After a few breaths, Shiraishi knocked all the dozen tech soldiers to the ground.

This scene dazzled Judge, and he never imagined that anyone would have such a fast speed:

Before he could react, all these soldiers fell in front of him.

It is conceivable what speed this fellow Shiraishi has exploded just now, at least it is not something that Gary can see clearly.

Brother Bai, who had already knocked down more than 10 fighters, did not choose to continue rushing towards Judge.

Instead, he stopped on the opposite side of him and relentlessly looked at Judge.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Judge, those current attacks you just made really surprised me, but you also saw it, you didn't seize the opportunity, and now you can no longer beat me!"

Judge also knew that what Shiraishi said was the nonsense that he had been with him for so long.

I'm afraid he recovered the wounds in his body within this period of time.

But even with such family worries, how could he give up his stubbornness.

Reviving the prestige of the kingdom of "Germa 66" is something he has been working on all his life, and the bloodline factor must not be taken away by Shiraishi.

Although his body was seriously injured, Judge's philosophy supported him to attack Shiraishi once again.

"Blast and Fly Kick!"

Although Judge has been well-known in the world at this time, it can be seen that the power of his leg is still much stronger than that of steel.

Even after this kick was kicked out, the air around him kept shaking because it couldn't bear the violent power.

Behind his boots, an explosive force of high pressure suddenly appeared.

This force exploded in an instant, making his legs come to Shiraishi in an instant.

Seeing that he was about to land on Bai Shixiu, Shiraishi also punched Judge.

Fortunately, this time the attack is not as weak as the current, just a physical attack.

Shiraishi said to himself: There are very few people in this world who can let him be harmed.

I didn't expect Judge to launch such an attack on him now, doesn't he know that these are of no use to him at all?

If Judge continued his terrifying high-voltage current attack, I'm afraid Shiraishi would really suffer from it, but this guy chose this way.

But even so, his leg is still full of destructive energy.

Although Shiraishi resisted, his body also retreated a few parts.

Judge saw that his blow did not achieve the desired effect, and once again the tide receded and Shiraishi rushed up.

But Shiraishi looked at Judge who was rushing towards him, without any seriousness on his face, he continued to speak:

"Judge, don't you see it? Such an attack is of no use to me at all. I just need to wave my palm easily to resist it."

"Your high-voltage current attack just now looks very difficult. If you can attack in this way, it may really put me in trouble again!"

Although Shiraishi said this in his mouth, he has already thought about it:

If Judge launches another attack full of electricity, how to deal with it, as long as he doesn't touch it, it will be fine.

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