"What should I do now? This guy is definitely not that easy to mess with. He just accepted his declaration of war without caring!"

The thief leader had such an idea in his mind, he didn't think Shiraishi would be such a brainless person.

So the clown-looking person must have some confidence to accept his challenge.

Otherwise, why would he deal with himself? Don't you see that his subordinates lost their lives in front of him after a single round?

What should I do now, I have completely offended them, and my brothers have all fallen.

There are forty or fifty of them, and the thief leader doesn't think that 780 of them can deal with so many pirates.

And just now, the thief leader saw that the clown's body was all split.

Maybe the downfall of his brothers is related to him. With such a strange ability, no matter how strong he is, how can he deal with it.

What's more, they are Shiraishi's subordinates, and their strength must be more than that.

If it weren't for his scattered body, how could he knock everyone to the ground without knowing it?

The leader looked at Buggy and didn't know what to think in his heart. At this time, his (badj) axe that was pointing at Brazil was also put to one side.

He knew that if he fought against Buggy at this time, he would probably end up dead.

Those eyes watched Buggy go up and down, wondering how they could save the brothers' lives.

After a while, an unexpected scene happened.

The guy in the thief's hand actually "thumped" and knelt on the ground. Even Buggy was a little overwhelmed by this sudden scene. What is he doing? They were all ready to bring out the power of Chop-Chop Fruit.

He taught the big man who didn't know how to live or die a good lesson, but he knelt down to himself and others in a blink of an eye.

The thieves who fell on the deck were very unbelievable when they saw their boss's actions.

Is this still their murderous boss? After all, they have been out at sea for several years, and their boss has never kneeled before anyone.

He killed everyone who had insulted the boss, let alone made the boss kneel before a person.

Could it be that the guy on the opposite side who looks like a clown is really that powerful? Let the boss not have the confidence to deal with him.

"Hahahaha, what are you doing? Why are you kneeling down to us?"

Buggy's sudden words made the pirate leader's mouth twitch, but he didn't expect this guy Buggy to ask himself, isn't he rubbing salt on his wound? Don't wait for yourself to finish the next thing.

Even if he was very angry at what the Buggy sub-guest said, the thief leader knew that it couldn't do anything.

Not just because of his bizarre abilities, but because he was Shiraishi's subordinate.

Who is Shiraishi, who is the most famous pirate in the world today, punching Sengoku and kicking Zephyr.

They dare not provoke such a big pirate.

Kneeling in the hands of the thief on the ground, as if he had figured out something, his eyes suddenly turned firm and he shouted in the direction of Buggy: "Sir, please bring us, and we will join your pirate group."

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