Chapter 0075 – Earthquake, Tour Guide!!!


Bauer Hotel, one room.

Dark shadows interlace.

I don’t know how long it took.


The lights in the room came on.

A figure hurried to the bathroom.

Seeing the jade back, Chen Changsheng smiled indifferently, leaned on the back of the bed, picked up the cigarette and lighter on the bedside table with one hand, lit it and smoked.

The smoke drifted slowly.

My thoughts gradually let go.

Investment in Yan Ying Studio version of Dream of Red Mansions, although the investment amount is large, according to the agreement, Legendary Pictures will contribute more than 15 million Hong Kong dollars, which seems to be very large, but it is shooting six movies, and the average one is down, which is more than two million, which is not ~ low in Xiangjiang.

However, considering that it has overseas copyrights, and it is not surprising, Xiangjiang alone can earn back.

Rather, the TV series version shot by Y Vision is a problem.

“It seems that we have to think of a way to buy ATV.”

Chen Changsheng thought secretly in his heart.

In this embryonic stage of the Internet, if he can master a TV station, it will undoubtedly greatly improve his status among the rich people in Xiangjiang, and can also expand the territory of his entertainment business, and ATV is one of the two major commercial TV stations in Xiangjiang.

Acquiring ATV, you can also disgust Shao Yifu, the old bastard.

Doesn’t he want to make TVB bigger and stronger? Then make ATV bigger and stronger, step on TVB under his feet, and see how arrogant he is.

“What are you thinking, thinking so outstanding.”

Dai Jiaofeng retracted back into the bed with bare feet, wrapped her fair and smooth skin, and asked aloud.


Chen Changsheng shook his head, looked at Dai Jiaofeng’s delicate face, and smiled: “How is it, is the milk delicious?” ”

Dai Jiaofeng’s face was blushing, and the jade arm pushed him, “You also said, it’s hard to drink to death, the big liar is alone, I don’t believe you anymore.” ”


Chen Changsheng laughed loudly, rolled over to extinguish the cigarette in his hand, and then hugged Dai Jiaofeng and kissed him fiercely.

As a result, it was pushed away.

“Go, you smoked, it stinks to death.”

Dai Jiaofeng blushed, pushed and said, “Go and have a mouthful.” ”

Chen Changsheng smiled when he heard this, lifted the quilt, revealed his body without a trace of fat, and swaggered to the bathroom to wash.

He rinsed his mouth quickly, then hurried back.

Downstairs, one room.

A sleeping couple was suddenly woken up.

The man woke up from his sleep, listened for a while, only to find that the sound was from upstairs, and quickly pushed the woman next to him, “Wife, get up quickly, it’s not good, the floor is shaking, there is an earthquake.” ”

“What? Earthquake? So what are you waiting for, hurry up and run. ”

The woman who was pushed awake was about to get angry in her heart, but when she heard her husband say that there was an earthquake, she quickly got up from the bed and ran out.

The man shouted from behind: “Wife, you are not dressed yet.” ”

“What clothes to wear, it is important to escape.”

The woman’s voice came.

As soon as the man heard this, he hurriedly put on his big pants and ran out.

While running, he did not forget to shout, “Earthquake, run, earthquake.” ”

The sound was very loud, and after many people heard it, they opened the door one after another.

As a result, I saw a man and a woman running with their pants running, and shouting about the earthquake in their mouths.

All think crazy, have mental illness.

Soon, the two of them were shocked by this operation, and the hotel staff quickly stopped.

The two strange men and women struggled and shouted: “Don’t stop me, the earthquake is coming, run.” ”


The staff was also confused by the words of the two.

There was an earthquake in Yanjing?

Why the fuck didn’t I feel it?


The male staff glanced at the woman wearing a three-point style, coughed twice, and then said: “Sir, madam, are you mistaken, how can there be an earthquake in Yanjing, and besides, I don’t feel the house shaking.” ”

No earthquake?

This strange husband and wife of man and woman quieted down.

Felt it.

Sure enough, it didn’t shake.

“So what just happened?”

Without waiting for the man to figure it out, his wife screamed.

“Wang Jianjiang, you bastard.”

After speaking, the woman covered the up and down with her hands and ran away in a hurry.

After a few seconds, the man came to his senses, his face full of embarrassment.

And the two who were the initiators did not know that such an incident had happened under the room, and the two were selfless.


Chen Changsheng said about visiting the Great Wall, Dai Jiaofeng weakly refused, she had no strength at all, and her legs and stomach were still soft.

“Really not going?”

Chen Changsheng asked with a smile.

Dai Jiaofeng shook her head and said affirmatively: “Don’t go.” ”

“Okay, if you don’t go, don’t go.”

“I’ll go alone.”

Chen Changsheng didn’t force it, after all, he used too much force last night.

With a hint of a smile, Chen Changsheng left the hotel, as for Ma Yongsheng’s two cattle, it has caused a lot of disasters in the past few days, Chen Changsheng is too lazy to care, anyway, one is willing to fight and one is willing to be beaten, consensual things, he can’t care, let alone himself.

But before he could walk out of the hotel, someone from the front desk of the hotel ran over and said that a phone had called him.

As soon as I answered the phone, it was Wang Fulin who called.

“Mr. Chen, the conditions you proposed have been agreed upon, when do you think you will talk about specific cooperation?”

Wang Fulin’s happy voice came from the phone.

“Oh yes? That’s great. ”

Chen Changsheng said: “Director Wang, how about you talk about it in detail tomorrow?” ”


Wang Fulin doesn’t want to wait any longer now.

“Right. My people can only come to Yanjing tonight. ”

Hearing that tomorrow would arrive, Wang Fulin had to press the eagerness in his heart, nodded and said, “Okay, then see you tomorrow.” ”

“See you tomorrow… Wait. ”

“What’s wrong?”

“Director Wang, you know, the first time I came to Yanjing, I haven’t been to many places, so I plan to visit the Great Wall today, I don’t know, can you introduce a local tour guide?”

Hearing that Chen Changsheng asked him to help find a local tour guide, Wang Fulin agreed: “Okay, I’ll help you contact immediately, you wait for me to call.” ”

Chen Changsheng smiled and said, “That’s troublesome.” ”

“You’re welcome, little thing.”

After hanging up the phone, Chen Changsheng returned to the room.

“Didn’t you go out and climb the Great Wall? How did it come back? ”

When Dai Jiaofeng saw that he had returned, she couldn’t help but ask with some surprise.

Chen Changsheng smiled: “I missed you.” ”

Dai Jiaofeng smiled: “Go~ ghosts believe your lies.” ”

With this, after Wang Fulin hung up the phone, he quickly thought about it in his mind, of course he didn’t know the tour guide, but he had promised people, so he had to look for it among people he knew well, and soon he thought of a person.

I rummaged quickly and quickly found the contact information.

Picked up the phone and dialed.

(PS: The results are really bad, kneeling and begging still think that the writing is okay, set by yourself.) Rest assured, there will definitely be no modern writing, and anyone who has read my old books knows that I don’t want someone to write for me.


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