Shiraishi laughed and continued, "You are smarter and wiser than anyone at this point."

Shiraishi stood up again and said to Mihawk, "Then come on, wait for me to come and let me see what level of strength you have reached."

On the high roof, Shiraishi stood.

He suddenly turned his head to Mihawk and said, "You heard me clearly, this time I will kill you hard, maybe I will kill you if you are not careful, so you must be serious, otherwise you may be killed. I'm buried here."

Hearing this, Hawkeye Miho 10g raised a heart and said to Shiraishi: "It's fine.

At the same time, Hawkeye Mihawk pulls out its supreme knife - Night.

This knife is all black, but it is accompanied by a terrifying sword energy.

Shiraishi smiled slightly and said to Mihawk, "You are much better than the red-haired Shanks in terms of your understanding of kendo."

Hawkeye Mihawk said nothing, just said softly: "I'm a swordsman."

"I am very satisfied with this answer."

Shiraishi smiled.

Shiraishi started to fly towards Hawkeye Mihawk, and Hawkeye Mihawk avoided Shiraishi's first wave of attacks at a close call.

It turned out that Shiraishi quietly activated his sword intent just now, and the sword intent in there directly mobilized the surrounding wind.

Weathering made countless blades and kept attacking Mihawk.

But even in such a dangerous situation, Mihawk calmly avoided them one by one.

Shiraishi once again distanced himself from Hawkeye Mihawk and praised: "Your swordsmanship is indeed much better than my other men..."

Hawkeye Mihawk gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, with such a word from you, I feel satisfied, and it proves that my trip is worthwhile."

Shiraishi smiled slightly and said, "Of course, I have always understood your strength, just like your eyes... the eyes of a swordsman, even if you meet an opponent of the same level, you will feel trembling."

Hawkeye Mihawk laughed and said, "Thank you, then I'm going to attack."

After speaking, he lifted the knife over his head. At the same time, a knife flew in the direction of Shiraishi, and that knife was accompanied by a terrifying sword energy.

After spinning a few times in mid-air, he charged straight towards Shiraishi.

But Shiraishi dodged with ease.

From Shiraishi's point of view, it's impossible for him to hurt himself with an approach like Mihawk.

Shiraishi couldn't help but said, "The level of your swordsmanship is still far from mine, so you have to work harder."357

Hawkeye Mihawk said as he charged towards Shiraishi. "Of course I understand that, but I'm still willing to keep attacking you, because I know that only by doing this can I be invincible."

Eagle-eyed Mihawk knew in his heart that as long as Shiraishi attacked himself a little seriously, he would never be able to defend, so he could only resist Shiraishi's attack well if he moved forward and retreated.

"Are you ready to give it a go..."

Shiraishi asked.

Eagle-eyed Mihawk's knife slashed down towards Shiraishi, the blade flashed, and he and Shiraishi opened a distance again, followed by a flying shot.

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