Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0222: The Strongest Pirates

This is basically relying on Dad Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world.

Remove Whitebeard, and the remaining captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are just ordinary pirates on the Grand Line.

At this time, Whitebeard was defeated, and all of them could not be Shiraishi's opponent at all.

Looking at Shiraishi who was still the same as before, completely unchanged, Blackbeard felt even more frightened.

"Seven Three Three"

"This guy wasn't consumed by Dad at all."

If Shiraishi and Whitebeard had a lose-lose situation, Blackbeard wouldn't mind going up to the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

But seeing Shiraishi in perfect condition at this time, Blackbeard had to silently stand at the back of the crowd.

He had already thought about it, once Shiraishi decided to kill him, he would immediately find a way to get away or beg for mercy.

"Dad, are you alright?"

Marko and the others rushed over, and Marko directly transformed into the form of a phoenix, with blue flames wrapping around his body, emitting an angry scream, and rushing towards Shiraishi.

Diamond Joze turned his entire body into diamonds and directly blocked in front of Whitebeard. As the man with the strongest defense in the Whitebeard Pirates, he was called the Shield of King Kong and often used as a shield to cover his companions.

Foil Pisa Tower also took out his weapon, and looked at Shiraishi's eyes, full of anger.

And Saatchi...and Blackbeard.

Blackbeard ostensibly surrounded Whitebeard with the others, protecting Whitebeard.

His eyes were rolling around, and he began to plan the nearest escape route in his mind.

Defeating Whitebeard is a doomed event for Shiraishi, and it is also very common, just like defeating Golden Lion Shiki, the Red Earl, it is not surprising at all.

Therefore, no matter how shocked the people outside were, he still maintained a calm face without the slightest change.

Looking at Marco who rushed over with an angry roar, Shiraishi shaved his face without changing his face, and punched him directly with his backhand.

"Whitebeard Pirates, let's go together."

"Also let me see, you are the most powerful pirate group in the world."

The most insipid tone, the most arrogant words.

However, it is difficult for everyone present to put forward any rebuttal words.0

Shiraishi's strength has undoubtedly been recognized by everyone during the two days and nights of battle.

Even Marco and the others, who were full of anger at Shiraishi, had to admit that this guy was the strongest opponent their Whitebeard Pirates had ever encountered.

"let me."

Seeing that Marco was blasted out, Diamond Joze, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, rushed up.

His whole body turned into an extremely hard and dazzling diamond, and his Armament Haki also motivated the Ultimate, wrapping his whole body tightly.

In the face of an opponent who can defeat Dad, he didn't dare to have any careless thoughts.

For Shiraishi, however, he was no different from anyone else.

With just one punch, the Diamond 3.9 Joze also flew out backwards. The huge force seemed to be a mountain pressing on Joze, causing him to suffocate for a moment.

"It's no wonder that you can defeat Dad, such a terrible power."

At this time, Diamond Joze understood the power and horror of Shiraishi who had fought with his father for so long.

Even his diamond incarnation, known as the shield of the strongest defense.

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