"Bones" I said, my gaze fixed on the bloody area of the sea, where a hint of apprehension lingered in the air. I knew he had already discerned who the blood belonged to.

"Yes, master," Bones replied, his little furry head tilted to the side, his eyes mirroring my own.

"Can you swim?" I asked, curious about his aquatic abilities.

Bones nodded his head in affirmation, but I could sense a subtle hesitation in his response.

Undeterred, I smiled, my mind made up. With a swift motion, I stretched my right leg forward and--

"Captain!" The sound of Mad John's familiar voice pierced through the air, causing me to snap my head backwards in his direction.

Retracting my legs, I scanned the area and to my surprise, I noticed not only Mad John, but also three of my last remaining crewmen standing close by. Seadog, Beric, and Omm had joined him, each of them gazing at me with expectant eyes.

In a powerful salute, Mad John bellowed, "We are awaiting your orders, Captain!" And as if on cue, the others followed suit, standing at attention and awaiting my next command.

My eyes scanned the faces of my remaining crewmen, and even though they tried to mask it, I could sense their underlying anxiety, fear, and apprehension that permeated the air.

Despite the war and carnage that surrounded us, I couldn't help but appreciate the courage of my crew. They didn't cower or hide in the nearest corner, and that was enough to earn my admiration.

Also, the realization that my crew, despite being mere humans, possessed such courage, brought an involuntary smile to my lips.

Courage was one thing I now knew that they didn't lack!

"Release the sail" I ordered, my eyes locking onto Beric and Omm.

"Aye, Captain!" Beric replied promptly, followed closely by Omm, who was dragged away by the former.

Turning to Mad John, I commanded, "Steer the ship forward".

Without missing a beat, he shouted, "Aye, Captain!" and set about his task with the utmost efficiency.

Finally, my gaze fell upon Seadog. "Prepare the cannons, and fire at will" I ordered, my voice firm and resolute.

Seadog nodded in acknowledgment before dashing into the ship, his footsteps echoing throughout the deck as he made his way towards the lower levels..

With all my crew members now assigned to their respective posts, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Despite our limited manpower, we were still able to operate with the efficiency of a much larger crew.

As I looked out at the vast expanse of the ocean before me, I felt an overwhelming urge to immerse myself in its depths. Without hesitation, I strode forward and hurled myself into the water.

"SPLASH!" The sound echoed across the deck as I plunged into the depths below.

As I submerged myself, it took a moment for me to gain my bearings, but soon I found my direction.

With a sudden burst of energy, I propelled myself forward with unmatched speed, slicing through the water like a precision-guided torpedo.

"WHOOSH!" The sea parted before me, and I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Within an instant, I found myself face-to-face with Toothless, her furry hide now coated in blood and her wounds leaving pieces of flesh floating aimlessly around her.

"Full Heal!"

Channelling my magical energy, I cast my most powerful healing technique upon her to mend her injuries

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Roooar!" She gave me a reply, her voice sounding a little tamed and mellowed.

"You can return back now and rest" I assured her, activating my 'Temporary space storage' to pull her into its vortex, leaving only her bloody remains to drift in the sea.

Hopefully, her injuries wouldn't be that bad to turn her from a predator into a prey.

With a powerful stroke, I propelled myself upwards through the churning sea. As I emerged from the waves, I commanded, "Bones, make me a path on the sea!" Bones, ever obedient, nodded his little head and immediately set to work.

In a matter of seconds, a frozen solid bridge materialized atop the roiling waters, leading towards Captain Crimson Eye's fleets. With unwavering confidence, I hoisted myself up with my sinewy arms and planted my feet firmly on the icy surface.



The deafening roar of cannons filled the air, echoing off the walls of water that surrounded us. But I strode forward undaunted, my back straight and my gaze fixed on the enemy ships ahead.

Of course, to expedite matters, I could have commanded Bones to freeze the turbulent waters around us, but no -


The path ahead of me was obliterated, bursting and scattering into shattered ice and dust as a cannonball violently collided against it. Nevertheless, I remained silent, because Bones' magical energy flared up immediately, and almost instantaneously, the bridge was reconstructed as if nothing had happened.

I had no intention of freezing their ship; I wanted them to face death head-on and run, only to discover that their hope was false, and to finally accept the inevitable and inescapable outcome.

That was what I desired for them to experience. Therefore, I extended my right hand and pushed my elemental ability to its limits, unleashing my magical energy like a ferocious wolf-beast running amok in its surroundings.

A spark escaped my hands and landed on the surface of the ocean, defying the laws of physics that barely existed in the first place. A bush of burning fire raged on the surface of the sea, casting an eerie glow on the depths of that area.

But that wasn't all.

As I channeled my magical energy with each step, the flames erupted into a fierce inferno, each flicker dancing in harmony with the next until they intertwined into a mesmerizing display. It was as if the very elements of nature had bowed before me, offering their support in this battle against the idiotic pirates who dared to defile their seas.

With every passing moment, the flames grew stronger, their energy pulsing with an untamable power. The heat radiated off of them in waves, searing the very air itself. It was as if the sun had fallen from the sky and taken refuge on the sea.

And with the tornado of raging fire now impossible to ignore, even if they were miles away, I flicked my hand and commanded the flames forward.

And the tornado of raging flames obeyed.

As it swept forward and approached its prey with an unnatural momentum, the world became quiet.

The sounds of waves, churned by Annabelle's spirits, went still.

The cannons, that spat out fire and metal, went silent.

And even the loud voices, that were carried along with the wild winds, were muted as the tornado of raging flames struck -


The ship within my vision was set ablaze, its once peaceful surroundings shattered by anguished shrieks. Each cry echoed the excruciating agony that engulfed its victim, sending shivers down the spine of the nearest vessel. Even though they were spared from the torment, a foreboding sense of doom washed over them, leaving them paralyzed with fear.

And within their moments of hesitation, I summoned every ounce of my magical energy and propelled myself skyward, shattering the frozen bridge beneath my feet and hurtling towards the burning ship.

I made a promise to them to ensure a slow and painful demise, to strip away their hope and force them to watch as it withered before their eyes.

And, I planned on keeping to that promise.

The deafening sound of impact reverberated as I crashed onto the deck, splinters and chunks of wood flying in every direction.


Suddenly, the piercing cry of "INTRUDER!" shattered the eerie silence, accompanied by the overwhelming heat of the raging flames and the dense ash that obscured my vision. Undeterred by the daunting threat, I braced myself as a horde of men, old and young, charged towards me with sharpened blades, each set on ending my life.

"Whoosh!" "Crunch!!"

Flesh divided and bones cracked as my hand penetrated through a man's chest, and all he could do was stare at me 'dead in the eyes'.

Hah! I can't believe that I can still make a line like that in this situation.

"Whoossh!" "Crunch!!"

My body once more sprang into motion, nimbly dodging a lethal array of blades aimed at my neck, chest, and various other vital positions. No matter how fast they moved, I was faster.

Their blows were formidable, but mine were indomitable, smashing through their skulls and painting the scorched wood a deep shade of crimson.

One by one, bodies fell lifeless to the deck as I weaved my way through the crowd, delivering punches that were enough to render a man unconscious forever. Despite the presense of few ascendants - from late 1st rank to middle 2nd rank - it didn't matter as they all fell the same way, lying in pools of their own blood.

Within minutes of my arrival, the once-vibrant ship was ablaze, and every living thing that had once breathed the breath of life had ceased to exist, returning to the realm of their maker.

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