
There was another loud noise, and Shiraishi's fist didn't know when it landed on one of Kurozumi's orochi's heads.

But at the same time, Shiraishi was bitten by a snake's head in the abdomen.

Even the bite part of the abdomen seemed to be torn off by the bloody big mouth. Shiraishi straightened his teeth.

Fortunately, people like them can handle this level of pain with a punch from Shiraishi Shuichi who endured it, and then another punch on the same head.

The head was obviously smashed, and it started to turn around on its own, and then immediately pulled it down.

The harder Shiraishi smashed, the more tightly Kurozumi bit Shiraishi's teeth.

Orochi is a monster with eight Eight Tails at the same time, and it was repaired to Shiraishi, so that it can only attack one snake head at a time.

The other smugglers must attack Shiraishi from more angles.

What's more, because of the large number of snake heads, it can also find out when and where Shiraishi's fist will hit itself in all directions.

But Shiraishi's speed was much faster than his.

Even if Kurozumi Orochi can find out what Shiraishi's next move is, there is no way to avoid it.

All he could do was allow Shiraishi's fist to keep hitting him on the head.

But fortunately, Shiraishi's head on his abdomen gave him enough time to breathe, so that every time Shiraishi fell, it was not as powerful as the first punch.

Even so, he still endured the power of Shiraishi's empowerment with a single head ravaged by this enormous force.

The beaten head was completely flattened out of its original shape.

Shiraishi's abdomen was also bleeding profusely, turning all his clothes blood red.

Kurozumi Orochi couldn't bear it at first, Shiraishi's fist and the other head that was biting Shiraishi's belly also stopped his bite.

Immediately backed away, he looked at Shiraishi angrily.

This guy is really strong, it seems that he still has to use the power of Susanoo.

I just summoned Susanoo's virtual body just to increase my strength every time.

He didn't show the full strength of Susanano.

But Orochi Kurozumi also knew that if the powers of Orochi Yagi and Susanoo were not fully integrated, he would not be a match for Shiraishi.

Although these two things are inherently enemies, the results from this experiment show that

Putting the two on the same Host is still a good choice, at least Kurozumi's vitality and strength are much stronger than before.

All this changed because Kurozumi Orochi found a piece of news about Susanoo out of nowhere.

Only through his own groping can he temporarily control Susanoo, with seventy strength in his body.

Kurozumi looked at Shiraishi angrily, and Shiraishi just glanced at him.

With one hand covering 4.0's own bleeding abdomen, at the same time he raised his head to look at the Kurozumi serpent.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and even sparks could be set off.

Kurozumi knows at this time that he will definitely not be Shiraishi's opponent, but Kaido doesn't know where to hide, and he hasn't come back after so long. Now he is really fighting alone. All of his men were defeated.

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