However, the uproaring crowd soon quieted down, and they turned their attention to the strange man opposite Shiraishi.

They wondered what choice the strange man would make in the face of Shiraishi Admiral's solicitation.

You must know that Brother Bai, Admiral, is now a pirate. He is the man with the most hope of getting the secret treasure of the previous One Piece Roger.

Since he announced the establishment of the pirate team, there are always a large number of pirates on the Grand Line who want to join his team.

Now that he actually recruited the crew himself, if he was that strange man, he would have agreed immediately.

"You said that guy would agree to Shiraishi's offer to repair Admiral?"

"Definitely, Shiraishi repairs Admiral in today's Grand Line, but he overwhelms the most powerful people recognized by other emperors. Although there has not been a battle between them, everyone knows this!"

Everyone in the restaurant started a discussion about whether the strange man would agree to join the Shiraishi Pirates.

But to their surprise, the strange man thought for a long time before answering Shiraishi's question:

"Sorry, Captain Shiraishi, I won't join your pirate group!"

After the strange man's answer, the restaurant fell into a dead silence for a while.

Immediately afterwards, it erupted again, with more noisy discussions.

"Is this guy a fool for rejecting Shiraishi's invitation to repair Admiral?"

"And didn't this guy think about the consequences of refusing Shiraishi to repair Admiral?"

For a while, various discussions were heard in the restaurant.

Shiraishi was intrigued by the strange man's answer.

He walked slowly to the man and stopped and said:

"What's your name? The lower body of this gas should be Gas Fruit, right?"

The man looked surprised, but he didn't expect Brother Shiraishi to directly say what his fruit ability was.

But since Shiraishi already knew about it, he could only answer truthfully:

"It's 'Gas Fruit', my name is Guysa Kurang, but even so, I can't promise to join your pirate ship Shiraishi to repair Admiral!"

Having said that, a cloud of gas appeared out of thin air in Guy's hand.

The gas gradually became materialized, and slowly turned into a rope.

"Gas Lasso!"

Guy threw the gas rope that had formed directly at Shiraishi.

Facing the terrifying gas attacking him, Shiraishi did not choose to dodge.

Not only that, he didn't even move half his body standing there, letting Guysa's gas lasso fall on him.

"Captain Shiraishi, don't blame me for not being able to join your pirate group, so 897 hopes you will forgive me for this matter today!"

Guy thinks that Shiraishi has been restrained by his noose.

You can leave this place by yourself. After all, the most important thing in his exploration of the gas is not to tie people up.

But it contains a lot of toxic gas, as long as it is accidentally inhaled.

The body will be poisoned, and it is impossible to escape at this time, because their bodies will either faint or die.

Guysa knows very well that in terms of Shiraishi's terrifying strength, it is absolutely impossible to die on his own gas lasso, so as long as he faints, he can be safe

Left unharmed.

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