Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0252: Abandoning the Mission

They didn't dare to give up the mission directly and just run away.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze for a while.

No one spoke, no one moved, and the scene was silent.

Shiraishi looked at his former students with a smile and let them decide whether to fight or leave.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I can't give up this mission."

At a critical time, it was Sakazuki who stood up first.

He also felt that "Seven Fifty Zero" had failed his mission this time, and with Shiraishi repairing it again, no one in the whole world could destroy Ohara Island.

Even if someone else came for the mission, Sakazuki didn't think it would make a difference.

But even so, he decided to make a move.

The scorching temperature rises, as if the cool spring and autumn have suddenly come to the hot summer.

No, more than that.

The intense temperature continued to rise, and even the ground beneath Sakazuki's feet was gurgling with lava.

Obviously, compared to the last time after the fight on The fish men island.

Sakazuki's Lava-Lava Fruit has been further developed, otherwise it would not have risen to the position of Marine Vice Admiral so quickly.

Be the leader of this mission.

“Great Eruption!”


As soon as Sakazuki shot, he was full of firepower, facing his former teacher, the strongest existence in Marine.

Sakazuki did not dare to have any reservations.

It has already reached this point. Although Sakazuki has long understood that the mission failed, but let him do nothing and retreat directly.

It was difficult for him to accept that, although he respected his teacher very much. After all, Shiraishi was once Marine's glory, hero and legend.

A once indelible symbol of Marine, an icon for many.

But at this time, the two sides are facing each other's positions, and Sakazuki will definitely not be easily shaken by this.

Sakazuki punched out violently, and his arm directly turned into a terrifying magma, constantly changing shape.

In the end, it turned into a huge lava fist and smashed it towards Shiraishi.

Before the fist fell, a wave of heat rushed towards him, forming a terrifying heat around him.

The scorching waves of flames spread in all directions, causing many surrounding Marines and others in the back to be shocked.

In just an instant, the surrounding temperature rose a lot, causing Jinbei, Evil Dragon and Hody who were hiding behind to watch the battle to be a little frightened.0

"This temperature... is rising very fast."

"That guy has completely turned into a magma man. This is Devil Fruit's ability, right? It's so strong, you can feel it even if you are so far away."

"Is this guy called Sakazuki? Shiraishi-sama's former student is so strong."

Jinbei, Hody and Evil Dragon were shocked.

They stayed near The fish men island most of the time before, and rarely had the opportunity to go out to meet the strong outsiders.

Especially the strong ones in Marine are even rarer.

Just a face-to-face, Sakazuki's Lava-Lava Fruit ability gave the three of them a great shock.

As Shiraishi's current 3.9 students, the three of them originally wanted to compare with Shiraishi's former students.

Although I know that most of the opponents have practiced longer than them, it is normal for them to be stronger than them in terms of strength.

But at this time Sakazuki's performance still shocked them.

But soon the three of them cheered up again.

Since the other party is a former student of Shiraishi, then that is to say.

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