The moment the long sword appeared in his hand, the spiritual power on his body bloomed again, and an extremely fierce aura emanated from his body.

Fu Tianyu suddenly broke through Ye Tian's suppression and stood up. His hair and beard were in disarray, and he said fiercely:"I thought I could crush you with my physical strength, but I miscalculated!"

"But Ye Tian, next, you will feel the terror!"

As Fu Tianyu spoke, a phantom of mountains and rivers appeared behind him, and a phantom of a giant sword stretched across his back, emitting a terrifying aura.

""Sword King Holy Body!"

All holy bodies carry natural power, and the flow of strange phenomena also has the intention of attacking.

After this strange phenomenon appeared, Fu Tianyu's full strength appeared. He entered the holy body with the Sword King Body, and the sword intent he cultivated was integrated into the strange phenomenon and transformed.

He made his whole person like a divine sword, sharp and intimidating!

""The peak sword intent can cut down a foundation-building disciple!"

As Fu Tianyu spoke, the long sword in his hand turned over, and suddenly a divine light exploded.

It seemed that he had used a skill, combined with the power of the Sword King's Holy Body, making the long sword in his hand like a soul-snatching blade.

In the huge sword light burst, wherever it passed, people changed color!

It was just as he said, the current combat power was far beyond many ordinary foundation-building disciples.

The power of the Holy Body could kill enemies above their level.

""Boom boom boom!"

Countless air squeezed and made explosions, and spiritual power scattered, shooting out gravel.

Ye Tian's expression changed slightly. Fu Tianyu's move had already exceeded the strength of the foundation-building period.

The long sword in his hand must not be an ordinary one!

This is his killer move!

"This sword has surpassed the strength level of the Foundation Establishment Period. Fu Tianyu is so strong!"

"I thought he was defeated, but I didn't expect he had such a terrifying killing move. He is indeed a genius!"

"He should be the strongest Qi training stage disciple among the holy land's disciples!"

"Ye Tian is probably in danger. No matter how powerful he is, he can't withstand such a terrifying blow.……"

The people watching the battle were all shocked.

The elders of the Hongmeng Holy Land also watched the battle with burning eyes.

Fu Tianyu's master, the elder, smiled even more, and the worry on his face disappeared.

He looked solemn just now, and almost thought that Fu Tianyu had lost, which was really embarrassing for him.

Fortunately, he still had a killer move, and this time he could turn defeat into victory!

""Nine Transformations of the Spirit King!"

At this time, Ye Tian on the stage also shouted and performed this technique without hesitation.

The opponent was a Saint Body, and so was he.

But Fu Tianyu had a family technique to improve his combat power, and he might not be able to get any benefit from relying on the Saint Body alone.

So he used the technique he got last night.

This was Wang Teng's family technique for strengthening the body, which could temporarily improve the strength of the physique!

When Wang Teng used it, it improved the King's body to a level close to the Saint Body.

Although it was a short-term improvement and would soon fall back, it was also extremely terrifying and could be considered a killer move!


In an instant, Ye Tian felt that the spiritual power in his body suddenly boiled and rushed to his limbs.

As his whole body trembled, he felt an extremely strong force gathering in his chest.

He felt that his arms were full of strength. He didn't know to what level the Supreme Bone had raised his physique.

He felt that there was an abundance of power in his body, and he punched out.

A terrifying divine light suddenly burst out from his fist, carrying a majestic power of the vast world.

He swept out brazenly!


A moment of silence!

And then there was a loud bang!

The entire gambling arena exploded in an instant and shattered into pieces.

Fu Tianyu's shocking sword was shattered by his punch before it could reach Ye Tian.

And the divine light on his fist burst out and swept across the sky.

After breaking the sword intent, he directly blasted him under the gambling arena in Fu Tianyu's horrified eyes with a domineering posture!

Embedded in the earth alive, half buried by rubble!

Fu Tianyu's spiritual power was directly blown up by a punch, and he had no power to fight back.


Fu Tianyu screamed, his face full of misery.

He looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost:"How can you be so strong? My strongest attack was easily broken by you!……"

"Supreme Bone, can it really crush me?"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief. After the power in his body blasted out, he felt extremely relaxed.

"I have 10,000 ways to deal with you!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, too lazy to explain.

Facing Fu Tianyu's sword, he did have many ways.

He didn't use the Heavenly Emperor Sword Intention, the Supreme Realm, or such killing moves. He just tried the Nine Changes of the Spirit King and found it was quite powerful.

However, it also used up nearly half of the spiritual power in his body, so it was a consumable big move!

"Recover your spiritual power."

Ye Tian took out a handful of Qi-training pills and stuffed them into his mouth. The spiritual energy contained in the Qi-training pills instantly turned into spiritual power and circulated throughout his body, replenishing the consumed energy.

At this time, the system voice came from his mind, which made him slightly stunned.


"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement: taking 500 Qi-training pills!"

"Rewards: 1 Big Smoke Pill, 1 Concealment Pill, 1 Charm Pill!"


Achievement of taking drugs?

After Ye Tian realized it, he immediately showed a happy expression.

"This system also has an achievement function? Achieve achievements and you will get pills as rewards!"

There were 666 Qi-training pills left before, and I just ate more than 100 of them. I actually got achievement rewards for more than 500.

After pondering, he took out a handful of Qi-training pills and ate them again.

In the end, he did not get any more achievement rewards.

"It seems that each achievement is only awarded once"

"I don't know when other achievements will be available.……"

I checked the pills I got and saw that they were already lit up on the list in my mind system.

"Smoke Pill: After taking it, it can transform into cigarettes to satisfy the host's appetite, while restoring spiritual power and injuries on the body!"

"Concealment Pill: After taking it, the host can hide his body, and cultivators below two major realms cannot detect it!"

"Charm Pill: After taking it, the host's every move will shine with a shining light, and the charm will be full!"

After reading the explanation of these three pills, Ye Tian understood a little.

The pills obtained by completing tasks are all used to improve strength.���

The pills obtained by achieving achievements are all auxiliary in nature.

This big smoke pill can actually transform into cigarettes from the previous life? And it can also heal injuries?

"What a cool operation!"

He suddenly found it interesting, and he was looking forward to seeing what other cool operation pills there would be in the future.

It must be fun!

"The task issued by the system should be completed, right?"

After defeating Fu Tianyu, the sound of the task completion still did not come, and he was a little confused.

Could it be that someone else wants to challenge me?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian looked up and found that the gambling arena was full of disciples.

There were many people in the Qi training stage and the foundation building stage.

They all exuded a strong aura, just like the genius disciples in the holy land.

These people looked at Ye Tian as if they were looking at treasures.

Most of them thought that he was almost exhausted after defeating Fu Tianyu, and wanted to pick up the leak.

Even the other two king-body Tianjiao women were eager to move when they looked at Ye Tian.

Defeat him, and the position of the Holy Son will be at your fingertips!

This kind of temptation made many disciples speak impulsively:

"Holy Son, we want to challenge you!"

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