Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

126 Prince Wyatt's ascension (2)

What in heaven's name happened when she was asleep?

She couldn't even imagine what could have led to such an event. The first time she probed his ascension level after discovering that he was ascendant, she was shocked to find out that he was rank 1, 6th circle ascendant.

However, after careful contemplation, she figured that he was much higher than that and had only suppressed his ascension level, because the woman named Annabelle, who was stated to be under him seemed stronger.

And she was right. He was strong!

She gulped. His ascension level had already broken through the second rank and still rose sharply.

'He is too strong!' It was just a thought. Yet, the sight in front of her made it sound more like an already-known statement.

"BANG!! BANG!!!" Heavy series of someone banging on the door sounded from the door.

She wanted to move and run away, but it was too late, she was already consumed by the element. The flame grew larger and larger until it was a raging tornado that seared everything within its borders.

The water started to flood the room, filling it up to her knees. The floor shook and trembled, causing the walls to crack and crumble. The wind whipped around her and brushed against her clothes and hair...

"PRINCE WYATT!" She screamed, again.

Her heart began to throb in fear. Her face reeked with anxiety as her impending death came closer….

"BANNNGG!! CRAACCCK!!!" The door to the room broke open. Nina turned her to the side and caught a glimpse of the woman who had serviced Prince Wyatt this morning.

She figured that the woman was just a mortal…. "GET BACCK!!" She yelled. Nina gritted her teeth in frustration. "GE….. Huh!".

Everything stood still and slowly….. disappeared.

Her eyes hurriedly flickered around the room. And then they landed on Prince Wyatt, whose body was still obstructed by the winds and shards of rock swirling around him.

Suddenly, the cloth wrapped around his face fell off and his eyes snapped open. His body gradually lowered and his feets touched the ground. He looked around the room and winced at the sight of the damage he had caused.

'This is probably going to cost a few thousand gold coins' He thought. He expressed with a heavy sigh "If I knew that being this special would cause such an event, I would have chosen a much-secluded location".

Nonetheless… 'If I go by Annabelle's explanation, then I should be in the late circles of the second rank or am I already in the third rank' He could feel his strength raging like a torrent within his body.

"I finally feel like I have gotten control of my abilities" Prince Wyatt muttered, "…. Now, let's test it".

He stretched out his hand the moment his word fell. He channelled his magical energy and tapped into the sensation his mind had unclogged before. Magical energy burst from his body almost instantly. But it was more restrained and controlled than before.

First, he summoned a small flame and made it dance across his palm. He felt the heat radiating from the flame and the warmth it brought to the room.

Next, he called upon a small stream of water and made it flow around his feet. He enjoyed the cool sensation of the water against his skin.

Then, he made the floor beneath him start to rumble and shake. He could feel the earth moving and shifting beneath him, and he revelled in the power he had over it.

Finally, he summoned a gust of wind and let it swirl around him. He felt the wind lift his hair and rustle his clothing. It blew the dirt off of him and dried him off.

Prince Wyatt spent several seconds in the room, playing with the elements with his palms before they vanished. He had never felt more alive or more in control.

"But why does it have to be a cliché ability?" His nose furrowed. A sudden thought hit him and ran his hand through his hair.

"At least, I didn't become bald" He thought.

"Ahem!!…." A sharp voice penetrated his ears. He turned his head to the side, and his eyes were met with a furious Claire.

"It seems like we finally have your attention" She spoke. Her teeth ground against each other in anger.

"Claire.." Prince Wyatt sighed exaggeratedly when he saw her expression "This was a mistake" He said.

"Yes, it was..." Claire hissed. "This was a mistake you caused that almost cost me many of my customers!" The tone of her voice increased "For goodness sake, I almost had ascendants who were dead drunk, wanting to run up here thinking that they were under attack"

"I am deeply sorry for that" He apologized. Business was business. And there was nothing to be proud of for attempting to destroy someone s source of livelihood" I will pay every single damage I caused".

"You know what? " Nonetheless, Claire couldn't help it. The man she was talking to wasn't just anybody. Her eyes diverted from his gaze and flickered across the room when the burst of several vulgar thoughts burst into her head.

"You better have money more for it. Come to my office, we need to talk about the cost of the damage, the cost of your disturbance and the people that had fled during it, and also…. "

She turned around and walked towards the door ".. Some other things" The faint deviant glint in her eyes flashed as she walked back to her office.

"I will" Prince Wyatt said. He stared at Claire's back until she was out of sight. His gaze turned towards Nina.

She flinched backwards in fear almost stumbling on the chair that had landed on the ground behind her.

He raised his legs to stroll forward. His magical energy gathered within it, and the moment his feet touched the ground, he….. vanished.

And instantly, he appeared, in front of her.

"Fast!" Nina's eyes widened.

Prince Wyatt looked at her worriedly. He examined her body and frowned at her haggard appearance.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"NO!" Her voice seemed a little high pitched than usual. "No! I am okay" She was relieved. Yes, she was okay now.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded "I am".

"Alright. Let's go" Prince Wyatt said.

"Go where?" She stared at him dumbfoundedly as he walked back to pick his clothes and trenchcoat to wear them.

"To find the people that tried to kill you and burnt your library of course".

She bit her lips "Why?". She knew she asked a stupid question. From his attitude, she could already anticipate his answer.

"Revenge" She could feel the tonal apathy in his voice.

"I left them once, they came again. If I let them off again, these guys might succeed in killing you the second time" He said as he buckled up the button of his trenchcoat.

"I didn't believe that they were that stupid to retaliate after seeing my abilities. But their actions had proven otherwise".

"You want.… to kill them?" Nina asked. She didn't know if he could feel the rigidity of his voice.

"Yes" He stared at her "Do you have a problem with it?".

She bit her lips, harder. "What if I do?" She didn't know how to feel. She didn't.

Prince Wyatt's words had separated her heart between two choices. On one hand, she wanted to see them suffer for almost attempting to kill her. she wished that she could crack their skull and leave them for the dead for burning her library and book.

Yet, this was a group that she had stayed with and bonded together for several weeks. Either she became a forgiving saint or a vengeful killer.

She was torn in between!

"Then good for me and you. Because it shows that you have a forgiving heart" He spoke with a smile, before turning around and walking towards the door.

"After all, we can't have two vengeful killers in the family. The equation needs to be balanced" Prince Wyatt added. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment from his newly attained powers and couldn't help but try them out.

And what better way to test them out, than on a group of low-rated mobs "Now, let's go. The sooner we are done, the lesser our problems will be in the future".

'Our problems' Nina thought. Her heart fastened as she caught his look. The understanding dawned on her.

She gulped inwardly, and walked forward, following behind Prince Wyatt who equally walked forward with more swaggered and confident steps.

As they walked down the steps and passed down the halls that felt much more scantily than when they first walked in, probably because of the disturbance they-- 'He' had done, she couldn't help but think what would happen when Prince Wyatt meets Seal's group.

Yes. She could imagine, and her imagination didn't paint a beautiful picture.

"You are supposed to be leading the way to their hideout, Nina".

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