"This is an inevitable addition. Lord Shiraishi is the fastest person to be promoted to Marine Admiral over the years. He is the monster with real strength, and it is not something we can provoke!" Even on the opposite side, Shiraishi repaired influence still exists.

At least in the hearts of many Marine elite soldiers, he is still the same as the soul of the army, and no one can easily replace him.

When Shiraishi was at the "Seven Six Three" headquarters, he had made so many credits. He should remember what he did and know what he represented.

The evil dragon looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help being huge: "Sir Shiraishi has won!"

Hody nodded, without any surprise, and said, "Do you think Lord Shiraishi will lose to his former apprentices?"

"And with such combat power, I can't imagine at all, if he loses, what kind of characters will he meet, does it exist in this world?"

When Shiraishi Xiu conquered The fish men island before, the powerful fighting power he showed made everyone feel hopeless just looking at it, not to mention standing on the opposite side.

A character like Shiraishi, as a comrade-in-arms or a boss, will definitely make you feel at ease.

But if it exists as an enemy, I am afraid that I need to think about it. If something happens in the future, I need to take care of the funeral.

The battle of The fish men island not only played the name of Shiraishi, but also brought order to the chaotic The fish men island.

Even the former Hody and the evil dragon were willing to follow Shiraishi stubbornly, which must have been rare before.

It is not the two of them who should be worried now, but the Marine Vice Admirals who are carrying out orders.

The two were chatting and discussing, but Jinbei was extraordinarily calm and continued to observe the situation.

When faced with what happened, Jinbei was still taciturn, but his ability to deal with problems was not weak at all.

"The Logia Demon fruit power lost so easily, the two strongest lost, what chance do we have?"

In fact, Huoshaoshan already knew the answer to continue to shoot, and he also knew what would happen to him.

If it is said that Sakazuki and Polusalino's shots are for Marine's face, now Huo Shaoshan and other Vice Admirals are really forced to a certain extent.

Shiraishi was the one who came out of Marine. He knew what it was like to have an order on his back, so he didn't need to say anything at the moment, just did his best and didn't leave any regrets.

Looking at the passage of time, it must be the time to end, it is better to give these disciples a final happy ending.

"There's no time left, let's go together, I brought you all out, let me see now, how far you have grown!"

Shiraishi said to the three, his eyes filled with 3.9 anticipation.

Fighting against one's own apprentice may be a very tangled matter for others, but he has come this far, and of course he enjoys this feeling well, and such an opportunity is rare.

Haoshu stood up first, followed by the ghost spider to see his action, without any hesitation, they both stood beside Huoshaoshan.

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