Famous Detective: I'm Sato Miwako's Informant

Chapter 0706: The Pirate's Appreciation

But Orovia is not only able to master some of the abilities of Master Op-Op Fruit.

You must know that it has only been a few days since he took Op-Op Fruit.

They asked themselves that if they and Orovia took the same fruit, in four or five years, they would not be able to reach the level of Orovia today.

Bathed in the praise of everyone, Orovia couldn't help but feel a little fluttering.

But he knew it was all given to him by Shiraishi

If it wasn't for Shiraishi's help in saving Ohara Island, all the people on Ohara Island would have been buried in Marineford's "Buster Call", let alone the result that he would become a fruit person today.

Now he looks at Shiraishi with gratitude in his eyes, and swears in his heart.

No matter what Shiraishi needs to do in the future, he must do everything in his power to assist Shiraishi and help him accomplish the big plan in his heart.

In addition to the change in Orovia's mentality, the same is true for the young pirates they brought.

When they learned that Captain John gave Shiraishi two Devil Fruit abilities, they thought that Shiraishi would take them for himself and eat them.

With Shiraishi's terrifying strength and Devil Fruit ability, he will probably have no opponent in this world, and he will become the truly most powerful person in the entire world.

But Shiraishi didn't do this, but gave Orovia the Devil Fruit that was very important to him directly.

You must know that even Orovia is just like them, and only later joined Shiraishi's pirate group.

Shiraishi had never had any interaction with her before that, but Orovia still got such an opportunity.

Does this mean that they may also receive the gift of Shiraishi in their future relationship.

To know these guys who became pirates later, which one of them didn't want to make a career on the Grand Line and become the existence that everyone looked up to.

Shiraishi no doubt gave the ideas in their minds a chance to be realized.

Shiraishi didn't even know that his unintentional actions made these young pirates who had just joined his team have great loyalty to him.

If he knew the reason was that simple, he would have even found another Devil Fruit to give it to him.

•0 for flowers••••0

In fact, Shiraishi thought so in his heart, but among the hundreds of people at present, he did not find a suitable person.

Otherwise, when the Orovia Op-Op Fruit was given, another cheetah fruit would have been given away.

"Okay, hurry up and calm down. Orovia's achievements are completely inseparable from his own efforts and talents!"


"If you are like him, your future achievements will never be lower than him, so stop those useless nonsense now!"

"We have to get out of Wanokuni early. We have wasted too much time on Thunder Island. We need to take Wanokuni early and go back to The fish men island!"

Shiraishi stopped the crowd's commotion.

Now they have left The fish men island for nearly 10 days, and the island where they want to be ruled by peace is not far away. The most important goal now is to let these young pirates calm down and not be so impetuous When the battle of Wanokuni came, there were inevitable casualties.

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