"Shiraishi, you bastard!"

Occasionally, the surrounding voices were so loud that as soon as his voice shouted out, the two sides who were fighting stopped for a few seconds.

He just stared at Orovia intently, not understanding why he scolded so loudly at this time.

The pirates don't know why their voyage is to scold the captain at this time, but they dare not comment on it.

They know that although Shiraishi is an extremely tough guy to outsiders.

But in front of his navigator, he didn't dare to make any waves, and every time he suffered in Orovia's hands.

As for the leader of the Swordsman Group, after hearing the name Shiraishi, he did feel a little familiar, but he still couldn't remember where he heard it.

Although Wanokuni is a closed country, it does not mean that they have no knowledge of the outside world.

These powerful officials of Wanokuni have even colluded with those businessmen and other forces outside Wanokuni.

Naturally, there are other things going on on the Grand Line.

The leader remembered Shiraishi's name, which he had just heard by chance.

But now I can't remember who the man called Shiraishi is.

Soon he abandoned the idea in his mind.

Because three guys with weapons appeared in front of him, and they were looking at him with anger.

At this time, if you are distracted to think about Shiraishi's identity.

I'm afraid that the weapons of these three guys fell on him, that's really not a joke.

Although their strength is slightly less than their own, it is even a lot worse.

But his body is not a body of steel after all, so a weapon with such an incomparable wind blade will still cause damage to him if it falls on him.

"Hmph, a group of clowns also dare to show off in front of me!"

After speaking, the long knife in his hand actually blocked the attacks of the three people in front of him.

I saw that their long-established attack was useless in the hands of the leader of the Swordsman Group.

The three weapons of various colors flew to the rear under the panic of the leader, and instantly their weapons were out of their hands.

But these three were not vegetarians, although the weapon was blown away by the Damn it man in front of him.

They didn't just admit defeat, but continued to charge at the man, trying to beat the man with their fists.

But the strength gap between them makes them not close at all.

The samurai with the long sword was slashed on his body by his sword, and the pirate who rushed in front of him even cut his thigh with a sword.

In an instant, a large piece of flesh and blood was turned over, and even the bones in it could be seen.

227 "Ah!"

While he screamed in pain, he rolled on the ground while holding the severed thigh with both hands.

The other pirate was not much better. The second guy who rushed up was stabbed in the arm by the leader of the Swordsman Group, and his arm was pulled down weakly in an instant.

Still with a terrible scream, this man fell to the ground like his companion, and covered the open wound with his movable hand.

The last man hesitated for a moment when he saw his companion become like this, but in the end, he still rushed forward with the leader of the Swordsman Group.

However, the result can be imagined, he was seriously injured and fell to the ground in an instant.

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