
On the top of the mountain tens of millions of miles high, Yu Lan suddenly felt something.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the calm sky high up, seemed to have some realization, and whispered inexplicably.

"Did the future body come because someone peeked into my future?"

The familiar feeling disappeared for a moment, but Yu Lan still noticed it.

The countless imprints of the Gate of Eternal Life in the body also suddenly resonated, echoing with the hazy and unpredictable unknown existence.

The only one who can resonate with the imprint of the Gate of Eternal Life is himself.

There is no doubt that that is the future Yu Lan standing at the end of the avenue, looking back at the past at an incredible level.

The fate of a person's life is full of confusing variables.

There are countless changes and possibilities, and each possibility and choice represents a completely different destiny.

The higher the potential of a person, the more so. Therefore, the fate is unpredictable and extremely difficult to predict.

These countless possibilities depend on external factors and their own choices.

The vast majority of people will only evolve the middle possibility into reality between the highest possibility and the lowest possibility.

And in countless parallel dimensional worlds, the trajectories of fate are different.

Maybe it has reached a realm beyond imagination, or maybe it has faded away early.

This is the theory of parallel worlds.

Everyone has an infinite future and infinite possibilities.

But this is only theoretical.

If this statement is true, then everyone can be the strongest.

They are all god emperors, they are all Daluo, and they are all unknown creatures who play with time and reverse cause and effect.

Infinite futures, divided into countless alternative selves, there will always be one who will make the perfect choice and achieve the highest level.

But if a person really becomes a Da Luo who closes the loop of time and integrates the past and the future.

Then, as Da Luo will be in the future, he will inevitably wrap up his entire timeline, and there will be no period of weakness.

Even when he was just born, he would be an omnipotent Da Luo.

But if not now, it proves that he will never be able to become Da Luo forever.

Even if there are countless dimensions of time and space and countless timelines, the possibility of becoming Da Luo is less than zero.

As long as you are not Da Luo now, then no matter how much future you have, you will never become Da Luo in a certain time and space.

This is the theory of reverse cause and effect. Destiny has already been determined, and tomorrow can never go against nature.

However, the reality is not that extreme, and Yu Lan naturally does not agree with this statement.

Because this statement suits everyone except him.

The path of destiny is under his control, so why do you say that your destiny has already been determined?

It can only be said that he is destined to become an incredibly illogical person.

The future body looks back at the past and has made a final decision. Every timeline of his life is filled with absolute factors that will inevitably lead to the pinnacle.

Plotting cause and effect seems to be a nonsense theory.

It seems that apart from being born at that level, it is impossible to reach it no matter how hard you try, and the possibility of becoming it is zero.

But if you rise step by step the day after tomorrow, after possessing the power of reversing cause and effect.

Directly modify one's own past from the time level, giving oneself the concept of innate invincibility.

Isn't this a reflection of cause and effect?

For a moment, Yu Lan seemed to realize something, and there was an indescribable brilliance flowing in his eyes.

His future is not the future, it is the past, it is the present, it is everything, it is eternal and unique, and it is eternal.

All timelines are coherent and cannot be separated. There is no such thing as Yu Lan having no future.

Everything is destined, not destined, but higher than destined.

Everything comes from itself, without distinction.

The future body that just appeared was not him.

Rather, it is a trivial branch, one of countless possibilities that must become true.

"Is it the unknown source of power that caused the fall of emperors in ancient times? See? The origin is not simple."

There are colorful lines flowing on Yu Lan's fingertips.

It is the interweaving of the threads of cause and effect and destiny, just like the conclusion of the original principles of law.

The mysterious and unpredictable energy spreads out, escapes into the void, and extends into the outer starry sky.

Yu Lan stared in that direction from afar, and could clearly feel an obscure and deep energy brewing in the invisible darkness.

And there are endless evil thoughts sweeping in from all directions, as if they want to swallow him into darkness, and there will be no recovery.

"You still don't want to give up your illusions after seeing the truth. Do you want to forcefully change the future?"

“What a pity, I am the reality you can never reach.

Illusive creatures can only survive in illusory imagination after all.

Once it touches reality, it shatters like a bubble and ceases to exist. "

Yu Lan had no wave in his eyes and spoke indifferently, not caring about the terrifying existence dormant in the unknown.

Change the future?

Just a pitiful fantasy.

Why should he care, why should he deliberately target it.

Everything is destined, and the foregone conclusion has become a fact. What can be done to shake it?

At this time, the true body cannot come out. Do you want to regain your full strength and then appear in the world to kill?

Yu Lan agreed with this idea of ​​​​destroying life.

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