Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0284: I don't know this guy

More than a dozen thieves, after getting the boss's definite answer, were finally willing to believe that Shiraishi was really such a person.

It is understandable for the boss to do this. It seems that the boss's vision is much wider than theirs. They have no idea who these people are in front of them, and just want to snatch their wealth.

Unexpectedly, the boss guessed their identities because of a few words, and he also gave his group of brothers such a big backer.

Now under the name of the captain, they must no longer have to live that kind of fearful life.

"Boss, we were impulsive just now. I didn't expect you to do it for the good of the brothers. We are sorry for you!"

De Nuo glanced at the subordinate who spoke with relief. It seems that these subordinates are not stupid yet.

"That being the case, everyone, just like Captain Buggy said, go and rest for a while. Although transporting wood is not a difficult task, it is inevitable that you will encounter those guys with bad intentions along the way 々II!"

He didn't feel any psychological burden when he said this, completely unaware that they had also robbed Buggy's fleet not long ago.

It just didn't work out. Instead, he was taught a lesson by Buggy and included in his ship.

It's just that there was a hint of embarrassment on the faces of the dozen or so new recruits. Aren't they the ones the boss was talking about, they robbed the boss of Buggy's ship not long ago.

Because of this, they know that although transporting wood in this industry is an extremely simple task, it does not seem as easy as it seems.

Because there are many sea thieves and bounty hunters like them in the New World.

These people will be extremely interested in their ships if they come across them by then.

Then there will be a lot of enemies they have to deal with, but doesn't the boss really feel a little embarrassed? To be able to say such words without blushing.

More than a dozen of them are all embarrassed, and the boss is still saying it at this time. Don't you know that you have done such a thing not long ago?

I don't know what to say to the boss, but if they can only go back to the lounge arranged for them by Captain Buggy and then stay here, I really don't know what kind of amazing things the boss will say.

By that time, they didn't have any face left on the deck.

When the captain said these words just now, he clearly felt that the brothers who were at the helm had seen some changes in their eyes.

It would be so embarrassing to stay here, even though everyone was brothers after getting on this ship.

But this is something that has just happened, so how can they not be particularly impressed.

Only Denuo was left on the deck thinking about his future glory, after he introduced Shiraishi to his own (Zhao Qianhao) brothers.

The whole person fell into a beautiful expectation for the future, and he noticed that all his brothers left him on the deck and went to the lounge.

A person stood on the footboard and laughed silly, and from time to time there was a slap in the face.

The brother who was controlling the ship couldn't help but feel a little disgusted when he saw Denuo like this, and even wondered if the boy Denuo became a little stupid because he joined their team.

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