At least that's what Boa Hancock thought.

After a while, Shiraishi smiled and said, "Keep sailing, I'm going to the kitchen now to get some breakfast for you guys.

Hearing this, Boa Hancock got excited again, and hurriedly ran to find the other two sisters.

Calm Belt.

After many days, Shiraishi's warship came here, but no ships could sail here.

Marine's warships are really different, with modern gear, so they can slowly traverse the Calm Belt.

At this time, Shiraishi was sitting on a reclining chair, enjoying the sun. He felt content that he would soon be able to end the journey and return to the Empire.

"Don't the Sea Kings here attack us?"

Boa Hancock said incredulously.

Shiraishi smiled and drank a glass of orange juice, then said, "Of course! Marine's ships have seastones, so they won't be attacked by the Sea Kings? But it's not completely safe.


Coincidentally, just as Shiraishi finished saying this, a strange body of Sea Kings poured out, staring straight at Shiraishi.


Shiraishi smiled scornfully and glanced at Sea Kings.

The Sea Kings were not afraid and rushed towards the warship. Seeing this, Shiraishi hurriedly stood up, spread his hands, and a Haki whistled past.

The Sea Kings were instantly dismembered by Shiraishi.

Looking at the corpses of the huge Sea Kings on both sides, Boa Hancock couldn't help but turn pale and said, "Brother, you are too powerful."

Shiraishi said with a smile: "It's nothing special, if I only have this level, it can only be called a piece of garbage."

Boa Hancock hurriedly shook his head and said, "I won't let anyone say that my brother is trash. If anyone dares to say so, I will definitely fight him immediately!"

Shiraishi smiled and said, "Thank you, you love me so much, it makes me feel a little bit of happiness."

Hearing this, Boa Hancock's face instantly turned red, like an apple.

Shiraishi naturally noticed Boa Hancock's appearance, but he didn't intend to ignore it.

"Trash man! Get out of the Amazon!"

Suddenly a voice came.

Boa Hancock and Shiraishi looked at each other, the former gritted his teeth in anger.

Shiraishi touched her hair and persuaded her to calm down. Then, he jumped to the front of the warship, and sure enough, he saw five or six women standing on the coast, menacing and invincible.

They are the guardians of the Amazon Islands!

Because the entire island is full of women, it is also known as the daughter country. The guards of the Amazon islands are naturally women too.

They carried bows and arrows one by one, and the arrows were aimed at Shiraishi Shuichi pedestrians.

Shiraishi said loudly: Don't get me wrong, I'm sending you back from the village. So I hope you don't make a big deal, send them to me and leave! "

"Shut up! Garbage! There are no people out on Amazon Island, some are exiles!"

said the female general.

Shiraishi sighed and said, "I really don't know what to do..."

After saying this, Shiraishi ordered Boa Hancock and the three and disappeared on the warship.

On the island, when the female soldiers were not paying attention, Shiraishi was sitting on a rock.

The female general looked at Shiraishi and said, "Where is the holy place, are you a soldier? Are you sent by Marine? What kind of attempt is there to sign up quickly, otherwise I will rectify the law for you on the spot!" .

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