Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 801: Go to the Gorefiend Palace (seeking a monthly pass)

"According to the old man's understanding of the Gorefiend ancestors, this person's heart is hot and tempered, who is tempted to provoke him, the end is definitely dead, but the reason why the elders are looking for the Gorefiend ancestors is because the Gorefiend ancestors It’s hot, but it’s a matter of heavy feelings and loyalty. It’s definitely not a despicable villain. There are many strong people in the ghost world who support the Gorefiend ancestors. It’s not so easy to ask him for help. "Xing Fengdian said,"

After a pause, Xing Feng said again: "It is a pity that the Ghost Hall and the Blood Devil Hall have no slight friendship, and they do not know the **** demon temple to sit down with the powerful forces of the major forces. Otherwise, the old man can help to wear needles."

"If you go directly to the Blood Devil Hall, isn't that going to death?" The fire cloud stunned, and the cold sweat came straight behind. Who knows if it will provoke the **** ancestors to blame?

Wu Hao frowned: "It is estimated that the **** demon temple has not yet reached the Blood Devil Hall. It is not so easy to see the Gorefiend ancestors."

"It is true, but it is the soul of the Lord, the old man believes that the soul door will be able to see, as the soul of the main six products alchemy, I think it is enough to qualify to see the Gorefiend ancestors." Huang Xiaoyun smiled .

Xiao Chen looked at the Emperor Yunzhong and asked: "Can the Great Elder Blood Monk Temple have an alchemy teacher?"

"Of course, and it is the seven-inner alchemy of the Mega-Ghost world. It is the life and death of the Gorefiend ancestors. As long as you can draw to this seven-inner alchemy teacher, through his help, I believe I can also get the Gorefiend ancestors. Help." Huangfu smiled in the clouds.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "The original elders asked me to go to the Gorefiend ancestors because there are seven Qilian alchemists. No wonder the elders are so sure I can see the Gorefiend ancestors."

"With the soul of the Lord's powerful super alchemy, maybe in the future can draw to the horrible monster of the Gorefiend ancestors! The potential of the soul master is terrible, can not be underestimated." Xing Feng heart secretly, seems to be doing what.

"Where is the Lord, where is the Blood Devil Hall?" Xiao Chen then asked, and decided to go to the Blood Devil Hall in person.

"The soul of the Lord, you really want to go to the Blood Devil Hall?" Blackbird quickly asked, seemingly worried about the safety of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen nodded and his eyes were full of firmness: "Yes, in order to find out the whereabouts of the artifacts, don't be a **** demon temple. Even if it is a knife-and-fire, I will definitely go."

"The east side of the ghost is the sphere of influence of the blood demon temple, and the west side of the ghost is the site of the ghost." The master of Xing Feng said, for a moment, he was worried: "The soul master, since you have decided to go to the blood demon hall, I must be careful, if you have something, the old man can't explain it to the evil spirits."

"Xiao Chen, I will go with you with Huoyun." Wu Hao quickly said that Xiao Chen has been treated as a brother, and as his most important partner, he will never retreat because he went to the Blood Devil Hall.

Huoyun quickly said: "Yes, what about the Blood Devil Hall? Let us accompany you."

Xiao Chen heard the words, and there was a warm current in his heart. He smiled slightly: "Thank you, you have been with me all the way, and you have no time to practice. I really want to let me go."

"It is your fault to say these words. It is said that blessings are equally difficult. When you are in trouble, we certainly will not ignore them." Wu Xiao smiled, although he was afraid, he must go.

"The Lord, Li Zhan asked to see." A guard entered the hall and respectfully said.

"Li Zhan? I am not punishing him to patrol? What does this guy want to do?" Black rushed and frowned, and anger did not hit one place.

"Penalty patrol? Black, what is going on?" Bai Xi asked for doubts.

Black Vision reports: "Things are like this, more than ten days ago."

Black Qing said the story of the matter, Xing Feng and other talents know, and as expected before the black engine, Xing Feng and others know, suddenly angered.

"There is no reason for this! This Li Zhan, more and more disappointing! Black Engine, why not kill him?" The three elders Fu Tianya angered, it is obviously blaming Black Engine.

"Three elders, this matter has passed, not to mention that Li Zhan also has a heart to repent, give him a chance." Xiao Chen quickly said to Li Zhan.

"Let him come in." Xing Feng said, even if he wanted to punish Li Zhan, but he had to give Xiao Chen a face, this matter can only be counted.

After a while, Li Zhan entered the hall and quickly respected him: "See the owner, the law, the three elders, the young master, the big."

"Less nonsense, I am not letting you patrol? What are you going back to the Ghost Hall? What are you going to say, say it is gone." Black anger yelled.

"Yes!" Li Zhan was shocked and suddenly did not dare to look up. He quickly said: "They just want to come back and report, some people are messing up below, they have been taken down by the subordinates, so I want to ask the general commander. Come to the main hall."

"But them all out, this little thing does not need to ask me, you go out." Black engine cold channel, see Li Zhan is not good.

"There is still one thing under the sire." Li Zhanxin trembled with horror.

"There is a fart!" Black anger yelled, and it was really blown up by Li Zhan.

Li Zhan was trembled and was shocked. "I heard that the soul door was mainly going to the Blood Devil Hall. The cousin of a distant house is the **** demon temple. Li Cailing, the daughter of the **** palace, can take the soul. The doorkeeper went to the Blood Devils Palace to see his cousin."

"A distant cousin? When did you have a distant cousin? Why didn't you see you?" Xing Tian asked with doubt, which made him strange.

"Li Mohong, the Lord of the Bloodsucker Palace, is you?" Xing Fengdian suddenly shocked and asked, his face was unbelievable.

"It is the squat." Li Zhan nodded.

Bai Xi’s law-protection shocked: “How could Li Mohong be you?”

"The **** palace is such a powerful force, why do you want to join the ghost hall? What is your purpose?" asked the black-eyed frown, his eyes flashed fiercely, worried that Li Zhan was not doing anything wrong.

"Dadu, there is absolutely no intention to harm the ghost temple, but only in the **** demon palace to accept the cousin's bullying, but in desperation, I left the Gorefiend Palace, has been 16 years." Li Zhan Quickly explained.

Huangfu Yunzhong asked: "Li Zhan, are you sure you can take the soul to the Lord of the Gorefiendum?"

Li Zhan chicken nodded like a glutinous rice, said: "The elders are relieved, although I left the Gorefiend Palace, but I was very good to me since I was a child, but I am not used to living in the Gorefiend Palace, I also want to come out myself. Oh, it’s a pity that for 16 years, nothing has happened."

"If this is the case, then you will take the soul to the Gorefiend Palace. This is your chance to take sins and sin. If you can get help from the Lord of the Gorefiend Palace, you will be relieved of your punishment." Xing Feng followed.

Li Zhan suddenly rejoiced, thanked: "Thank you for the Lord, if that day is not the soul of the Lord, a large number of people will be merciless, the subordinates will die early, and the subordinates must fully help the soul master."

Xiao Chen was unexpected. In his difficult time, Li Zhan, who had had a small conflict with him, was able to help, which made Xiao Chen laugh and cry.

"The soul of the Lord, when are you going to leave?" Huang Fuyun looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen said: "I want to leave now. I have been dragging this matter for too long. I will find the whereabouts of the artifact as soon as possible."

Xing Feng nodded and said: "This is also good, the old man can help, and can only come here, the rest will look at the soul of the door yourself, if there is any help, even if you come to the ghost hall to find the old man, The old man must help him all."

"Thank you for the Lord! Let's say goodbye, you take care." Xiao Chen smiled and smiled, and his heart was grateful.

Xing Tian quickly hugged his fist and said: "The soul of the Lord, I hope you find the whereabouts of the artifact as soon as possible, take care."

"Li Zhan, the soul door is mainly a mistake, the old man is only asking you!" Huang Yuyun looked at Li Zhan cold channel.

Li Zhan quickly said: "The elders are assured that their subordinates will do their best to help the soul master."

After Xiao Chen’s three words, he and Li Zhan went to the east of the ghosts and went to the Gorefiend Palace. They had to go through the ghosts, so the four are now on their way to the ghost town.

Among the ghost halls, Xing Feng still did not trust, and immediately looked at Bai Xi, saying: "Protect the law, immediately send ten black shadow troops to secretly protect the soul of the door, this matter can not go wrong, the potential of the soul door is terrible, must be protected The safety of the good soul master can be explained to the evil spirits, and the second is to the ghost hall."

Bai Xi naturally understood the interests of it, and nodded: "The old man will go to the black shadow army."

On the flight, Xiao Chen asked Li Zhan: "Li Zhan, what is your distant cousin?"

"Now it should be the early stage of the ghost, the soul of the master, my cousin's temper is amazing, I am afraid, no one in the Gorefiend Palace dare to provoke her, she started the fire, everything is done, but usually not angry If you are a good person, your personality will be the same as that of a man. It is the kind of love that is very affectionate, and the road is not the same as the help of the knife. But because of this personality, it often causes trouble, the ghost is famous for the tigress." He smiled and smiled. He remembered his cousin, and he was afraid after a while.

"Tiger? No?" Wu Hao was shocked.

"Fire cloud, what's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all the way, is there something wrong?" Xiao Chen looked at the fire cloud and asked all the way to find the fire cloud is very strange, and he didn't know what to think. what.

Wen Yan, Huoyun quickly said: "Oh, huh, huh, nothing."

Seeing the dodging eyes of the fire cloud, Xiao Chen knew that there must be something, but the fire cloud did not want to say, Xiao Chen did not ask.

"Fire clouds, some things must be put down, otherwise you will always live in pain." Wu Hao looked at Huoyundao.

The fire cloud smiled and said: "I know, I need some time."

"It has been six years, how much time do you still need? If you don't help Xiao Chen this time, I don't think you will go to the ghosts." Wu Hao did not feel good.

"I believe she is not that kind of person, she must have her own difficulties." Huoyun smiled a little sadly, and his heart was very low.

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