Fantasy: 10,000 Times The Return, And A Supreme Bone At The Beginning

83. Each Shows His Magical Powers, Chen Chan Destroys Supreme!

"According to the decree of the Son of God, kill the Celestial Immortals today!"

Zhang Lin's voice was mighty, spreading throughout the territory of the Celestial Immortals.

Some young clansmen who are still preparing for battle.

Hearing this voice, there was a puzzled expression in his eyes.

Seems like a family fault?

"Breach of promise?"


"Who the hell are they?"

The faces of the Supreme Elders in front of the mountain guard formation were uncertain.

If it is the big cultivator of the Three Thousand Dao Domain to ask the crime.

There is nothing wrong with them, they can only pinch their noses and admit their mistakes.

But only these few young people in front of them, tell them to admit their mistakes?

I really can't get rid of this old face.

"Kill the Celestial Immortals?!"

"What a breath!"

"I will take you down today and teach the elders in your clan to lead people!"

The breath of Chen Chan and the others was too young.

Thinking with your toes, you also know the forces behind them, and the Immortal Ancient Star Region can't afford to mess with them.

It can only be suppressed by force, and when the time comes to negotiate with the big cultivator of the Three Thousand Dao Domain, say something nice and strive for leniency.


heard the words.

Zhang Lin's face darkened, without hesitation, he directly shouted in a low voice.

"Array, get up!"

The voice fell.

The mountain guards of the Celestial Immortals changed for a while.

Countless dense chains of order gods flickered in the void.

Divine thunder roared, thunder and lightning intertwined, and swords, lights and swords traversed irregularly.

boom boom boom!!!

swipe swipe!!!

whoosh whoosh!!!

All split into the Celestial Immortals territory.

All the Celestial Immortals clansmen affected by the formation were all directly smashed, and their spirits and souls were completely wiped out.

for a while.

The screams resounded throughout the territory.

The Celestial Immortals originally maintained and upgraded the mountain guard array for hundreds of thousands of years.

It became the reminder for the low-level disciples of Celestial Immortals19 clan.

There are many clansmen who have participated in the upgrade of the mountain guard array in the past.

At this moment, he is dying under the divine pattern that he arranged.

"Ah... Elder help!"

"Also ask the Elder to kill the enemy!"

"We live and die with the Celestial Immortals!",

"I don't want to die..."

All kinds of painful screams and tragic roars can be seen everywhere in the territory.


"You are courting death!"

"Your elders can't save you, I said so!"

"Do it!"

Time for a few breaths.

The people of the Celestial Immortals clan suffered numerous casualties.

The eyes of several Supreme Elders in mid-air were bloodshot.

The menacing and ferocious flames seemed to tear Chen Chan and the others into pieces.

They also act decisively and act decisively.

"Damn it!"

"What the hell did they do?"

Several Elders discovered that when they were about to rush out of the mountain guard formation.

But they found that they were isolated by the mountain protection array.

Among them, an Elder took out the jade talisman that controlled the mountain guard formation, and kept hand seals with his fingers.

It seems to want to regain control of the formation.

But he found that no matter how he handed the seals, the jade talisman never responded.

The Elder shook his head with an ugly face and said, "No way.

"Look for the weak point of the formation and attack!"

The rest of the Elders looked ruthless, and attacked the formation decisively and decisively.

Their faces are a bit ugly, the big formation that they were proud of in the past.

At this time, it has become a mountain that hinders himself and others.

If the formation was broken a second later, hundreds of Celestial Immortals would have died.

Fortunately, they are also familiar with the mountain protection formation.

The direction of the attack is basically the weak point.

In just a few breaths, waves in the shape of ripples appeared in the mountain protection formation.

See this scene.

Zhang Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he even showed a sneer.


"More despair is yet to come!"

"Position, get up!"

Zhang Lin quickly handed the seals with both hands, pointing towards the ground.



Around the territory of the Celestial Immortals, the flags that Zhang Lin and Chen Xuanqing had set up before exploded directly.

A series of explosions sounded.

The Immortal Ancient Starfield is full of treasures.

Not to mention the Celestial Immortals, who are the four major races of Xiangu.

Countless underground spiritual veins gather here.

At this time, these spiritual veins in the ground exploded directly.

The turbulent energy collided fiercely together, causing an even louder explosion.

For a moment, in the territory of the Celestial Immortals clan, myriads of gods spewed out.

If it's normal, they will be very happy.

But now these divine glows have become reminders for ordinary disciples of the Celestial Immortals clan.

"Detonate the leylines?!"

"When we come out, I will tear you to pieces!"

The eyes of several Supreme Elders were bloodshot, and they glared at Zhang Lin viciously.

"After detonating the leylines, the mountain protection formation is gone." It can be the source."

"They will break through soon, be careful!"

Zhang Lin smiled, as if he didn't see it.

After finishing these two things, Zhang Lin stepped back and let Chen Chan and Xu Mu take the lead.

"The evil field cultivator..."

Looking at the large number of dead and injured in the territory of the Celestial Immortals, Xu Mu murmured.

This alone has directly reduced the population of the Celestial Immortals by 50 to 60%.

It can be described as extremely terrifying.

Even Zhang Baoen, Yaoguang and others looked extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lin, who is usually easy-going and talkative, would be so terrifying when he raised his hands.

"Damn it, after I go back, I'm going to intensify my study of the Immortal Jue of Group Characters."

With a wave of his hand, the powerful enemy was wiped out.

There is no one who does not want to have this means.

"Let's go back and talk about it."

Zhang Lin rolled his eyes and looked forward with a solemn expression.

"The formation protecting the mountain is about to be broken, trapped minister!"



Following Zhang Lin's words, the voice fell.

The mountain protection formation that had no energy source suddenly broke open.


When the mountain guard formation broke open.

Xu Mu roared directly, and his body grew suddenly.

The seven stars between the eyebrows and the fake seven stars in the eyes flickered frantically.

In an instant, it turned into a titan with a height of 1000 feet, with the sky above its head and the nine secluded feet on its feet!

A savage and desolate atmosphere spread.

"Barbarian, start your show!"

Seeing Xu Mu's real body, Tai Chu also got excited.

He still can't forget the scene where Xu Mu wiped out all the ancient creatures and immortal natives with one punch.

"Hey, is this Dao Gu?"

"Damn it, it turns out that Xu Mu is so strong, it seems that I have to work hard, I am the first man to follow the adults!"

Sensing the aura from Xu Mu, Zhang Lin unconsciously felt a crisis in his heart.


"Does this race really exist?"

Several Supreme Elders also frowned slightly.

Obviously they also recognized Xu Mu's origin.

"Go down and ask the young people in your clan!"

Xu Muweng's voice came from high above.

"Shenzhen, all the military cultivators!"

"Witchcraft, the peak becomes a mountain!"

"Devil Dao, reverse life and death!"


"Ancient Dao, Wuxian!"

Xu Mu's attack is the strongest method!

He understood that although Zhang Lin had killed more than half of the Celestial Immortals people.

But those who can survive will only become more powerful, and their hearts will be full of murderous intentions.

He can't control that much, just do his best.

Thinking of this, Xu Muyun picked up the old way and walked directly towards the Supremes in front of him.

Today, he is practicing the Indestructible Sutra.

Although the time is short, but with his talent and physique, it is enough.

"How dare!"

"With only seven stars in the past, dare to challenge Supreme!"

"Then we'll tear you apart first!"

The Celestial Immortals are so miserable, they have already turned red eyes.

It doesn't matter which family Chen Chan is from, and how can he care about bullying the small by the big?

At this moment, they all squeezed their fist or palm prints, feeling sleepy.


Xu Mu sneered, and the speed of the impact did not decrease at all.


Xu Mu collided directly with the six Supremes of the Celestial Immortals clan.


There was a huge, fleshy beating sound suddenly.

Xu Mu let out a muffled snort.

Facing the angry shots of the five Supreme Elders.

Xu Mu didn't have any injuries on the outside, it's just that there were some shocks between his internal organs.


"The physical body of the Seven Stars Ancient Clan will never be able to withstand such an attack!"

"Damn it! It's the royal family of the ancient clan!"

The faces of the five Supreme Elders were astonished, and some couldn't believe it.

In the collision just now, their viscera were almost displaced, and their chests heaved violently at this time.


Xu Mu roared again, shaking the void.

Then it rushed directly into the hinterland of the Celestial Immortals without looking back.

"Damn it!"

"947 stop him!"

"With such an ancient race, letting him in would be a disaster!

The five Supremes immediately divided into two, trying to stop Xu Mu.

A single Supreme, although it can defeat Qixing Daogu.

But it is also impossible to kill in seconds.

With this time, Xu Mu is enough to kill a large number of Celestial Immortals people.

This is a picture they absolutely do not want to see.

"Damn the ancients!"

"Come back to the old man!"

The two Supremes chased after Xu Mu before a breath of time.

Just at this time.

Behind Xu Mu, there was a blue sword grass swaying gently.

Upon closer inspection, the grass has nine leaves.

As the sword grass swayed, the void around it met the Divine Armament like white paper, shattering inch by inch.

It was Chen Chan who the five Supreme Elders had been ignoring.

When Xu Mu transformed, she stood on Xu Mu's shoulders.

Compared with Xu Mu's body, it looked extremely low.

And their attention was basically on Zhang Lin and Xu Mu.

The cursive sword formula was also passed on to her by Chen Xuanqing.

Coupled with the blessing of Qinglian Sword, the power is beyond words.

"not good!"

"What a strong Sword intent!"

Sensing the Sword intent on the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, the two Supreme Elders were terrified and their expressions changed drastically.

They clearly perceive that the Sword intent on the Sword Grass can pose a fatal threat to them!

when they want to get away.

A cold voice came into their ears.

In this case, it looks very much like the reading tank who came to die in The Underworld


Chen Chan whispered softly.

The voice fell.

An extremely bright Sword Ray filled the eyes of the two Supreme Elders.

As soon as Sword Ray arrived, the endless Galaxy Cluster shattered, and the void became nothingness directly.

The two Supreme Elders could vaguely see the starry sky beyond nothingness.

This is also the last picture they see in the world.

Sword Ray was too fast, plus they were defenseless, and when they collided with Xu Mu just now, the vibrations between their viscera had not yet calmed down.

Sword Ray falls.

The two Supreme Elders of the Celestial Immortals family fell.

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