chen Changsheng waved his hand with a cold face and said.

The three nodded, carried the bodies of Cao Qi and the others out, and then found a place to dig and bury them.

By the time this was done, it was already an hour later.

Looking at the three people covered in dust, Chen Changsheng pointed to the stool in front of him, “Sit down!” ”

When the three heard this, they sat down obediently and looked at him.

Chen Changsheng’s face was indifferent, and his eyes looked at the three calmly, “You know, why do I want to kill the three of them?” ”

The three shook their heads.

They really didn’t understand Chen Changsheng’s intention in doing this.

Although they were really angry just now, they couldn’t wait to slap each other to death.

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