Judge, who knew he was powerless too, burst into tears at this moment.

The former kingdom of "Germa 66" was the maritime overlord of the entire North Blue, and no country dared to clamor with them.

It was all by virtue of their scientific strength, until the country began to slowly come to an end.

Gradually there are various big and small kingdoms, all wanting to take their place.

Later, I finally brought the bloodline factor research data from Vegapunk's research institute, thinking that it would be able to revive the glory of the kingdom of "Germa 66", but today I met Shiro Shixiu again!

In the end, they lost their honor and lost their soul, and they don't know how many years their "Germa 66" kingdom will have to wait before they can regain the status of North Blue's hegemony after this time.

After waiting for a long time, Shiraishi returned to the deck just now with a large amount of research materials.

Judge stared blankly at the vast amount of material in each of their hands.

There was an uncontrollable amount of blood spitting out of his mouth.

The painstaking efforts of his own for decades have now been completely destroyed.

But any normal person can't stand it.

That's what Judge is today.

Shiraishi also noticed that, looking at his toes in the distance, he didn't forget to hold the bloodline factor research material in his hand, and came to him to show off:

"Furthermore, I told you long ago that if you were willing to submit research data on genetic factors, it would not have caused the current situation!"

"Now that most of your technical soldiers have been abolished, and you have lost the research data on the bloodline factor, if you want to study the early soldiers, you will not be able to.

impossible! "

Jiazhi was powerless to refute Shiraishi's words, he knew that there was nothing wrong with what Shiraishi said.

If it was as he said, they would have handed over the research data on the genetic factor when they got on the ship.

At any rate, he can still retain a large part of his combat power, and even if he can't create new technological soldiers, it is enough to dominate the entire North Blue.

But Nai He's own ambitions are too big, and he doesn't want to do that at all.

Judge put his head aside and stopped visiting Shiraishi. He just felt that this scene was too heart-wrenching, and all his decades of hard work were used as other people's wedding dresses.

・0 ask for flowers.......

After Shiraishi and others transported all the materials they cleaned from the laboratory back to their ships, they returned to the fleet of the Kingdom of "Germa 66" again.

He knew that although the kingdom of "Germa 66" had been wounded by this battle, Shiraishi would never allow his enemy to have enough power.


If he doesn't destroy the kingdom of "Germa 66" at this time, he will have a force that cannot be underestimated after waiting for them to rest for a while.

Although Shiraishi Xiu didn't care, if this force was aimed at those crew members on his own ship, there must be a lot of casualties on Shiraishi Xiu's pirate ship.

This is something Shiraishi is absolutely unwilling to see, so he is now returning to this fleet in order to destroy the Kingdom of Germa 66.

"Guy scatters Crocodile and destroys Germa 66!"

Guy is indeed a gas fruit capable person. After Shiraishi repaired his order, a large amount of gas suddenly appeared in his body and surrounded the entire fleet.

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