Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0254: How much pressure

Shiraishi is not only their teacher, but also an idol in the hearts of many Marines.

Many Marines faced him without even the courage to shoot.

Sakazuki and Polusalino dared to shoot out brazenly, which is already a performance of their courage.

And Haoshu can do the same, and even go further, which Shiraishi did not think of before.

The fierce sword intent erupted from Haoshu, and the dazzling sword energy seemed to be able to completely cut off everything in the world.

"That's right, then... One-shot, Iai Slash!"

Shiraishi chuckled lightly, and even used the same trick as Haoshu.

Silently, a black sword appeared in Shiraishi's hand.

Kendo, Shiraishi, of course, can do it.

Shiraishi, who has full-level characteristics of all attributes, can be said to be able to use various combat skills at his fingertips.

The mere kendo, of course, is not a problem.

Shiraishi Shuichi made a shot, and he seemed extremely skilled, not at all under Haoshu.

When the black sword appeared in Shiraishi's hand, a little cold light also suddenly threw out, turning into a sharp black sword energy, and shot out towards the opposite side.


The two sword qi collided directly in the air, and then suddenly burst open.

Strictly speaking, it was Haoshu's sword energy that exploded.

After Shiraishi's sword qi destroyed Haoshu's sword qi, he continued to charge forward without losing his momentum.

boom! boom! boom!

Facing the terrifying sword qi, Haoshu held the sword in both hands, and evaporated several sword qi in a row, only to offset the sword qi swung by Shiraishi.

Haoshu's hands holding the sword trembled uncontrollably, and he involuntarily stepped back several steps, and even the ground beneath his feet appeared dense cracks like a spider web.

"It's so strong, even in kendo, the teacher is so strong, there's simply no flaws. II."

Although Shiraishi seldom used weapons, when he usually hunted down other big pirates, he usually relied on a pair of fists to suppress everything.

But Haoshu knew that his teacher was also highly accomplished in kendo.

Otherwise, he couldn't have taught him so much knowledge about kendo earlier in the training camp.

It was the first time that I actually saw the teacher use the sword, and it was the first time to face off.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Polsalino's arms were crossed, and a cross-like light suddenly erupted from both hands.

Countless photons flew from his hands into the air, turned into countless dazzling light bullets, and then lased towards Shiraishi.

call out! call out! call out!

Similar to Sakazuki Great Eruption, it can be regarded as a large-area attack.

But Polsalino's move is obviously faster, and it's even hard to see.

I just felt a flower in front of my eyes, like a laser rain.

However, Shiraishi didn't even make a move, only to see his body twisting slightly, as if performing a wonderful dance.

The dense rain of lasers fell from the sky, but it didn't even touch Shiraishi's body.

'So fast, as expected of (Zhao Li Zhao) you, teacher. "

Sakazuki's eyes narrowed, his voice just fell, and he saw his fists on his chest, lava surging frantically on his body.

Moments later, a huge magma fist spewed again towards Shiraishi.

This is not the end, after this huge magma fist, followed by another huge magma fist.

And then there's the third giant magma fist, the fourth, the fifth...

in a very short period of time.

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