Can only linger in place.

"Huh? Why don't you leave like this?"

Shiraishi can clearly feel that under the deterrence of his Conqueror's Haki, the giant Sea Kings in front of him have a very fearful emotion.

But he was still reluctant to leave, and even faintly wanted to get rid of the shock of Conqueror's Haki.

Just when Shiraishi was thinking that he needed to continue to increase his efforts, Shirahoshi's cry finally ended in the Ryugu Kingdom.

These giant Sea Kings no longer had the idea of ​​staying here. Under the shock of Shiraishi's Conqueror's Haki, they fled and dived into the deep sea.

Shiraishi shook his head, he went back to find Neptune, and sure enough he got the news of the birth of Princess Shirahoshi.

Neptune asked with a worried look about Shiraishi repairing the Sea Kings outside.

Now, neither Neptune nor Princess Otohime realizes that the giant Sea Kings outside were summoned by the cry of their daughter Shirahoshi.

They all thought that something had happened outside, so they were quite worried.

After all, large Sea Kings usually only appear in Calm Belt, basically not in places like The fish men island.

What's more, it's not one or two giant Sea Kings, but a large group, which worries Neptune, the leader of The fish men island.

After all, it is impossible for Shiraishi to stay here all the time. If there are many giant Sea Kings creatures appearing next time Shiraishi is away, the entire The fish men island may be wiped out.

And deep in their hearts, Neptune and Princess Etoji looked at each other, and they suddenly thought of their daughter at the same time.

And that prophecy made decades ago.

Decades ago, when Roger was alive, he sensed a golden bell in Sky Island through his ability to 'listen to all things'.

And learned from the above that there is a legendary powerful weapon called Poseidon.

In order to seek the truth of Poseidon, Roger came to The fish men island and found Neptune who was defending the gate of The fish men island with the soldiers.

At that time, there were also huge Sea Kings creatures attacking and destroying the gate of The fish men island.

At that time, the mermaid fortune-teller Shyarly said that the reason why the Sea Kings are so fierce is because they are waiting for the birth of the mermaid princess.

At that time, Roger directly asked Neptune if his future daughter was the weapon to destroy the world.

Neptune didn't know how to answer, but said that the use of power was different, and the results were different.

It has been about ten years since that day.

Neptune had somewhat forgotten the prophecy and the conversation he had with Roger.

But at this time, hearing that the Sea Kings were attacking again, Neptune couldn't help but remember the prophecy he once had.

Mermaid princess, is it really Shirahoshi?

Neptune's mood is quite complicated. He doesn't want his daughter to carry such a great power.

Power often also represents danger, and Nipton is still very clear about this (Zhao's).

Shiraishi did not hide it, and directly stated that the giant Sea Kings were all summoned by the cry of their daughter Shirahoshi.

Both Neptune and Princess Otohi were shocked, even though they knew from the prophecy of the merman fortune teller Shyarly decades ago that their daughter might be unusual.

But it was a shock to them that so many giant Sea Kings could be summoned at birth.

Neptune took a deep breath.

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