But if you look closely, Kinemon, Shiraishi and others are on the same route, and they are most likely to meet in the central area of ​​Wanokuni.

"Why is Shiraishi so strange? There's no one on this street?"

Shiraishi nodded, he also found such anomaly, shouldn't this time be the most prosperous time?

Although Wanokuni is closed to the country all the year round, it does not communicate with the outside world.

But Shiraishi knew that this country should be very lively in time, but since they stepped in here, they didn't even notice a single person.

"I don't know, maybe it's because of our arrival, the Kurozumi serpent evacuated all the people!"

"But everyone should be careful, in case Kurozumi orochi sets an ambush here, it's not an easy thing!"

Shiraishi reminded everyone that after all, this situation is too abnormal, and it is possible if Kurozumi orochi set up an ambush in advance.

Orovia conveyed Shiraishi's discovery sentence by sentence, and the people standing at the back of the team turned their heads and held their weapons. Did the enemy suddenly appear in ambush behind.

Shiraishi was a little surprised when he saw this scene. He had never taught his little brothers to solve it like this, but they did it. It seems that these guys are still very malleable.

After nodding in admiration, he stopped watching everyone continue to move forward, because it was not very far from Jiuli.

So the guy from Kinemon quickly arrived in this central area.

Just as he was about to rush out of the dark alley, he found that there was a dark crowd in front of him.

Immediately hid back into the darkness, he didn't know if any of the personnel in front of him would have any bad results if they found out.

But when he made a deposit to take a look at the leader, he found out that these were the pirates from Wanokuni on the Internet?

Unexpectedly, it was really easy to find them here.

Next, let's see how to discuss with them whether we can work together to deal with the Kurozumi Orochi.

Kinemon continued to hide in the dark alley to observe the movements of Shiraishi and others.

But Shiraishi is Shiraishi after all, and he has already discovered that Kinemon, who just appeared not long ago.

This guy is very similar to the person who was watching him before. Could it be this guy who was watching him?

•0 for flowers・••・€)

It took only an hour to get here from the place where the swordsmen fought.

It must have been a lot slower for them to move together with so many people, and it is very possible for this guy to arrive early.

So now that the guy Shiraishi discovered who was spying on him was very likely to be the little thief just now.

So Shiraishi picked up a small stone out of nowhere and threw it towards Kinemon's hiding place.

No one else noticed this movement, even Orovia, who was standing beside Shiraishi, just felt a faint gust of wind blowing in front of him.


A scream suddenly came from the dark alley, and everyone was attracted by the sound.

There is someone over there, is what Captain Shiraishi said right? Someone is really ambushing them.

But soon the sound stopped, and Kinemon in the dark knew that he must have been discovered, and immediately covered his mouth, and did not make any sound again.

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