On the other side Marineford has also received news that Shiraishi is now Wanokuni's new general.

In Kong's opinion, it is necessary to first dissuade Shiraishi from repairing this.

However, Shiraishi's current strength has been significantly delayed compared to when he dealt with Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi.

This Shiraishi, which is always donated from the green belt, naturally has so many choices for safety.

So he has roughly guessed the reason why he has been following Shiraishi's words.

It's just that he wants to let his progress stay for a while and solve a few more mysterious cases for himself, so wouldn't the position of deputy director be easily captured? After a few swipes, all those who originally planned to attack the white paper and win a life for themselves.

At this time, just like their predecessors, did they all fall in this place?

"Bastard, why did this happen to Wanokuni, we really only know now!"

On the other side, Marineford and Kong were reprimanding one of their messengers, and they didn't even mention that Shiraishi did it with a wooden sword in his hand.

He chopped everyone in the Swordsman Group to the ground, and they never chopped off the corners of his clothes.

"Since everyone has already agreed before the war, I hope you will not regret it~'!"

"Now that Shanks is on the boat, you can follow him, and maybe you will have some great experiences!"

After Shiraishi finished speaking, he stopped talking, and he just stood there and waited for the next reaction from these people.

If they say join themselves, then Shiraishi will not do the next thing

But even if they really want to leave the joint venture, I'm afraid Shiraishi show won't attract any people who stop these swordsmen.

He didn't have any deep hatred with him, so Wanokuni had already planned to invade.

After Shiraishi finished speaking, the man who was lying at his feet nearest to him woke up slowly.

If you look closely at his face, you will find that this guy is the first person to fall.

Unexpectedly, Orovia has such a move, which can cause injuries out of thin air.

More importantly, he seems to be able to control everyone within his distance.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to go to Wanokuni, wait for that woman to finish everything!"

After saying this, the guy standing next to him looked visibly disturbed.

Today, their marshal seems to be very angry, and he still doesn't know how to interview him.

He is the team leader of this line. If he works here, he must communicate with me in time for anything.

"•' Captain Shiraishi, we are willing to follow you all the time, and venture into the outside world with you!"

Hearing these words, Shiraishi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He also stopped and turned to look at the women who came directly (good) to their side:

"Welcome to join us!"

Oh, after I said what I was going to say, everyone didn't have any reaction, in their hearts.

Shiraishi is the most powerful guy and the most important person in this pirate group.

As long as he is there, no matter what kind of person joins it will be rendered, and thus fall in love with the Shiraishi Pirates.

How many of their current members did not have conflicts with Shiraishi? .

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