"There is a legend on it, and about an event that happened in the 'Blank Hundred Years' eight hundred years ago."

"It records a legendary Ancient Weapon named Poseidon, whose real body is that the fish men island will give birth to a mermaid princess every eight hundred years."

"This mermaid princess is the king of all the Sea Kings. She can summon and control the Sea Kings in the sea. She has the power to destroy the world, and of course she can save the world."

"At the same time, when this mermaid princess is born, ~ a guide will also appear."

"It also records a guide of a mermaid princess eight hundred years ago, a person named 'JOYBOY', who also wrote an apology letter to the former mermaid princess.

Orovia slowly informed Shiraishi about the information on the historical text of The fish men island.

"Sure enough Shirahoshi is Poseidon? Then according to the original history, Shirahoshi's guide is Luffy?"

Shiraishi muttered inwardly.

The news of Poseidon Poseidon gave Orovia and others a great shock, and the lost one hundred years made them even more excited.

And Shiraishi already knew in his heart that Shirahoshi was Poseidon, the mermaid princess who is said to be born every 800 years.

The previous Sea Kings were summoned for this reason.

"It seems that the things recorded in these historical texts are quite interesting."

Shiraishi thought to himself, but unfortunately because the World government has been trying to prevent others from interpreting the historical text.

Even greater punishments than pirates were given.

Therefore, there are not many people in the world who have knowledge about the historical text.

Most are on Ohara Island in West Blue.

Shiraishi suddenly wanted the residents of The fish men island to learn more.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

If it is said that as early as hundreds of years ago, or even earlier, the ancients of this world were able to create an ancient weapon such as Poseidon, which possessed a terrible power that could destroy the world.

It makes no sense that today's people can't do it.

It can only be said that a lot of knowledge has been forgotten.

Shiraishi intends to reopen the culture of advocating learning on The fish men island, allowing the residents of The fish men island to learn more.

And the first thing to do is to go to Ohara Island and learn from the residents of the island.

・0 ask for flowers.......

The island of Ohara now has the world's largest scholar and largest library, the Tree of Omniscient Library.

It is the best place to learn knowledge.

Shiraishi told Orovia about his thoughts, and was approved by Orovia and others.

In fact, they have always hoped that more people will join the team to explore the truth of history.


It is a pity that there are too few people who can do this under the pressure of the World government.

Even if they are willing to impart knowledge for free, few are willing to come to learn.

Shiraishi acted quickly and got the approval of Orovia and others. He quickly arranged manpower to go to West Blue Ohara Island together.

He remembered that Ohara Island was finally wiped off the map by Marine using Buster Call.

Must act sooner.

Shiraishi brought Jinbei, Hody, Evil Dragon and others together and embarked on a journey to West Blue.

In the front, Orovia and others are in charge of leading the way.

West Blue is the birthplace of many famous mafia, and the five major mafia groups that rule the underground society are once again prosperous.

But none of this has anything to do with Shiraishi.

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