They can feel that from the beginning to the present, even after a while.

But the two of them still couldn't hurt Shiraishi.

Either it was avoided by its elegant movement, or it was slashed out by its casual sword.

Shiraishi walked through the rain of flames and light bullets so easily, without any damage at all.

"No, this level of attack, although it looks scary, is still not enough for the teacher." Dimo ​​said solemnly, the swordsman's keen observation made him immediately notice Shiro-shi Repaired unscathed.

On the contrary, Sakazuki and Polsalino, who were constantly bursting with Devil Fruit power, seemed to be struggling a bit.

Obviously, the outbreak of this level of power is also very difficult for Sakazuki and Polusalino.

"Go on, help."

Haoshu gave an order, his figure flickered, and he rushed over first.

Then Huoshaoshan followed.

But in the rain of lasers and flames, Shiraishi Shuichi swung out the sword, slashing and severing a huge magma fist at the same time.

Treading Rat and Huoshaoshan, who rushed in unabated, smashed past them with a bang.


Haoshu and Huoshaoshan were smashed and flew out.

Even on the ground, a huge deep ravine appeared.

Taking advantage of Shiraishi's attack on Haoshu and the others, Sakazuki stepped forward and punched Shiraishi with a savage bang. The fist spurted out thick lava and turned into a huge dog's head.

He opened his bloody mouth, as if to swallow Shiraishi directly into it.

"Lava-Lava Fruit, worthy of the best Logia Devil Fruit, Sakazuki, you developed it well."

Facing the roaring giant dog head, Shiraishi Shuichi swung out his sword, cut it straight away, and praised his former student lightly.

Sakazuki's timing, strength and speed were perfect.

Even Shiraishi can't criticize too much.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is too great, and it cannot be made up for by such small means at all.

"However, I have already seen your strength, let's replace it with another one."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shiraishi raised the black sword in his hand indifferently, without any extra fancy movements.

・0 ask for flowers.......

Just an unremarkable slashing stance.

The next moment, an incomparably magnificent sword qi suddenly burst out, with unparalleled power, roaring towards Sakazuki.


As soon as the huge sword energy appeared, Sakazuki felt extremely dangerous, and the hairs all over his body trembled.

Instinctively, Sakazuki directly elementalized his body, trying to avoid the blow.

But the incomparably magnificent sword qi instantly hit his elemental body and flew out directly.


Sakazuki was directly knocked out, and a deep crack appeared on the ground under his feet, extending very deep.

Even elementalization cannot avoid this fierce blow.

Marine Vice Admiral Sakazuki, straight out of combat.

"As expected of Shiraishi-sama, so strong."

"Sure enough, Devil Fruit's ability is not invincible, as long as he is strong enough, he can be invincible without Devil Fruit.

Looking at Sakazuki who was able to defeat Haki's incomparable ease with ease, Jinbei, Dragon, and Hody were all full of excitement.

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